This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 330 Reaction of other teams

Chapter 330 Reaction of other teams

Xiao Tong's casual blessing made Lin Cheng a little dazed.

After all, as his two best friends, Lin Cheng thought Xiao Tong should be very surprised when he announced the news.

But her attitude was not unexpected at all, even perfunctory.

Obviously, from Xiao Tong's point of view, what Lin Cheng said was just a joke.

Originally, the three of them often made such jokes. Lin Cheng always said that he liked Han Shuyan, and always used Han Shuyan's advantages to squeeze Xiao Tong. Miss Xiao was also used to it.

She didn't believe a word of Lin Cheng's nonsense. This guy was destined to be single for the rest of his life.

Looking at Xiaotong's back, Lin Cheng muttered angrily, "Forget it if you don't believe me, I'll kick you when I catch up with Sister Shuyan."

Immediately, Lin Cheng was also amused by his own words.

Enxi's little girl stared blankly at Lin Cheng's self-absorbed silliness, and also smirked along with Lin Cheng.

Happiness is contagious.

Probably the story of the white-bearded pirate was too brain-intensive. Halfway through lunch, the little girl began to doze off like a chicken pecking at rice, and the three of them couldn't stop laughing at that little appearance.

Seeing them laughing, the little girl felt aggrieved and buried her head in picking the rice in the bowl, gradually her eyelids began to fight again.

There was no way to eat this meal, so Han Shuyan could only put the little girl on her bed to rest.

After lunch, Xiao Tong and Han Shuyan started to clean up, and Lin Cheng put on the mat and ran to the balcony to bask in the sun.

The spring is just right, and it is a good time to be a salted fish.

Lin Cheng looked at Han Shuyan who was busy in the kitchen, "Sister Shuyan, which book do you want to read? I'll take it to the balcony for you first."

"I'll get it myself later, you don't have to worry about it."

"Then what do you want to drink? I'll take it out first."

"Coffee is just fine."

"Xiao Tong, what about you?"

"I want coffee too."


Lin Cheng cheerfully took out three cans of coffee from the refrigerator, then sat on the balcony and played with his mobile phone.

Xiao Tong, who was washing the dishes, muttered: "Why is this guy so stupid today? He even offered to help me get drinks. Don't you think he wants to poison my coffee?"

"Ah Cheng is not as bad as you said, he has always been very enthusiastic."

Xiao Tong curled her lips, "That's only for you, Sister Shuyan, and he's not so enthusiastic about others."

Han Shuyan didn't speak, she lowered her head and silently cleaned up the table, but the corners of her mouth couldn't help but slightly raised.

On the other side, Lin Cheng checked the news with his mobile phone on the balcony.

Go to Twitter first.

Many clubs congratulated KT for winning the championship.

From the perspective of time, the first club to forward the news of KT's victory and send blessings yesterday was C9 in North America.

C9's official words are: It is not surprising that KT won the LCK championship. We played a scrim against KT. They are really a historic team.

Countless C9 fans left messages in the comment area, asking about C9's record against KT.

C9's official account only posted an emoji covering his face and crying.

KT did scrim against C9 this season before the playoffs.

At that time, C9 was also preparing for their own playoff journey, and confidently sought out KT to train their hands.

This season, C9 led the way in the LCS, and was even named the No. [-] team in the global combat power list by ESPN because of an undefeated magnificent record during the season.

In terms of expansion, the other teams in North America are rubbish, they don't know how strong they are.

C9 no longer cares about the big players in this division, so they urgently find opponents from outside the division to play training matches.

C9 obviously wants to see if they can maintain a high winning percentage against teams from other regions, and by the way, predict the prospects for the year-end World Championship.

As for the absence of the World Championship?

Sorry, this is not within their consideration, because C9 has never missed an S game since the team was established.

However, the process of scrimming against KT shattered C9's ambitions.

During the training match, Lin Cheng rubbed C9 top laner Licorice on the ground. This year's recognized No. [-] top laner in North America was really broken in front of Lin Cheng.

The situation in other lanes is similar. KT's overall dominance in the third line basically snowballs all the way to win the game.

This is also the reason why the C9 officials tout KT so much, their heads were smashed, can you not accept it?
In addition to C9, some North American teams and players have expressed their congratulations to KT for winning the championship.

DoubleLift said on their homepage: "F***! Although the process looks one-sided, this is really a good game. KT is really strong."

Below, there are TL fans who don't give face to complain: Are you still in the mood to watch games in other divisions?Played like a piece of shit and deserved to be on the bench.

DoubleLift's sinister reply: I'm really sorry to feed you a mouthful of shit, but you were used to eating shit anyway before I joined TL, weren't you?
Although it was not to the point of scolding directly with sensitive words, the atmosphere between the two sides was clearly not that harmonious.

The big brother had a very unhappy time in TL this spring. The former North American phantom god has even been squeezed to the bench because of his declining state. Now TL has no place for him.

And just like the conflict between TSM fans and the big brother, the TL fan group also broke out a large number of voices against the big brother.

This Chinese veteran's career in TL has entered the countdown.

Ryu, who has been transformed into a coach, also expressed his congratulations to his old club, but since Yue Lun was shown by Faker, he has always kept a low-key style of acting, never saying anything that would cause controversy, and his speeches were simple and official.

On the other hand, the speech of G2, the European reorganization master, was a little less friendly.

G2: Let's see which LCK team will be sent away by us this year? KT?Looks like a good stepping stone, last year we put SKT in the trash, and this year it's their brother team's turn.

In recent years, the experience of always sending away favorites in S games G2 has made them more inflated. Judging from the process of last year's S games, they seem to have really restrained the playing style of LCK teams, whether it is the aggressive newcomer DWG or the wily SKT. They all overturned on G2.

This team will subdue in addition to being crushed by the front, and never let go of the opportunity to have a good time at other times.

KT's official account is not in the style of hilarious, just replied with a provocative expression below.

But the following KT fans quit.

"Hurry up and be arrogant! World Championship KT will crush you."

"Wunder hurry up and seize the opportunity to play with your Warcraft, so as not to be in the mood to play after being crushed by Cheng."

"You guys have to be thankful that MSI was cancelled, otherwise you'd be ready to cry now."

"After defeating two pseudo-strong teams in the World Championship, I started to drift? This year's KT is different."

"Brothers! The RNG of the year before last and SKT last year were not weak, but our KT is stronger this year."

In the eyes of fans, they never easily admit that their team is inferior.

Crazy hilarious in advance, at worst, correct your attitude after being beaten.

(End of this chapter)

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