This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 326 Let's date

Chapter 326 Let's date

After Bono's INS live broadcast room was launched, KT fans kept coming after hearing the news, and many domestic beauties also came over the fence.

As soon as a group of people came, they saw such an eye-popping performance.

"Big Brother! No, I didn't call you Big Brother just to watch you perform acrobatics."

"I'm so stupid! Is this the toughest guy in KT?"

"There's nothing wrong with a drunk tough guy, he wouldn't be able to do this without drinking half a catty."

"Brother Orange has another history, 23333."

"As long as drinking with an extra cephalosporin will not lead to the current situation."

"One pass operation is as fierce as a tiger, and it looks like two hundred and five."

"Are you sure that the drunkard with the vegetable leaves on his head is Brother Chengzi?"

"Judging from the pronunciation of the classic national curse at the end, there is no doubt that it is Lin Cheng."

Kuro glanced around the corner of the room.

"Are you OK?"

At this time, Lin Cheng shrank in the corner and covered the palm of his hand that had just chopped the table without saying a word.

Lin Cheng squatted down facing the corner of the wall, buried his head and said, "It's okay! A small injury is not fatal."

Kuro: "..."

Aiming: "It's good that he's fine, it seems that he's awake a lot."

Bono: "Wow~~~ The number of people in my live broadcast room has exceeded a thousand. Do you want Lin Cheng to perform another big boulder in the chest?"

Lin Cheng shrank in the corner and did not speak.

The crowd laughed.

In the following time, Lin Cheng didn't drink like crazy anymore, but he still looked drunk, eating and drinking like a walking dead.

After eating, everyone went home, and those who returned to the base were all ready to take the bus.

"Why don't you go back to the base with us? Just go home tomorrow?"

Kuro was a little worried about Lin Cheng's state.

Lin Cheng shook his head vigorously, his cheeks were still red, "It's okay, I'm not driving a taxi, I just feel a little dizzy, it's nothing serious."

Seeing that Lin Cheng did not appear to be unstable, Kuro simply stopped trying to persuade him and called a taxi for him.

As soon as he got in the car, after reporting the address, Lin Cheng leaned on the seat with his eyes closed and began to rest.

My head is really dizzy!Drinking sucks.

Why do my hands still hurt a little?

Did someone sneak up on me just now?

After an unknown amount of time, the driver woke Lin Cheng up.

It's already here.

Lin Chengxu squinted his eyes, and finally opened the car door, "Thank you, master, hiccup~~~I'll treat you to a drink some other day."

"Hey! You haven't paid the car yet."

"Oh, wait a minute."

Lin Cheng then went to pay, and asked while paying back: "Master, can I pay with Q coins? I also have bitcoins."


I hate drunks!
"Haha! I'm kidding, I'll give you money."

Seeing the driver's speechless look, Lin Cheng laughed, even if he was drunk, he still looked heartless.

He casually took out a 50,000 yuan note from his pocket and handed it out, Lin Cheng turned and left.

"Wait! I haven't asked you for any money yet."

Lin Cheng waved his hands without looking back, "You don't need to look for it, Brother Cheng invites you to drink."

The driver stared blankly at the 50,000 yuan in his hand, and then looked at the price displayed on the meter: 4000 yuan.

I like drunks!
Not knowing the driver's mental activities, Lin Cheng wandered to the downstairs of his apartment.

"Wait a minute, I want to get in the car."

Seeing someone getting on the elevator in front of him, he hastened to catch up in three steps and two steps at a time.

Inside the elevator was a middle-aged man with a simple and honest face. Lin Cheng didn't have much impression, he probably just moved here.

The man was about to press the button to close the elevator door, and asked casually, "Which floor do you want to go to?"

"How many floors?"

Lin Cheng thought for a few seconds, then suddenly turned around and asked, "That's right! Which floor do I live on?"


This, you really stopped me.

The man also often got drunk on social occasions, and gave a very pertinent suggestion, "If you forget, just ask your friends."

"That's right! I can ask someone else, someone will always know."

So, at the moment when the elevator door was about to close, Lin Cheng stretched out his foot to block the elevator door, and then rushed out staggeringly.

Running outside the apartment building, Lin Cheng raised his head and took a deep breath, cupping his hands into a trumpet shape and putting them by his mouth.

"Everyone upstairs listen to me!!!"

"You all come out!"

Lin Cheng's yelling spread throughout the community, and heads poked out from the windows of the apartment building.

"Look who I am?"

"Which floor do I live on?"

"Tell me if you know."


After Lin Cheng finished shouting with his body bent, he squatted on the ground.

In this situation, he still screamed desperately, and his head became more and more heavy.

There was laughter in the community, as if someone really told Lin Cheng which floor he lived on, but Lin Cheng didn't pay attention in a daze.

Soon, Han Shuyan hurriedly appeared downstairs in the apartment.


As soon as she got close, she smelled the alcohol on Lin Cheng's body, Han Shuyan blamed angrily: "Why do you drink like this? Don't you know that you can't even drink much beer?"

Lin Cheng raised his head, squinted his eyes at Han Shuyan and laughed.

"Sister Shuyan! I knew you wouldn't leave me alone."

Han Shuyan stretched out her hand to pull him up in a funny way, "Come up with me, what will it look like yelling down here?"

Lin Cheng was staggeringly led by Han Shuyan into the apartment building, complaining non-stop, "Where's Xiao Tong? That heartless guy doesn't even come out to see me."

Han Shuyan explained, "Little Tong is still playing games with headphones on, so I didn't hear your voice."


Entering the elevator, Lin Cheng was about to go down as soon as his body softened, Han Shuyan quickly reached out and hugged him.

This guy was obviously still yelling in anger just now, but now he leans on Han Shuyan as if he has no strength.

"Oh~~~It smells so good."

Lin Cheng leaned his head on Han Shuyan's shoulder, feeling that she smelled very good.

"It stinks." Han Shuyan gave him an angry look.

Lin Cheng chuckled, buried his head in her hair, and stopped talking.

"Why are you so drunk today?"

"I'm not drunk, just a little drunk, a little drunk."

Han Shuyan held back her laughter, this guy was obviously drunk and had to speak hard.

"Okay, if you're not drunk, you're not drunk. You'll rest first when we go up. I'll buy you some hangover medicine."

"Sister Shuyan."


Lin Cheng sniffed the fragrance in her hair, and muttered, "I like you so much."

"Got it!" Han Shuyan smiled.

Hearing her smile, Lin Cheng felt a little choked up, "I'm serious, it's not the usual kind of liking."

Han Shuyan still smiled and said: "I know, I like Ah Cheng too."

"Then let's date."

Han Shuyan froze for a moment, then turned to look at Lin Cheng's face.

He leaned on her shoulder, his eyes narrowed, his cheeks flushed with a drunken look.

Han Shuyan reached out and pinched Lin Cheng's nose.

"If you're serious, don't say it when you're drunk."

(End of this chapter)

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