Chapter 299
Zeyuan: "Pig girl? KT's move of pig girl feels a bit forced. Although it can indeed have a good cooperation with Daomei, but your AD is Senna, unless you can get a big core in the middle in the second round, otherwise there is no In the case of trolls, this Ornn may cause KT a lot of headaches in team battles."

Remember: "Yes, it depends on how the two sides do BP in the second round. If Kuro can get a hero like Tsar, that's okay, the impact will not be so big."

At the beginning of the second round of BAN, KT first banned the enchantress on the fourth floor of the red square.

The blue team backhanded BAN off Tamm, dismantling the classic Tamsena combination.

KT finally sent Kassadin to the BAN position.

Zeyuan: "Yaoji and Kassadin, the second round of KT's BAN players have a strong sense of wanting to take the Czar. They obviously also think that they should add a big core in the middle, otherwise they can't beat the opponent Aoun."

Remember: "Let's see if T1 wants to ban the czar? Anyway, Tamm is also banned, and the last ban position should still be given to Kuro."

Before the words fell, the blue team really banned the czar in the last move.

At the beginning of the selection, the red side locked the time on the fourth floor when the czar was disabled.

Zeyuan: "Hey! The time has also been adjusted! Kuro also learned the mid laner time from BDD? In the last round of the regular season, BDD played the mid laner time against KT.

Of course, the mid-lane time effect didn't look very good. I can still vividly remember the scene where I was rushed into the Dragon Pit by Brother Cheng's Riven. "

I remember smiling: "Is it just vivid? Now whenever I think of the scene where the five of GEN·G were beaten up by Cheng Zi, does Brother Guan still feel so heartbroken that he can't breathe?"

"That's not enough, not enough."

Anyway, it’s not a GEN·G game, Zeyuan’s tone is cheerful, “I can only say that Brother Cheng played really well. League of Legends is a team game, but you can never ignore the ultimate individual heroism, and this is also the game played by Brother Cheng.” That's why it's so popular."

Remember: "Brother Guan's sadness will not be mentioned in advance, KT's hand time should be more likely to be a mid laner at present, and the bot lane time is not quite right for Gasena."

Zeyuan: "Although the time is very unexpected, but I have to say that KT's BP is too hard! I don't know how to play the four heroes that have been shown here. Except for Daomei, there is no harm. The heavy burden is all on Brother Cheng Zi."

Remember: "I feel that KT's last move is really not good. You can shake it again, and turn the time to the bottom lane. It seems that it is okay to play a clockwork in the middle and let Daomei bring the ball into the field."

Thresh was first locked on the fourth floor of the blue square T1.

The current version of Aphelios has a lot of supports that can be partnered with. In the entire LCK Spring Split, Thresh is actually not the hero with the most partners with Aphelios, and it depends more on the lineup.

T1 has been thinking about the last move for a long time, but has not revealed a hero for a long time.

Zeyuan: "There are still many choices for T1. Clockwork and even Akali and Snake Girl, which Brother Li used before, are good choices."

Remember: "Yes! The lineup of T1 is too solid when the clockwork is taken out. Basically, it develops steadily until the middle and late stages. KT has no chance to play at all. After all, it is a three-core lineup.

The same is true for Snake Girl, and even has an advantage over Clockwork Snake Girl, that is, she is not afraid of Daomei rushing to her face.

And although Akali's flexibility was greatly reduced due to the cut of a big move, Akali in this lineup poses a great threat to Shi Shi and Senna, and no one can keep it under Akali's surprise attack. They, as long as they force out the big move of time, there is very little room for Daomei to play. "

After the words fell, the blue party showed Zoe with the last hand.

Zeyuan: "Zoe is also a good choice. Compared with heroes like clockwork, Zoe's ability to push the line and roam in the early stage to cooperate with teammates is much stronger, and it can also put a lot of pressure on the top laners."

Remember: "Looking at it this way, T1's lineup is really good. Except for the fact that the male gun's jungler gank ability is not that strong, the overall feeling is still very three-dimensional. No matter what KT's last supplement is, it will definitely not be able to match T1's lineup in terms of damage. compared to."

KT's last pick did not hesitate, and directly locked Galio.

Zeyuan: "Yes! KT has really assembled a lineup of four guarantees and one sword girl. No matter how Galio and Time divide the line, it will not change the fact that KT can only win with the sword girl."

Remember: "Single-core lineup vs. triple-core lineup, it will be really difficult for KT to win this round, unless Brother Cheng can really penetrate T1's top lane and let Tian Feidaomei end the game in the mid-term."

Both teams are confirmed.

Blue square T1:

Top Road: Canna (Hidden Flame of the Mountain, Ornn)

Jungler: Cuzz (Outlaw, Graves)

Mid lane: Faker (Twilight, Zoe)

Bottom lane: Teddy (Sun of the Crescent Moon, Aphelios)

Support: Effort (Soul Lock Warden, Thresh)
Red square KT:

Top Road: Cheng (Blade Dancer, Irelia)

Jungler: Bonno (Fury of the North, Sejuani)
Mid Lane: Kuro (Guardian of Time, Zilean)

Bot lane: Aiming (Soul Cleansing Holy Spear, Senna)
Support: Tusin (Colossus of Justice, Galio)
"Since the lineup has been selected, Lin Cheng, you can play freely."

Kang Dongxun patted Lin Cheng on the shoulder.

When the BP Tsar was banned in the second round, the team had completely decided to play the game around Daomei, and the last two moves, Galio and Kieran, completely provided Lin Cheng with a fault tolerance rate for entering the field.

Lin Cheng nodded, he will prove that the trust of his teammates and coach is worthwhile.

With a few final instructions, Kang Dong-hoon turned and went to the center of the stage, bowed to T1's coach Kim Jung-soo, and then left the stage.

The game is loaded, and the live footage is finally given to the players' seats.

Lin Cheng stared at his screen seriously, and the original painting of Dao Mei and Lin Cheng's ID lit up on the big screen directly above him.

On the Korean Stream commentary table.

The host and guests discussed for a long time around KT's extreme lineup.

Yoon Subin: "After 1096 days, we will meet again in the finals. In the spring of 2020, the third telecommunications battle to decide who is the king of the LCK will finally start."

Kwang Seok, who was ridiculed by the LCK audience for always paddling, answered:
"No one expected that KT would choose such an extreme lineup under such circumstances. They chose to fully believe in Cheng. This young top laner has led KT all the way to the present, and his teammates still believe in him. Lead KT to victory."

"Burden on your shoulders."

Yoon So Bin used this adjective, "The feeling of carrying a heavy burden is that all KT fans are looking forward to your every move.

Player Lin Cheng!

All fans of KT are watching you!
After waiting for three years to meet T1 again in the final, KT fans really don't want to continue to get hurt. "

(End of this chapter)

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