This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 329 I wish you success

Chapter 329 I wish you success
I have to say that the story books for Korean children are really nonsense. The stories prepared for children of a few years old are much longer than expected. The story of a white-bearded pirate has many plots, even including some very simple reversal plots. I guess Even if it is made into a cartoon, it cannot be finished in one or two episodes.

Lin Cheng spoke very slowly, allowing Enxi's small head to have time to think slowly.

When it came to the most exciting part of the story, Lin Cheng yawned.

Enxi twisted her body and turned to look at Lin Cheng.

"Uncle, are you tired?"

Usually Zheng Shiyan has to tell stories to the little girl before going to bed after a busy day, and Enxi naturally notices the way she often starts yawning while talking.

In the eyes of the little girl, yawning is exhausting.

Lin Cheng chuckled, "No, telling stories to Enxi is not tiring at all."

Enxi lowered her head and whispered: "Enxi has finished listening to today's story! Enxi doesn't want to hear the story anymore."


Lin Cheng was puzzled, "But it's the exciting moment. The white-bearded pirate finally found the thief. Don't you want to hear how he got his treasure back?"

"Enxi doesn't want to listen anymore, Enxi can listen to it next time."

Enxi shook her head, stretched out her small hand to touch Lin Cheng's head, "Uncle, you can't fool Enxi, every time mom says she's not tired, but Enxi knows that mom is already tired."

Although the little girl's posture seemed to be stroking a dog's head, Lin Cheng couldn't help feeling warm in his heart.

I don't know how to explain to her that yawning doesn't necessarily mean you're really tired, but the little girl always thinks about adults, and Lin Cheng doesn't know whether to praise her or feel sorry for her.

Simply hugging Enxi's small body tightly, Lin Cheng thought for a while: "It happens that uncle is free, so I can take you to the playground this afternoon, okay?"


The little girl's eyes brightened, obviously looking forward to the trip to the playground.

But then thought of something, Enxi opened her eyes and asked cautiously: "Then, can Enxi go with Xiaoying?"

Lin Cheng touched her little head, "Of course, but Xiaoying likes to run around, so Enxi should take care of Xiaoying."

The little girl nodded quickly, "Enxi will take care of Xiaoying."

After finishing speaking, Enxi seemed to feel that this was not enough, and added: "Enxi will hold Xiaoying like Xiaoying leads a boy, and will definitely not let Xiaoying get lost."

Lin Cheng secretly smiled, if Xiaoying knew that Enxi compared herself to a dog, would she be angry?

But that heartless girl would probably be very happy instead, right?
Lin Cheng immediately dialed Jiang Subin's phone number, only to learn that Xiaoying girl had already left for Shuiyuan with her mother to visit her grandfather, and would not be back until two days later.

Enxi was very stubborn and refused to leave her friends to go to the amusement park by herself. Lin Cheng could only make an appointment with Xiaoying's mother, and when Xiaoying came back, he would take the two little girls out to play.

Putting down the phone, Lin Cheng pressed his forehead against the little girl's head.

"Okay, are you satisfied now?"

Enxi grinned happily, sitting in Lin Cheng's arms, her little feet flickered happily.

At this time, the door of Xiaotong's room opened.

"Sister! Enxi is here!"

Seeing the little girl in Lin Cheng's arms, Xiao Tong quickly rushed over and leaned over to pinch Enxi's chubby face.

The Demon King Xiao Tong is notorious among the fur kids in the community, pinching people's faces at every turn is also one of the crimes.

"Sister Hitomi."

Enxi didn't care at all, and called out sweetly.

Lin Cheng gave Xiao Tong a sideways glance, "Hey! Can't you see me standing beside me? Did you forget something?"

Xiao Tong stretched out both hands to pinch Lin Cheng's face again, "Champion, congratulations, the world's number one top laner."

Lin Cheng sat on the floor with his arms around Enxi, and did not dodge her sneak attack immediately.

Because he was afraid that he would knock down the little girl when he struggled, Lin Cheng could only let his cheeks be rounded and flattened by Xiao Tong.

Lin Cheng issued a warning vaguely, "Hey! Comrade Xiao, you are going too far. Don't think it's enough to compliment me as the first order. If you touch me again, you will lose my face."

"Flip it, show it to me, it's rare that you, Lin Cheng, have today."

Xiao Tong laughed loudly, and seized the rare opportunity to continue bullying Lin Cheng.

Normally, Lin Cheng would look bad, but every time she moved her hands, unless she opened her mouth to bite someone, she wouldn't be able to take advantage of it, so she would naturally refuse to let it go when she saw an opportunity.

Lin Cheng protected the little girl with one hand, while raising the other hand to block her attack, but it was inevitable that he would fall into a disadvantage when using one hand.

"Aren't you going to take classes online? Be careful and I will sue you for skipping classes."

"We have already finished class, there is no class today."

"Hey! Don't think I can't cure you today, sister Shuyan, help!"

Finding that hard threats were useless, Lin Cheng resolutely called for help.

Han Shuyan's voice came from the kitchen: "Don't make trouble, don't overwhelm Enxi."

"I know, Sister Shuyan!"

Xiao Tong yelled perfunctory, increased the force in his hands to squeeze Lin Cheng's cheeks into a ball, and was about to let Lin Cheng go with one last kick.

As for Lin Cheng, seeing her getting worse, he was naturally unwilling to be humiliated, and stretched out his hand to scratch her leg. He knew that Xiao Tong was ticklish.

As a result, just after he stretched out his hand, his cheeks were squeezed into a ball, and his eyelids were squeezed upwards, seriously affecting his vision.

So, Lin Cheng touched it as soon as he slipped his hand, only feeling that his hand was delicate and smooth.

Xiao Tong was only wearing a pair of hot pants at home today, and now Lin Cheng could touch her fair thighs.

"You're the only one who can call you a parent, right? I'll let Sister Tong let it go this time..."

The thigh was attacked, and Xiao Tong shrank subconsciously, "You are a pervert, and you are taking advantage of me again."

Lin Cheng pouted, "You did it first."

"You took advantage of me."

"Who told you to wear such short clothes at home, at worst Brother Cheng will let you touch your body."

"Are you disgusting? Who wants to touch your body? I'll file a complaint with Sister Shuyan."

Xiao Tong rolled his eyes at him angrily.

It is inevitable that the two will have physical contact when they are fighting and fighting. In the past, when faced with such threatening remarks, Lin Cheng always replied arrogantly: "Then you go! Do you think I am afraid? If I say a word of fear, you are my grandson." .”

But today, Lin Cheng had just confessed his love to Han Shuyan, and he subconsciously became a little timid.

"That's boring for you. It's obvious that you want to wear such short trousers. How old are you and you still go to sue."

Xiao Tong wrinkled her nose, made a grimace at En Xilu, turned around and was about to go to the kitchen.

"Hey! You're not really going to sue, are you?"

Xiao Tong turned her head, slightly puzzled: "You are not really afraid, are you?"

"I've decided to pursue Sister Shuyan, don't ruin my reputation."

"Oh, good luck to you."

Xiao Tong replied casually, then turned around and leaned towards the kitchen, "Sister Shuyan, what are you having for lunch? Do you have roast ribs today?"

(End of this chapter)

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