This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 321 Their Rule Begins

Chapter 321 Their Rule Begins
Even though he had expected it, at the moment when the opponent's base was demolished, Lin Cheng still couldn't suppress the excitement in his heart, and couldn't help raising the corners of his mouth.

"It's pretty easy."

Bono next to him tore off the earphones and slammed onto Lin Cheng.

"Yahoo! Champion! I really won."

Just as Lin Cheng was about to get up, Bono pushed him back, and quickly waved his hand, "Get up quickly, the mere league champion is not worth making a fuss about."

Bono stepped aside, and Lin Cheng raised his butt and stood up.

Teammates and coaching staff have all gathered around, unable to conceal their joy.

Perhaps Kang Dongxun was too excited, he staggered and almost fell on the stage.

Everyone laughed heartlessly, including the assistant coach who also seized the opportunity to laugh heartily.

Kang Dongxun coughed tactically to cover up his embarrassment. While straightening his tie and suit cuffs with a serious face, he secretly thought about how to remind these guys of his identity.

Kuro hugged Lin Cheng's shoulder vigorously.

"Finally won! Lin Cheng played well, believe me, you will have a bright future! Finally...thank you."

Kuro's tone had a completely different excitement from his expression.

Since his debut, Kuro has been known as a very hardworking player, but almost no one has praised Kuro's talent.

He is not Faker, nor is he a talented mid laner like BDD, Ucal, Chovy, or ShowMaker who had amazing performances in his debut season.

But he was also one step closer to the top of the mountain, and he also longed for glory.

He is 27 years old. He thought he was content to be ordinary, and he was silently waiting for the moment when he would retire.

Who ever thought that the original dream has never been far away.

Lin Cheng didn't react to Kuro's words, "Why are you thanking me? I wondered if you didn't get caught today?"

Kuro let go of him and thumped his shoulder hard with his fist.

"I declare! Lin Cheng, you are the number one top laner in the world."

Lin Cheng quietly looked at the camera next to him, and said in a low voice, "Don't tease me, you won't say that until you win the world championship."

Zeyuan: "Congratulations to KT! Congratulations to Brother Orange! They swept T3 0-1 very simply and neatly. In this way, KT successfully won the league championship for the third time in team history. They have surpassed KZ to become the team with the second most championships in the LCK league after T1. "

Remember: "Their performance is completely worthy of this championship. KT's winning streak has continued since the fifth round of the spring split, and they will enter the summer split two months later with their winning streak. It will be interesting to see who can end their winning streak then."

"Wuhu~~~Brother Cheng is at the peak of his debut! The first crown achievement is unlocked!"

"Brother Chengzi is awesome! The strongest domestic top laner."

"Today, T1 is too nasty, and was pressed to the ground and rubbed."

"No one really thinks that T1 can win, right? No way? Brother Chengzi hasn't convinced you yet?"

"Director, have you seen it? Bring this person back to Guodian next year."

Looking at the KT players in the camera, one by one happy like children, Zeyuan couldn't help sighing:
"Two months ago, who would have thought that this group of older players with an average age of over 23 could finally win the league championship? But such a group of old boys quickly huddled together after Brother Orange joined.

Their overall performance in this BO5 and even the entire regular season is far stronger than the other nine teams in the LCK.

This is really the most magical season of the LCK. KT climbed from the last place in the standings in the spring split, and then finally won the championship. This kind of counterattack script that should exist in the movie just happened in reality. "

Remember: "It can only be said that God rewards hard work! I still remember that last year Kuro said that his career is not much, but he still wants to stick to it for another year. He wants to win a championship and go to the S game again.

This year's persistence has indeed ushered in the dawn. Although KT has not yet confirmed the quota for this year's S competition, I dare say that this quota will not be able to run according to the way it is played.

The moon will not come to you, you have to persevere, and your dreams will come true one day. "

At this time, the director suddenly cut the camera to the competition seats on the other side.

Compared to the excitement over KT, this side is completely two worlds.

The T1 players lowered their heads and silently packed up their equipment, turned around and hurriedly exited the arena, leaving the stage to the winner.

Faker walked at the end with his bag on his back, and the camera kept pointing at the ID behind him.

Before walking out of the tunnel, he turned and took one last look at the silver championship trophy in the field.

Today, the trophy does not belong to him.

Zeyuan sighed: "It can be seen that Brother Li is still very disappointed. Although he has won eight league championships, he still maintains his desire for the next championship. This is really a very pure player."

Remember: "I still remember that after winning the Spring Championship last year, Brother Li cried on the stage and said that he regretted not leading his teammates to win the championship before. I don't know if his regret will be as strong today.

But e-sports is so cruel, the winner enjoys the stage and cheers, the loser leaves sadly,
No one can always stand on the top to enjoy the scenery, no one is forever young, but there are always people who are young, and there are always people who stand on the top. "

"I'm crying! I feel sorry for melon skin."

"Brother Li performed well today, but it's a pity that Brother Chengzi is too good."

"If Brother Li had teammates like Cheng Zi, would he not be able to win the championship?"

"Guapi: I can't win the championship without Enjing, tons, tons, tons."

"Brother Li's eyes are full of trophies, I really want to cry."

"The 25-year-old Lee Sang-hyuk looked at the trophy, and his eyes were full of his 20-year-old shadow."

At the moment when the game ended, the Korean commentary was much more dynamic than the Chinese one.

The Roaring Emperor CCM took his humming and the second general stood up and shouted in the studio, dragging his throat:

“KT Rolster~~~~”

CT: "Wow!!! The scene no one expected, the BO5 king T1 was absolutely crushed, KT easily completed the sweep and won the championship, this KT team is really too strong!"

CCM: "Unparalleled personal strength, suffocating operation, this KT team broke everyone's doubts with an unsolvable victory, and no one can measure them with previous eyes.

They are not the Galaxy battleship that can't fight tough battles, nor is it the team that was always overturned. This is a brand new KT.

I was not optimistic about them before the final, but now please let go of your previous prejudices.

They are an invincible team, they are the strongest team in the LCK this spring, and their domination has begun! "

CT nodded: "We have been discussing the difference between BO5 and the regular season, but KT really dominated most of the spring split, and their dominance will continue. I really look forward to having a team in the summer to shake their dominance. .”

(End of this chapter)

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