Chapter 320
After winning the second game, Lin Cheng took off his earphones and looked at the panel after the game with some confusion.

Why is my 4-5-5 data so eye-catching?
You know, the entire T1 team only won 7 heads, and he gave away more than half of them alone.

What the hell is Lee Sang Hyuk, why are you always arresting me?
In the third game, T1 took the initiative to choose the red side when they had the right to choose the side.

T1 still repeated the BAN in the previous game and released Aphelios.

KT also chose to grab Aphelios, but T1 did not grab Qinggangying this time, and gave up the combination of Kalista and Tarik first, and locked Verus and Rock Sparrow first with a backhand.

Although there are only playoff games recently, the priority of Poke flow Verus in the training of each team is indeed getting higher and higher, but the rock sparrow that T1 second-hand is really not a popular jungler now.

Not knowing the opponent's secret tactics, KT locked the Qinggang Yingjia card with a backhand, and got the double belt system used by T1 in the previous round.

In the second round, KT focused on the fierce BAN of the mid laner, preventing Faker from getting heroes like Tsar and Zoe who were crazy in the early stage to push the line to limit the roaming of cards.

However, what KT didn't expect was that T1 made up another spider in the red side at the end, shaking the chaffinch to the middle.

T1 was still in a posture to target Lin Cheng.

In the previous round, Nicole, the long-handed player, could torture Qing Gangying in the early stage of controlling the line. Lin Cheng was not as comfortable as the previous round in the early stage of this round.

The spider is not the wine barrel of the last round. In this round, Cuzz entered the blue semi-wild area in front of KT's vision.

It is impossible for Bono's pig girl to fight recklessly with the spider, so she can only choose to exchange wild areas.

Lin Cheng knew that he couldn't be pushed, so he played proactively in the first two levels, but Cuzz walked over unreasonably from the river after hitting the blue buff and forced Qinggang Yingjiao E to retreat.

Then the crocodile began to accumulate anger and chose to control the line.

Lin Cheng experienced Canna's feelings in the last game, Qinggang Yingju felt uncomfortable when the pawn line was charged in the front.

The difference is that in the last round Canna's pressure came from Lin Cheng who was facing up, but in this round Lin Cheng's pressure came from the spider in the wild.

The crocodile finally started to push forward the defense tower after gathering up the troops, and the spider's tower jump arrived as expected.

Although the field of vision had long been blocked, Lin Cheng also guessed that the spider must be nearby, but so many soldiers chose to give up, which was more uncomfortable than death.

Lin Cheng could only bite the bullet and eat the line of soldiers under the tower.

The spider came out from the triangle grass, and together with the crocodile blocked the Qinggang shadow under the tower.

Lin Cheng handed over the lock and wanted to run away.

The crocodile immediately flashed red anger W and shot Qinggang shadow to the side of the wall, and the spider picked up the cocoon.

Without any room for manipulation, the red angry crocodile plus the damage from the electrocution spider directly killed Qing Gangying.

Lin Cheng had already expected this ending since Bono was forced to switch to the jungler.

There are times when he will kill the crocodile against the spider, but at least his own jungler must give him some protection, so it is very difficult for the jungler to exchange jungle areas and let him go 1V2 by himself.

After all, the early damage and control ability of crocodile and spider are terrible, and they don't even give you room to operate.

Fortunately, Bono did not give up on Lin Cheng, and came up to provide protection in time after the first round of jungle clearing, and even put a real eye on the grass opposite the blue BUFF for Lin Cheng.

The spider jumped the tower twice in a row and was spotted by the vision ahead of time. Although Lin Cheng died once, due to the existence of TP, he was not far behind in making up damage.

In 6 and a half minutes, the spider once again cleared the blue side's field of vision in the river. Lin Cheng's Qinggang Shadow cast the line directly through the triangle grass, hooked down the river and kicked the spider unconscious.

Kuro's card's big move fell, and Qing Gangying cooperated with Qinggang Ying to kill the spider first.

The rock sparrow came on the back foot and wanted to cooperate with the crocodile to fight back.

But Bono's pig girl also arrived in time, but the crocodile was also left behind.

Lin Cheng's Qinggang Ying won the double kill and immediately became better.

Zeyuan: "Wow! This wave of Chengzi brothers seized the opportunity too well. In fact, Canna's crocodile was pushing the line, but he came a few seconds later than Chengzi brother. As a result, when the support came from T1, the spider had already been caught. Yes, the crocodile got in too."

Remember: "The synergy shown in the three games of KT is indeed better. When I saw the spider platooning, Qinggangying, Kaka and Zhumei were approaching the river at the same time, while the crocodile and Yan The sparrow only reacted when it saw the spider being caught online, but it was too late."

Zeyuan: "I think T1's last move to shake the rock sparrow to the mid laner is not effective at present. Although the burst is higher than that of the card, but the Q skill has no AOE and the ability to clear the line will drop. Rock There is no advantage in the mutual push line between the bird and the card in the early stage, and the control is also unstable."

T1's abacus played well, using the strength of the crocodile and spider to put pressure on Qinggangying, and the rock sparrow in the middle also has a strong support ability. No matter how you look at it in the upper half, it shouldn't suffer.

But things quickly exceeded T1's expectations.

KT didn't choose to go head-to-head with the crocodile at all in the early stage. Lin Cheng's Qinggang Shadow chose Tiamat for the first small piece, which has a strong wave-clearing ability.

Although the pawn line is not an absolute advantage, Lin Cheng got into the opponent's wild area for vision when he caught the crocodile and couldn't move.

Finally, the spider was caught by Lin Cheng's Qinggang Shadow when he hit the red buff.

The spider has a high burst in the early stage, but it is a super crispy skin in the true sense. Qinggangying kicks up with a big move first to keep people.

Although the rock sparrow also came to support the scene, but the spider's E skill landed and was given a yellow card by the card flying over from the big move.

The crocodile had just left the line at this time, and only the rock sparrow couldn't keep anyone, so he could only watch the two leave helplessly.

Seeing the card return line, the pig girl who came after Bono happily ran to reverse the opponent's red BUFF and then went to control the Canyon Herald.

When T1's next red BUFF came back to life, Tusin's Titan also stepped forward and followed Zhumei into the opponent's wild area to fight against the red.

The two squatted for a while, just in time to wait for the spider that came over again.

Zhumei swung her hand first, and cooperated with Tai Tan's control to kill the spider again.

In this way, the spider, which was supposed to be crazy in the early stage, became the breakthrough point of T1. Not only did it fail to bring the rhythm, but it was constantly killed.

The result of Spider's death in the wild was that the crocodile on the side was unable to defend the line, and Lin Cheng cooperated with his teammates to successfully take down the tower.

The snowball familiar to KT began to roll again. After the equipment advantage, Lin Cheng continued to cooperate with his teammates to plunder the wild area and switch lanes to support the tower.

There is a gap in the economy a little bit, and T1's Ue Nakano, who should have gained an advantage, is getting more and more unable to beat.

T1's lineup itself is betting on establishing a clear advantage in the early and mid-term. After being defeated in a wave of dragon team battles in 24 minutes, they no longer have the capital to fight against KT.

The next two consecutive team battles ended with KT crushing, and KT successfully won the game.

The duration of the three consecutive rounds did not exceed three 10 minutes, and KT easily won the game in straight sets.

(End of this chapter)

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