This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 338 Fighting wits and courage with myself

Chapter 338 Fighting wits and courage with myself

Lin Cheng's sudden change of direction caught the audience in the live broadcast room off guard.

"It's licking, is it licking?"

"This is too real, turning faces is faster than turning pages."

"Fuck! We're all helping you with that guy, you saw ID lick it first."

"The ministers are about to fight to the death, why did your majesty surrender first?"

"Brother Chengzi, you really embarrass the fans like this."

"I really like Brother Chengzi's sentence: I really want to see what this grumpy guy looks like."

Lin Cheng is so shameless, facing the barrage of cynicism and sarcasm, he is not guilty at all, and he even explained plausibly:

"What do you guys know? I'm just joking for the sake of the show. Even if it's not Brother Li, I won't be really angry. We are all adults and we need to understand each other."

As soon as Lin Cheng said this, the water friends in the live broadcast room felt insulted and condemned one after another.

The firepower of the water friends was too fierce, Lin Cheng looked at the loading screen with guilt and began to change the subject: "Hey! Let me tell you an interesting thing. Although the ID of Smeb only has four letters, it is said that it is the player who is most likely to be misremembered. One of the IDs."

Although Lin Cheng changed the topic a bit bluntly, there are indeed some water friends who feel the same way.

"Really! I always call Smeb Semb."

"I will never remember wrongly, SB surrounds me, such a simple ID will be misremembered?"

"Fuck! The brothers in front are talented, it's really straightforward to look at it this way."

Seeing that the topic was successfully changed, Lin Cheng said cheerfully, "Since we're talking about IDs that are easy to forget, do you know that there was a Lu Bu in the OGN period?"

"Is that Lu Bu from SKT? His brother has already been promoted to the first team of T1."

Lin Cheng waved his hand: "It's not Lu Bu who plays Interstellar, I'm talking about the top laner Najin Black Sword from S3."

When it comes to people with the nickname 'Lu Bu' in the Korean e-sports circle, the first thing many people think of is INnoVation, the star player of the SKT club.

But before INnoVation won the title of Lu Bu, LCK commentator CT had already given the title of Lu Bu to another League of Legends player, that is, the former top laner Expession of Nagin Black Sword.

At that time, Expession's top lane dominance in the OGN league was unquestionable. If it hadn't been for the S3 semi-final defeat to SKT by one step, Expessiom would have been the champion top laner of that year's S tournament.

However, after a long period of injuries, Expession completely lost its previous suppressive power, and no one mentioned Lu Bu's title.

"Do you know why I still remember this player now? Because I kept misremembering his ID as Expression. I didn't find out that there was no 'R' in his name until he was about to retire."

After a pause, Lin Cheng chuckled, and said in a sinister way: "I was wondering if the R key on the keyboard was pressed when this guy created his ID, or was it used by the factory manager when he was practicing the blind monk?" keyboard?"

"Fuck! This forceful person has been around for a long time and is in Heiqichan again."

"Don't kill him! The factory has retired, let him go."

"The director of the factory who was eating suddenly had a cold on his back and felt bad."

"I still remember the All-Star Clone Game. The nine blind monks have one ball, and the factory manager is that ball."

"Curly's original words: If there is no ultimate move at level six, the factory director's blind monk is the number one in the world."

I output the factory director with all my strength, and finally the game is loaded.

In this round, Lin Cheng is on the blue side, and the lineups of both sides are as follows:
Blue side: top laner Ryze (Smeb), jungler Nunu (Lin Cheng), mid laner male swordsman, bottom laner Kai'Sa, support bull head.

Red side: top laner captain, jungler Lee Sin, mid laner Zoe (Faker), bottom laner female gun, support Braum.

There were three professional players Lin Cheng knew in the match, and there might be other professional players that Lin Cheng couldn't recognize.

Snowman Nunu can be said to be one of the representative heroes of the happy jungler. The passerby game is very fun to play, the speed of clearing the jungle is fast in the early stage, three of the four skills have limiting effects, and the rhythmic ability is very good.

However, Nunu's shortcomings are still too obvious, making it difficult for him to enter the professional arena.

To say that he clears the jungle fast is actually no faster than the current mainstream junglers.

Let's say he has high damage. Nunu's 10-0 damage doesn't feel that high.

Let’s say he has enough control. Although there are three of the four skills with limiting effects, none of them can stably start a group

The rest is snowballing rhythmic fun.

However, the vision of the professional arena is generally very good, which will make it difficult for Nunu to lead the rhythm like in RANK.

Lin Cheng was thinking that if Nunu could stuff his teammates into snowballs like Tusk in DOTA, he would probably become a popular hero in the arena.

However, if this mechanism really appears, there will definitely be a scene where a large number of happy snowmen send their teammates to the end.

Imagine: Nunu stuffed four teammates into the snowball, and then directly hit Amumu in the face. Amumu made a backhand, and Nunu's teammates all exploded in laughter.

In terms of runes, Lin Cheng chose the main series of witchcraft: Phase Rush, Aura Cloak, Swiftness, Water Walking, and the secondary series of masters: malicious slander, ruthless hunter.

Five speed runes, it is very happy to look at.

Going out to buy the hunter's amulet and the green bottle, Nunu rode the Yeti Willump straight to his own F6 to take a stand, and the duo occupied the view from the triangle grass.

Players in the game of kings will generally take precautions when they see a hero like Braum on the opposite side, and there will be no situation where the opponent touches the wild area and does not know it.

However, in this round, the opponent did not choose to invade. Lin Cheng's Nunu started with a red buff with the help of the duo.

"Nunu is a hero who has nothing to say. When you play, just follow my wild route. Follow the order of red BUFF-F6-three wolves-blue BUFF. You can go to the side to find A wave of opportunities."

Lin Cheng entered the river after hitting the blue buff, and began to prepare to roll the snowball.

"Brothers! Do you think the captain on the other side looks like he's going to die? I'll push the snowball to the pawn line at this position. With the third-level Ryze, even if the captain suddenly rises to the third level, he won't be able to run away with oranges or flashes. "

Lin Cheng changed the subject: "But my intuition tells me that things won't be so simple, a captain of the king's game shouldn't be so careless, even if he can't think of their jungler, he can't think of it.

Nunu is a hero who basically starts with a red buff. The jungler on the opposite side will definitely guess that I will go to gank at level [-] when the captain is in this state. I may be counter-squatting as soon as I show up. We must not be fooled in this wave. Let's have a reverse thinking, the opponent will never guess that I am going to catch Zoe who is full of blood in the middle. "

After the analysis, Lin Cheng's Nunu started to snowball.

Brother Li's Zoe was pressing the line when he saw a happy figure popping out from the grass beside him, with a huge snowball rolling in front of him.

At the same time, Lin Cheng lit up his mischievous Poro expression.

Brother Li, we meet again!

However, as soon as his expression came out, Lin Cheng saw the blind monk's figure emerging from the grass on the opposite side of the river.

Sorry to interrupt!
Nunu dropped the snowball, and quickly turned around and ran in the direction of his own tower.

The barrage surged like a flood.

"I'm dying of laughter! Is the promised blind monk squatting back on the road?"

"It's started again! The classics are fighting wits and courage with themselves."

"Brother Chengzi tells his fortune every time he plays jungle, and the show is full of effects."

"Originally, the captain on the road was going to kill him steadily, but he came to the middle road for a wave of shopping."

"Brother Chengzi, can we make things simpler?"

(End of this chapter)

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