This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 300 To run or not to run?

Chapter 300 To run or not to run?

On the loading screen, Daomei's battle dance is elegant and fierce, and the light blue blade is flying gracefully.

Lin Cheng was having a final exchange with his teammates before the game.

"I want to press harder, Jin Jifan pay attention to protect me."

"You can rest assured to press the line, I will be optimistic about the position of the male gun."

In terms of runes, Lin Cheng chose the main series of Precision: Conqueror, Triumph, Joy, Fatal Blow, and the secondary series of Enlightenment: Biscuit Delivery, Magical Shoes.

Entering the game, Lin Cheng bought a potion of corruption and went straight to the triangular grass on the road.

Lin Cheng was not in a hurry to place his accessories. Under the cover of Galio, Bono took time to lower his field of vision to the side of the blue square F6, and then returned to scan.

Following Xiao Bing on the line, Lin Cheng deliberately stood in the grass above for a while.

I didn't see Ornn's figure, the opponent may be helping to fight blue, or he may be hiding in the grass behind.

Lin Cheng swayed around the bushes in the middle for a couple of times, and waited until the health of the three melee minions dropped, before he went out to AQ to kill one of the minions.

Due to the minion's aggro scanning mechanism, after Lin Cheng made up the first minion, there happened to be a melee minion on the red side who left the team and ran towards the ranged minion on the blue side.

The line of soldiers was drawn, and Ornn had already emerged from behind.

At this time, there are two melee minions on the red side who are almost bloody, one is in front of the long-range minions on the blue side, and the other is farther away.

Aoun stepped forward, standing next to his long-range minion, ready to take down two residual blood minions with a Q at the same time.

At this moment, Lin Cheng used his hand Q skill, Blade Impact.


Daomei turned into an azure light and shadow, killing two little soldiers with blood in a row.

And just when he crossed the last bloody soldier, Aoun, who came up to throw Q, entered the assault distance.

The azure light and shadow didn't stop at all, and Dao Mei drew a zigzag line and went straight to Aoun without showing her figure.

Aoun's Q skill has just been used, and she saw the sword girl rushing over quickly, crossing Aoun's body and waving the blades around her.

Raise your hand while attacking normally, click on the floor to cancel the swing and move forward to press the position. The extra attack speed brought by the 4-layer passive makes Lin Cheng's A move extremely smooth.

Canna could only run back after repaying the basic attack, and the three ranged soldiers couldn't give him much courage at all.

Even if the sword girl doesn't stack up a full layer of passive extra damage, it is impossible for Aoun to stand up to the conqueror sword girl at the first level, and the exchange of blood is doomed to lose.

4 times!The high attack speed and outstanding attack distance allowed Lin Cheng to successfully complete 4 basic attacks before Aoun pulled away, just in time to hit the conqueror.

If Ornn hadn't turned around so decisively, he would have suffered the next general attack from the conqueror.

Although Aoun was not touched after stacking the conquerors, Canna was cut off by a third of his health.

Zeyuan: "Brother Chengzi is a very fierce swordsman, you are sure you dare not fight with me, just go up and chase Aoun with a shovel."

Remember: "Don't say it! I feel that he, the sword girl, is more fluent than others in sliding shoveling and walking A. It makes sense to choose so confidently."

After driving Aoun away, Lin Cheng was not in a hurry to push the line. After the second wave of soldiers arrived, he replaced the last remaining ranged soldier with blood, and then ran to the grass next to the river to put down the jewelry eye.

The red square next to the blue square F6 below has not yet found the figure of the male gun, which means that Cuzz can basically be sure that Lan Kai will go down.

Bono's pig girl's open wild route starts from the blue BUFF in the lower half of the area, and Lin Cheng is going to wait for the cannon lane before pushing the pawn line.

At that time, the pig girl will just come over, and if there is a chance, she can surpass Ao En.

However, Lin Cheng wanted to keep Aoun's blood volume as low as possible before that.

Taking advantage of the knife girl to go to the ward, Ao En came up and threw a Q to fill up the soldiers, and lowered the blood volume of the soldiers by the way.

Although Aoun will suffer a lot when facing Daomei when he is at a low level, Canna does not completely shrink back and wait for the opponent to push the line into the tower.

For professional players, there are different options even when dealing with stress.

If you go up the road with your own jungler in blue and hide under the tower, unless you are sure that the opponent does not know the route of the male gun to clear the jungle, otherwise it is basically tantamount to calling the opponent's jungler to come over the tower.

Lin Cheng returned to the Q skill to kill the first bloody melee soldier in the second wave, and rose to the second level.

When Q killed the little soldier, Daomei immediately pulled up the position, so that Aoun was not so vigilant.

At this time, the line of soldiers was still relatively open, and Aoun took the opportunity at the bottom to make up for another red soldier with residual blood, which was also promoted to the second level.

But at this moment, the blue square soldier in the middle entered the killing line, and Lin Cheng directly used his Q skill to attack with a sharp blade.

While Daomei transformed into an azure light and shadow and rushed forward, a light blue blade shot out and landed behind Aoun.

Q killed the soldier, and the second blade fell to Daomei's feet.

The two blades landed almost at the same time, and they pulled together in seconds.

Lin Cheng used his Q skill to dash forward to hide the E skill start animation. Although the movement was hidden, Canna still reacted.

When it was too late to learn E to pull back, Canna learned W skills in seconds to shoot.

Ornn began to spew flames, and the unstoppable nature of the bellows flames negated the stun effect of Twin Blades.

However, the imprint of winged double-edged still exists.


After subconsciously handing over W, Canna knew it was not good.

He is also a sword girl player, and he knows that trading W is not a good choice in this situation.

But in that situation, he just subconsciously handed over skills to resist and control, and no one can guarantee that he can always make a correct judgment in an instant reaction.

Just when Aoun shot W, Lin Cheng had already backhanded A and attacked the pawn in front of him.

Because he deliberately opened the distance of two Es to hurt the minion, this minion also entered the Q skill killing line.

The sharp blade strikes the hand.


Daomei turned into light and shadow again, drawing a zigzag line in the air and directly attacking Aoun below.

Just when Aoun's W skill was over, the sword girl who rushed over after AQ killed the soldier smashed the mark on his body, and slashed out with a backhand.

Lin Cheng used the passive attack speed of the fourth floor to press the position and go to A.

Because Daomei's Q will cross the target's position a little bit, Aoun can't quickly open the distance even if he turns around the first time.

One sword, two swords, three swords.

A small golden ax emerges, and the sword sisters are full of conquerors.

Aoun had already retreated to the outside of the tower, and when Lin Cheng was about to go up to continue the fierce attack, he suddenly found the figure of the male gun in the field of vision just inserted into the river.

Depend on!It came so fast.

Lin Cheng really didn't expect that a third-level male gun would appear on the road at two minutes and 20 seconds. At this time, Zhu Mei was still at her red BUFF.

Obviously, Lin Cheng's aggressive style of play made Cuzz unable to sit still.

Generally speaking, the jungler in the game will not hand in punishment in the first half of the area. Cuzz can come up so quickly, which obviously increases the speed of clearing the jungle by directly handing in punishment.

Lin Cheng glanced at his position.

Should I run or not?
 I may ask for leave tomorrow, and my eyes are too tired by the time I finish coding a chapter today.

  The sun is out today, and my eyes are dizzy and dizzy in a brighter place outside. I am going to be blind, right?
(End of this chapter)

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