This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 331 KT who broke through the madhouse

Chapter 331 KT who broke through the madhouse
In addition to the teams in the European and American divisions, EDG's official Twitter also forwarded the news of KT's victory.

Although EDG's Twitter followers are only 3 people, far less than domestic platforms such as Weibo, but at least it is the country that the factory manager laid down in the past. Many of these 30,000 people are foreign piglets.

However, EDG's official tweet wishing KT received greetings from many fans in various languages.

There are yin and yang in English and Korean, and there is anger in Chinese.

The reason is very realistic. Two hours after KT won the championship yesterday, EDG was easily eliminated by FPX in the second round of the playoffs.

Knock you!Your own team has been eliminated and you still have the mood to congratulate others?

Fans don't care that this official tweet was sent before EDG lost the game, just focus on it and finish it off.

EDG's official account is also miserable.

Weibo was attacked by domestic fans, and Twitter was attacked by domestic and foreign starches. A considerable part of the tens of thousands of comments were cordial greetings.

This is the atmosphere of the e-sports circle, as long as you lose, you will be wrong.

Lin Cheng didn't pay attention to the LPL games before, so he couldn't help but sneered when he learned about it in the comment section.

"These starches are too young! A mature starch uninstalled Tieba Weibo as early as the moment EDG lost the game, and waited silently for the future when the coffin will be unveiled. Only a young starch would be powerless and furious."

Ming Kai Xiansen's coaching career seems to be very bumpy, Lin Cheng was wondering if he should find a chance to log in to the game to comfort Coach Ming Kai?
But after thinking about it, Ming Kai Xiansen had a lot of experience in losing the game and being bullied by the Internet, so it shouldn't be so easy to break the defense.

Of course, apart from being angry about the team's disappointment, there are also some calm fans who are envious of Lin Cheng's performance in the LCK finals.

In the game just eliminated by FPX, although EDG's top laner Audi had a wonderful wave of dragon-grabbing operations, but the entire BO5 was beaten by Gong Zige on the head, and a sword demon's output could not reach the three points of the opponent's single Bobby One of them is that nothing can be washed away.

So, many calm starches expressed a similar point of view in various languages ​​in the comment area: Don’t you Guodian like to recruit foreign aid in the LCK?There is a super fierce foreign aid on the list next year?
Because Lin Cheng is a Chinese player who registered and made his debut in the LCK, he is essentially considered a foreign player whether he is in the LCK or the LPL.

After eating melons and eating himself, Lin Cheng booed and liked several comments that praised him.

It's not that Lin Cheng is shameless, it's just that he feels that students who tell the truth deserve encouragement.

As for the actual transfer?Lin Cheng hasn't considered it yet.

It’s ridiculous to want to transfer after the Spring Split. Performing well on the field is the most direct sales. After the contract with KT ends this year, every team that lacks top laners will definitely come looking for them by waving a check. .

The sweet potato is the gunner, and the multi-party competition will increase the tide. At that time, whether it is a transfer or a contract renewal, it will all depend on Lin Cheng's thoughts.

This is not called malicious price raising, and it is fundamentally different from the operation of a certain club known as 'man raise'.

After browsing Twitter, Lin Cheng went to Dcinside's e-sports section to take a look, which represented the atmosphere inside the LCK.

I just won the championship yesterday, and today's forum topics are almost all related to KT.

"It's so inspiring! From the bottom to the championship, it's really a magical year."

"I thought the players lost their spirits in the first five consecutive losses, but this year they really came back to life."

"We have the best top laner! Lin Cheng is still young, I have a hunch he will lead KT to build a dynasty."

"If the management's IQ is not lost, hurry up and renew the contract with Cheng in advance."

"It's a pity that there is no MSI anymore, otherwise we can get back the face that SKT lost last year."

"With all due respect, except for us KT, the other teams in the LCK are hot chickens, and none of them can fight."

Of course, with the presence of high-profile KT fans, it is natural that some people are pessimistic about KT winning the championship.

"A group of old people and a tender chicken can win the championship. Has the LCK really fallen to this point? I didn't see the strength of KT, but the decline of other teams. It seems that this year, the name of the third division will not be able to be maintained. "

"Don't panic, North America is so bad, no one can compete with us for the title of the third division."

"I just want to see if they can beat G2? Those who can't beat G2 are all paper tigers."

There are also fans of other teams who are eccentric among KT fans.

KT fans: "Come on! Keep your form, and go to the World Championships in summer to regain the glory of KT!"

The black gun from behind: "Laughing! The ancestor KT still has glory? Is it the top eight in the World Championship?"

Although this black gun hit KT's pain point, KT fans were in full swing at this time, and the eccentric guy quickly tasted the power of verbal violence.

KT fans are very active, leaving their footprints in various topic posts, and the fans of other teams speak with a sense of superiority.

Weren't you still laughing at us a few months ago?
Now you are laughing.

You know, when KT announced the reorganization at the end of last season, all fans were looking forward to the new lineup, but in the end a bunch of old people came and KT fans were hit hard.

Didn't you say that you want to reorganize the Galaxy Battleship?
This isn't the youthful version of the Galaxy Battleship, this is the aging and leaky version.

Ever since, KT fans turned themselves into joint overlords, and frantically started P-pictures.

Faker's profile picture was P on a player in KT uniform, Theshy's profile picture was also P on a KT player, and LCK wild king Tarzan did not escape the fate of being arranged by KT fans.

Then, KT fans entertained themselves and announced on the forum:

Hello everyone, this is KT Rolster. I am very happy to announce that our lineup for the new season is as follows: top laner Theshy, jungler Tarzan, mid laner Faker, bottom laner Aiming, support Tusin, five players will bring you more excitement in the new season The game, please support the fans a lot.

Originally, this was a self-promotional behavior of KT fans, but it turned out that everyone knew that KT fans were crazy.

KT fans were really crazy at the time.

The club was crazy about drawing cakes before the season, and finally looked at the lineup for the last time.

It’s good that the bot lane team has a tacit understanding. The combined age of the three members of the upper middle and the wild is almost 80 years old. Are you funny?

Anyone would be crazy.

The KT fan group took the lead in organizing the event, and tens of thousands of people responded to the phrase "our club is over" under the club's official INS, which once made KT a laughing stock in various forums.

And this joke lasted for a long time. When KT was still at the bottom in the first few rounds of the Spring Split, it was often ruthlessly whipped to death.

Until Lin Cheng joined, KT fans regarded Lin Cheng as the last life-saving rope on the edge of the cliff, while fans of other teams thought that the jokes had increased.

However, no one expected that in just a few months, this new KT team, under the leadership of Lin Cheng, broke through the lunatic asylum with their own hands and rescued the KT fans back.

KT fans who were once insane are discharged from the hospital.

After experiencing this kind of humiliation and twists and turns, KT fans will naturally not let go of the guy who once laughed at them, and it is easy to understand why they are jumping like this now.

(End of this chapter)

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