This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 322 Silence Lin Xiaocheng

Chapter 322 Silence Lin Xiaocheng

Leaving the competition seats, KT's five starters can't wait to gather around the trophy in the middle of the stage.

Bono took the lead to raise the trophy, Kuro took the lead and clapped his hands with dignity, and the others also cheered.

Lin Cheng turned his head and looked under the stands. There was no one in the audience. Isn't it a little awkward to applaud and cheer for himself?

"Lin Cheng, continue."

No matter what Lin Cheng thought, Kuro stuffed the trophy into Lin Cheng's hand.

It's pretty heavy to start with.

The shape of the LCK league trophy has a sense of design. The silver columnar lines form the whole trophy, which looks sharp and angular.

The top of the trophy is star-shaped, and the two sides are wing-shaped handles composed of columnar lines. The "star" and "eagle" logos representing the logo of the LCK competition area are engraved on the front of the cup body, and the base is engraved with the names of previous champion teams and the titles they won. time.

After today, KT's name will be engraved on the bottom of this trophy again.

He glanced at the army of paper figurines in the auditorium, and then at the camera that caught his face.

Although it is a little regrettable that there are no spectators, but when the S game comes, there will definitely be spectators below, right?
Lin Cheng raised the trophy high with both hands, and the silver cup shone brightly under the light.

The sky was covered with colorful ribbons one after another, and the camera screen recorded this moment.

Remember: "Congratulations to Brother Chengzi! He raised the championship trophy in the first season of his career. I believe this is just the beginning. There are still more championships waiting for Brother Chengzi to create. I think he must be happy now, KT fan , Brother Chengzi's fans must be happy now."

Zeyuan: "It's a pity that there were no audiences at the scene due to the epidemic, but countless audiences also witnessed this special moment with us through the live broadcast. Please continue to work hard! Brother Orange."

"Screenshot, this is my new desktop."

"Debut is the pinnacle! Isn't this the top lane Faker?"

"By defeating Lee Sang Hyuk to win the championship, Brother Cheng will be treated like the protagonist of the novel."

"Brother Chengzi is really handsome, I want to fencing with him."

The teammates held up the trophies one by one, the continuous casting machine in the commentary booth had already stepped onto the stage and turned into a live host, and everyone lined up in turn to prepare for a simple on-site interview.

CCM first interviewed Kang Dongxun, "Coach Kang Dongxun, he won the championship in his first season in KT, now please tell us your impressions."

Kang Dongxun was serious: "I am very happy to win the game. I am really excited and happy now."

Lian Caster joked: "Oh? But I can't see Coach Kang's excitement at all. Have you prepared any celebratory actions?"

Kang Dongxun also hadn't been interviewed on stage for a long time, so he forgot to excuse himself at this time, he clenched his fist and waved vigorously at the camera lens, and said in a very mediocre way: "Yes! Champion!"

Lin Cheng and Bono next to him moved their steps silently, creating a distance of two steps between them and Kang Dongxun.

This coach is so embarrassing.

Not only Lin Cheng, other players and assistant coach Acron were also secretly smiling.

Kang Dongxun, who was publicly executed, reacted and coughed tactically.

"Cough! The players have performed very well this season. I feel that I haven't done a lot. Finally, I want to say to the players: Everyone has worked hard."

The caster turned to look at Lin Cheng, "Cheng, how do you feel about your performance today? It's not easy to play against Canna, right? Especially in the next two rounds."

"No! It's actually really easy."

Lin Cheng was stubborn, but thinking that he was indeed being targeted very hard in the back, he quickly added: "It's just that when I confront them, it becomes a three-way line, otherwise I really don't have any pressure."

Lian Casting Machine couldn't help laughing, "It's true that the middle and wild players in T1 were all against Cheng today, but you still successfully carried the game, especially Irelia in the first round was really terrible. This is Cheng Is it the trump card that the players have been hiding all along?"

Lin Cheng: "I didn't deliberately hide anything, I just revealed it today with great confidence."

CCM: "Actually, Irelia is not a popular hero in today's version, but after seeing Cheng's performance today, I am afraid that future teams will not dare to let your Irelia be easily."

Lin Cheng stared at the camera and raised his eyebrows, "As long as you dare to let it go, I will..."

Just as he was about to say a few harsh words, Lin Cheng suddenly got stuck when he thought of something, and then changed the subject: "Don't ban my Irelia, please."


"Hahaha! What is this? Caught off guard."

"Put the harsh words in half, then suddenly turned a corner, 233333."

"Talent! This is the first time I have seen this scene."

"I can accept whatever cruel words Brother Cheng says, and this is the end?"

"To be reasonable, Brother Cheng only used Daomei once. It would be too tragic for a BAN to buy a house."

"This humble person is Brother Chengzi? Ye Qingjie."

Lin Cheng's true face has already made CCM burst into laughter, and the KT team members behind them are all struggling with their heads down.

"Ah! I forgot to say congratulations."

Lian caster looked down at the card in his hand, "Player Cheng created a new season solo kill record with 35 solo kills after the game just ended, can you share your solo kill secret? No player has ever been able to solo kill The season reached an average single kill rate of more than 1."

Lin Cheng: "Actually, I didn't intend to kill so many people. It's just that the opposing jungler and some mid laners always like to catch me. In the end, they didn't catch me but was killed by me. So I killed so many people for no reason." people."

"Listen, listen! Is this a human language?"

"I don't need to say more about who this 'some mid laner' is?"

"Brother Li: What criticism are you talking about? Is this mid laner implying me?"

"Guapi: You can just report my ID number."

"Murderous! It's too much to talk about Brother Li after stealing the championship."

After interviewing Lin Cheng, CCM asked Kuro how he felt.

Kuro: "I am the oldest mid laner in the LCK this year. I considered retiring last year. Fortunately, I chose to join KT in the end."

Lian Casting Machine: "So, as a mid laner in the Spring Split, what is your secret to winning the game?"

Kuro thought for a while, and spit out two words: "Don't die!"

Lin Cheng almost laughed out loud, Kuro, this is too real.

As long as I don't die, my teammates will lead me to win the game?

It is true that Kuro tends to be stable and not make mistakes most of the time, but there is still a big difference between him and a bastard who gathers people to play games.

This season, Kuro didn't pull his hips in the key rounds of KT's disadvantage. The scene where Syndra and Tsar were desperate to save the team was one of the most exciting scenes in the LCK this year.

It's just that relatively speaking, there are not many times when KT needs Kuro to carry to win the game.

(End of this chapter)

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