This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 302 Can a Flying Dragon Ride a Face Lose?

Chapter 302 Can a Flying Dragon Ride a Face Lose?
Zeyuan: "Kaixuan bleeds back, wow! Outrageous! Brother Cheng used Q skill to avoid the general attack of the male gun! He is still showing off, Cuzz flashed A in the face! We must shoot this sword girl today .”

Remember: "But isn't this flashing unnecessary? Daomei didn't flash anymore, and I feel that Cuzz is a bit over the top."

After Lin Cheng released the first stage E, he was not in a hurry to release the second stage E. He threw the second blade when he made another general attack.

The light blue blade landed at the male gun's feet, and he pulled it out with both wings.

The male gun failed to move, and Ping A, who had just loaded the bullet, fell into a dizziness before making a shot.

The cluster of knives on the side of Daomei came out.

Lin Cheng made a general attack and immediately took a step back to go around behind his own soldiers, buying himself time to recover the medicine.

The male gun who woke up went forward with a general attack, but found that his shotgun was a step slower and was just blocked by the soldier.

It's head-scratching!

This is why many male gun players only like to help clear the line in the early stage and not like to help catch people, especially when their top laner is pushed to the line, they will find that the minions on the opposite side are really annoying.

Cuzz adjusted his position again.

Zeyuan: "Sword Girl's E skill is hit! The male gun hits A and is blocked by the soldiers. Chengzi brother Qin Wang is still showing off around the pillar! Isn't it? Can you run away for him?"

Remember: "Hey! Brother Chengzi didn't want to run away, is there any chance to fight back?"

When the male gun stops attacking with one bullet left, it will automatically reload for two seconds. Without waiting for the opponent to reload, Lin Cheng takes the initiative to raise his hand and attack through the soldiers.

The male gun adjusted a step, pulled the trigger out of the angle of the soldier.

Lin Cheng had already used the Q skill to cancel the back swing of the basic attack, and Daomei smashed the mark on the male gun first and returned a small amount of blood.

The belated bullet turned Daomei into blood again, but because Lin Cheng has been taking drugs and the reply provided by the Conqueror and Q skills, Daomei did not die.

At this time, Cuzz discovered a terrifying fact:

His blood volume is already very low.

The damage of a sword girl full of passives and conquerors is very high. The male gun with a huge blood volume before can be brainless, but now the male gun's blood volume is very ambiguous.

Cuzz found another scarier thing:

His male gun had to be reloaded again, and the skill still had at least two seconds to cool down.

The light blue blades lined up around Daomei strike out again.

At the moment when the basic attack made the front swing, Lin Cheng's Q skill canceled the back swing.

Daomei rushed behind the male gun, and once again raised her hand to attack.

Cuzz is about to be reloaded.

However, Lin Cheng completed the lore first.

"Double Kill!"

"I didn't kill him with one shot... The man's gun is out of bullets! AQ~~~A! It really killed me! Brother Orange~~~"

Zeyuan suddenly raised his voice: "My God! Is this Brother Chengzi's Daomei? This is too beautiful! Cuzz is like a fool in front of Brother Chengzi!"

"Hey! I can't say that. It should be said that this wave of Cuzz is as simple as a blank sheet of paper. The details of Brother Chengzi are really terrifying. A trace of blood locks the bullets that keep dodging the man's gun and then fights back. The reply provided by the corruption potion at this time is too It's very important, I didn't let Daomei be taken away several times."

I remember laughing: "According to our God's point of view, this wave of male guns actually didn't hand in flash at the beginning. If the position and other skills are stuck, the knife girl may not have much room to operate, but Cuzz obviously was dodged twice. It's up."

"No! Anyway, it's outrageous that this can be counter-killed! This is only a second-level sword girl! And when the sword girl was bleeding, the male gun still had more than half of the blood, and the flying dragon can lose by riding on the face?"

Zeyuan expressed that he could not accept it: "I have watched the game for so many years. The third-level jungler went to gank on the road. It was the first time I saw two people who were solo killed by others. Brother Chengzi really made me wonder where this game came from. question?"

"If you want to say that T1's Ueno may not have made the best moves, but it's not too outrageous. I can only say that Brother Cheng played really well!"

I remember sighing: "The trigger of Cuzz's male gun is almost broken, but his bullets are either dodged or blocked by soldiers. What do you think he can do?"

Zeyuan: "Is this the sword girl that Brother Cheng dares to snatch? T1's upper and wild heads have been crooked, Brother Cheng, don't show off! If you continue to play like this, the sword girl will buy a house in the BAN position."

"Fuck! This sword girl is so beautiful that she is insane."

"Designer! Look at this knife girl, should I cut it?"

"This makes me suspicious of life. Why is my sister Dao different from him?"

"Abaa! Is this the world's number one knife girl that Wan Wan talked about? But that's it! (Lemon)"

"Cuzz, it's true that the flying dragon was beaten in the face, it's too outrageous."

"A man's gun only has two bullets, and he has to shoot one shot every time, and then he will be beaten when he changes the bullets. This is too messy."

"As expected of you Cuzz, you were shown another face."

"Cuzz: Labor and management are also desperate, what can I do? The opposite side opened the lock and blood hanger."

"It's Triumph saving the dog's life again, brother Chengzi really deserves to be the owner of the Arc de Triomphe"

"Low EQ: Cuzz looks like a fool, high EQ: he's like a blank sheet of paper."

At this time, the Korean language commentary booth was already boiling.

"Wow~~~Cheng player! Is this your Irelia? This is clearly a monster! He's only level [-]!"

The caster stood up excitedly: "It's pleasing to the eye! It's really pleasing to the eye! As expected of Irelia who knocked on the door of KT, KT is determined to sign him because of his amazing performance, right?"

"It's really too extreme! He blocked Cuzz's basic attack many times, and blocked the weakness of the hero Graves too much."

CT answered: "Canna player should be lucky to be on the road because he has a resurrection coin because of the existence of TP, but Cuzz is not so lucky. Graves fell behind in the wild at the beginning."

Gwangseok is very real: "Can I still change my vote now? I want to support KT to win the championship. Cheng's performance made it hard for me to believe that T1 can beat such KT."

As for the LCK's English stream commentary, the reaction to Lin Cheng's operation is even more exaggerated.

The two bastards of Lin Cheng who were disliked by T1 fans were so short of writing a Bible for Lin Cheng on the spot.

After completing this wave of double kills, the teammate has already shouted 666 in the team voice.

Aiming: "Mo? What's the situation above?"

Tusin: "We've just grabbed the second place! Why did the higher-ups get double-killed?"

Bono: "Lin Cheng is nice! This wave is too handsome, and the two waves of dodging bullets just exploded. The reaction is really fast."

Hearing the compliments from his teammates, Lin Cheng muttered: "It's okay! Fortunately, Brother Cheng reacted relatively quickly, and was almost killed."

Bono: "..."

Is your reaction called barely faster?
Aren't we a bunch of old people then?
 I found that there were more than 700 votes in the last two days because of double monthly tickets. . .Any chance to reach 1000 votes? (hint)

(End of this chapter)

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