This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 327 I'm Serious

Chapter 327 I'm Serious

The next day, Lin Cheng opened his eyes in a daze.

Hiss~~~ My head hurts.

Lin Cheng shrank down and covered his dazed head with the quilt.

It felt like someone had shot me in the head, and it was so painful.

Why is my hand so sore?

Oh shit!I seemed to be performing empty-handed breaking of boulders yesterday?

Never drink again.

Hmm~~~ What else happened last night?

After a while, Lin Cheng sat up abruptly.

I seem to say that I want to date Shuyan sister?

I confessed to her!

Everyone in Lin Cheng was dumbfounded.

Although he had confirmed his thoughts a long time ago, he shouldn't have confessed under such circumstances.

correct!How did Sister Shuyan reply?

Lin Cheng thought for two seconds, but couldn't get an answer.

Why can't I remember the most important place?
Lin Cheng patted his head hard with his hand.

Why did you lose the chain at a critical moment when you were riding a horse?
You have to be stunned.

Lin Cheng raised his palm and wanted to hit his head again.

However, he stopped when his palm was less than five centimeters from his head, and turned to punch the bed below him fiercely.

So angry!
If it wasn't because I was the one who hurt, I would have to beat you up.

So, what did Sister Shuyan say?

Did she agree?Or refused?Or is it only when I'm talking nonsense?
Could it be that she only thinks of me as a younger brother?
impossible!This kind of bloody plot can't happen to Brother Cheng and me.

right!Absolutely impossible.

Turning over and jumping off the bed, Lin Cheng walked around restlessly in the room.

He stopped suddenly and looked at the phone by the bed.

no!I'll have to call and ask.

He picked up his phone and found Han Shuyan's number, but he didn't dial it for a long time.

Sighing, Lin Cheng put down the phone.

As a result, after two seconds, he couldn't help but picked up the phone again.

After turning on the screen, he gritted his teeth and dialed Han Shuyan's number.

Die and die!Brother Cheng is going to fight like a man.

wrong!I was originally a man.

Just when Lin Cheng was thinking wildly, the phone was connected.

"Ah Cheng, are you awake?"

Han Shuyan's soft voice came from the phone, making Lin Cheng a little dazed.

I don't know why, but the restless and restless mood suddenly calmed down.

"Well, wake up."

"I came over to eat when I woke up. I prepared porridge for you."

"Sister Shuyan, last night I..."

"Come here to eat first, the porridge is already cooked, and it will be cold in a while."


Putting down the phone, Lin Cheng quickly finished washing and touched the next door.

The porridge and side dishes were already set on the low table. Lin Cheng sat on the floor of the living room, drinking porridge and eating steamed buns, while secretly looking up at Han Shuyan opposite.

It was past ten o'clock in the morning, and Xiao Tong was taking online classes in the room. Naturally, Han Shuyan had already had breakfast, and was sitting opposite her sideways watching TV.

She pinned her long hair hanging behind her ear, revealing her fair and delicate side face.

Sensing Lin Cheng's gaze, Han Shuyan turned her head and looked at his expression.

"Do you feel better? Is your head still uncomfortable?"

"It's just that I drank a little too much, and I'm fine now."

"a little?"

Hearing Lin Cheng's words, Han Shuyan scolded: "Don't get drunk again, and shouting downstairs at night will affect the neighbors."

Lin Cheng buried his head in a mouthful of porridge and asked without raising his head, "Sister Shuyan, did I say something last night?"

"You did say some inexplicable things."

"That's not inexplicable."

Lin Cheng raised his head and said seriously, "I'm serious."

"Are you serious?"

The corner of Han Shuyan's mouth raised slightly, "Are you really planning to practice the splits from today? You said you would perform the splits for me last night."


Lin Cheng was dumbfounded, did he say such a thing last night?
Seeing Han Shuyan's smiling face, Lin Cheng felt a little choked up, "You know I didn't mean that."

Han Shuyan lowered her eyes, her long eyelashes trembling uncontrollably.

"Then what did you say?"

"I said I like you." Lin Cheng blurted out, looking into her eyes seriously.

Han Shuyan lowered her head, and quietly put down her long hair that was pinned behind her ears, as if it could block Lin Cheng's gaze.

Lin Cheng didn't care about anything else, he just talked on his own:
"Do you know the self-analysis research club in school? I joined this club in my first semester, and the goal of this club is to help members understand themselves.

At the beginning, a self-awareness model is established, and then the model data is corrected little by little over time. In the end, everyone will find that there is a big deviation between the self-image in their perception and the actual image. "

Lin Cheng's words were a bit rambling, but Han Shuyan still listened carefully.

"One of the data in the established self-cognition model is to describe the image of ideal friends and lovers. Because this subjective ideal cognition may change over time, it is not very important for self-cognition. Intuitive data, but it cannot be said that it is completely useless."

"I made up the ideal type of lover at first, but now I have forgotten what the ideal type I made up at the beginning was like. After three years, I don't know how other people's ideal types have changed, but I The ideal type is becoming clearer.”

"Now my ideal lover is like this: she is beautiful, generous, gentle and kind, she always listens to me very seriously, she always expresses her dissatisfaction softly, and she always accompanies me to bask aimlessly in the sun."

Lin Cheng looked at Han Shuyan with a serious tone: "Sister Shuyan, this is what you look like to me. It's not that I like girls like this, but because I've been revising the answers according to your image for three years."

His eyes are bright.

When their eyes met, Han Shuyan couldn't help lowering her eyes again.

"Sister Shuyan, what do you think?"


Han Shuyan responded, then turned to look at the TV screen.

"Um... what do you mean?"

"I see."

Lin Cheng was a little aggrieved, "I'm confessing my love to you! How can I just say 'I know'?"

Han Shuyan turned her head and gouged him out angrily.

"How can anyone confess their love to someone while drinking porridge and eating buns?"

Now Lin Cheng is holding the steamed stuffed bun in one hand and holding the bowl in the other, his appearance is really not serious.

Lin Cheng hurriedly stuffed the one in his hand into his mouth, swallowed it whole, and looked at her eagerly.

"Uh~~~ I'm done."

From eating too fast, there are still some residual oil stains on the corners of his mouth.


Han Shuyan couldn't help chuckling, took out a tissue and gently wiped off the oil stains on the corners of his mouth.

"You! Always act like a child."

"Sister Shuyan, date me."

Han Shuyan blinked, "Look at your performance."

After finishing speaking, she turned her head to look at the TV screen.

With sharp eyes, Lin Cheng could clearly see the slightly raised corners of her mouth.

There is a play!

(End of this chapter)

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