This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 301 One shot, I will complete the lore

Chapter 301 The next shot, I will complete the lore
Zeyuan: "Oh! Brother Cheng is playing too fiercely! The male gun directly rushed over after clearing the first half of the area. You must know that the junglers in the game are almost never on the wild monsters in the first half of the area. Just pay the punishment, Cuzz is fighting for the journey."

Remember: "But Brother Orange is in good condition, Cuzz should just come up to warn, the male gun does not have a red BUFF, there is no chance to kill, see if you can force a flash?"

After seeing the male gun, Lin Cheng turned around and Q'ed the bloody soldier, stacking a full layer of passives.

But because she chased Aoun to the outside of the tower just now, the position of Daomei was still copied by the male gun.

Lin Cheng gave the blue Fang Xiaobing an A first, then turned his head and retreated.

The male gun W smoke bombs are shot from a distance, and they are stuck in the rear position ahead of time.

Daomei's blood volume is relatively healthy, and it is difficult to kill. Cuzz wants to keep Lin Cheng's state as low as possible, so that Lin Cheng can no longer put more pressure on Aoun.

Of course, it is very profitable to force a flash.

Lin Cheng pulled back immediately after being hit by the smoke bomb.

When Daomei crossed half of her back row of soldiers in the smoke screen, the male gun leveled A and shot.

As a result, just before the male gun Ping A shot, Daomei in the smoke screen suddenly turned around and took a step back.

At this step, the corner of Daomei's clothes that had just been exposed shrank back, and the shotgun from the male gun was blocked by the soldiers.

Xi Ba!Hang up on the opposite side!
Cuzz would love to suspend reporting.

Although male gun players often encounter the embarrassment of being blocked by minions online, the opposite sword girl has no outside vision at all in the smoke bomb.

It's too fake to suddenly turn around spiritually.

Of course, Lin Cheng didn't know the outside situation, but before he was blocked by the smoke bombs, he knew the position of the male gun, and probably knew the angle at which the male gun would block him, and the turning around when passing the soldiers was only subconscious. reaction.

Seeing the soldiers being repelled, Lin Cheng also knew what happened outside the smoke screen, and just as he was about to continue operating, he saw fiery red lava ravines spreading from the ground.

Aoun, who was originally being chased and slashed by Daomei, leaned over and threw out a Q skill from a distance.

This volcanic ditch not only hit Daomei, but also hit the long-range soldiers behind Daomei who was disabled.

The gunpowder bomb of the Q skill is at the end of the road to kill the long-range minions blocking behind Daomei, and the male gun is fired at close range to level A, and then begins to reload the bullets.

Due to being slowed down, Daomei, who suffered the damage of the second stage of dead end, has only about one-third of her blood volume left.

Although the Cuzz male gun has no fancy operation, but the choices are very reasonable. When the male gun is stuck in the upper position and reloads, the male gun still has E, and Cuzz has faintly moved to kill.

But he didn't know that Lin Cheng's murderous intent was stronger than his.

The moment Lin Cheng took two steps back and walked out of the smoke bomb, he raised his hand A to shoot upward.

Before the men's gun bullets were reloaded, Daomei turned into a blue light and rushed down.

Remember: "Brother Chengzi moved spiritually and hid the male gun in the smoke bomb to level A, but he got the second-stage Q of the male gun. This blood volume is a bit dangerous, why don't you dodge it?"

Zeyuan: "Hey! Daomei Q has gone back! Not only does he refuse to dodge and run away, but he even wants to go back and kill people? Isn't that right? Even with this blood volume, he will definitely not be able to escape even if he kills Aoun."

Remember: "It's on the top! Aoun still has a flash, and it may not be able to be replaced."

Lin Cheng's sudden downward Q was beyond Cuzz's expectation, and the male gun that was originally stuck on the top quickly leaned down.

There were only two blue long-range minions left on the field, and the minion that Lin Cheng attacked just entered the killing line before retreating.

And because Ao En came up to throw his skills, he happened to be next to his own soldier, and now the girl who killed the soldier directly slashed at him with a knife.

Ornn turned on the W bellows flame in person.

Under the blessing of the full passive extra attack speed, Lin Cheng made a general attack and immediately took a step to the side, and then slashed at Aoun with a knife. After Ping A raised his hand, he immediately took another step back.

Canna, who finished breathing fire, found that he couldn't hit his basic attack immediately.

Although Daomei was still marked as fragile, Lin Cheng's position happened to block Aoun's attack distance.

With the full layer of passive and the blessing of the conqueror, Ornn, who had a third of his health, was almost crippled by the knife girl twice.

Similarly, the blood volume of the bellows Yanxi Daomei is also ugly.

Canna was very decisive, and chose to dodge directly when Daomei was pulling, and knocked out with a hammer.

Knock out fragile, and the sword girl turned into residual blood.

And because of the fragile knockback effect, Lin Cheng couldn't attack Aoun immediately.

At this time, Cuzz's male gun was already approaching under the blessing of phase rush, and the E skill quickly drew his gun and hit his face.

Open fire!
After all, the fragile time to repel the stiffness was too short. At the moment when the male gun fired a bullet, Lin Cheng handed over the flash.

Daomei appears above Aoun's right side.

Four projectiles flew past in a fan shape, just hitting Daomei's left side and falling into the air.

The ballistic of the male gun is quite special, not only will it be blocked by units, but it can also be dodged by displacement skills.

Lin Cheng's flash adjusted the position very precisely, avoiding the flying angle of the male gun's bullets, and at the same time just stuck in the limit attack distance to make a general attack on Can Aoen.

The face-to-face impact of the sharp blade completes the beheading.

"First Blood!"

Zeyuan: "Brother Chengzi still wants to pull, but Aoun flashed and knocked fragile! Dao girl wants to give it for nothing... Wow!!! Flash hides A! This person reacts so fast! Aoun gave it for nothing!"

Remember: "However, the male gun can complete the finishing touches, and it is acceptable for both sides to change the top laner."

After Aoun was killed, the male gun opened fire again.

There was a delay in Kaixuan's recovery, but because of the early drug use and the instant recovery effect of the Q skill, Lin Cheng just locked 9 drops of blood and did not die.

The triumphant recovery took effect, and Daomei leaned towards the male gun in two steps.

The male gun was being reloaded and could not attack immediately.

At this time, the third wave of troops has arrived.

Lin Cheng silently calculated the reload time of the male gun, stuck in his position and slashed at it.

The moment the male gun was reloaded, Lin Cheng pressed the Q skill in advance.

Daomei turned into azure light and shadow and pulled upwards violently.

The male gun raised his hand a step later, and the shotgun fired missed again.

When Cuzz was on the top, he attracted the hatred of the minions, causing the only remaining long-range minion on the blue side to not receive any attack for a while, and it has not died until now. Lin Cheng happened to use the residual blood minion as a springboard.

After being stuck in the face to avoid common attacks, Cuzz was obviously on the top, and he flashed directly into the pile of soldiers and shot him in the face.

But the blood volume provided by Daomei Triumph cannot be solved with one shot now.

Lin Cheng slashed with his backhand, and a light blue blade flew behind the line of soldiers below.

Twin Blades has cooled down.

Cuzz has finished firing two bullets, so he moves to reload.

Just one bullet!
The next shot, I'll finish the kill.

(End of this chapter)

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