This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 339 Is The Middle Road Your Dad?

Chapter 339 Is The Middle Road Your Dad?
After a sneak attack in the middle failed, Lin Cheng turned around and ate the crabs in the upper half. After eating the crabs and gained speed, he started rolling the snowball again, still aiming at Zoe in the middle.

"One, two, three, four, do it again, get up wherever you fall, today I will kill Faker!"

In the middle lane, Zoe of Brother Li happened to be in the middle position because of the advantage of pushing the line. Seeing Nunu pushing a huge snowball rushing from the side, Zoe quickly threw a hypnotic bubble and retreated.

The hypnotic bubble hits Nunu who is pushing the snowball, but does not stop the rolling snowball immediately.

Because there is a base movement speed bonus of the river crab when the W skill is activated, Nunu's speed has exceeded 500 yards at this time. Lin Cheng made a handsome drift and turned the snowball towards Zoe. Brother Li's position has already passed. Can't avoid this snowball.

Brother Li resolutely dodged to the side and back.

Compared with the arena, the firefight in RANK was much more intense. Zoe pressed the male knife to less than half of his health and lost some blood. Once he ate this snowball and was stuck with the ignited male knife, he would definitely die.

"Haha! In this wave of blood earning, heroes like Zoe are too easy to push the line. If there is no flash, it is a cash machine. Brother Cheng will come to kill Zoe later."

Seeing Zoe dodging the snowball, Lin Cheng had already figured out what posture he would use to kill Zoe.

The time-delayed hypnotic bubbles put Nunu into a deep sleep, and Zoe pulled the flying star back.

Lin Cheng didn't care either, and made Silas's provocative expression playful.

"So what can I do if I sleep too long? It's kind of like killing me! It's just incompetent and furious..."

As a result, at this time, the blind monk came out from the grass on the opposite side again.

"Fuck! Is the middle road your father?"

Originally, the male sword was stuck forward to cover Nunu, but he was only half blood, and he turned around and retreated decisively when he saw the blind monk.

Zoe's full flying stars smashed Nunu's HP by more than half, the blind monk's Q skill was given to Nunu, and W touched his eyes and punched Nunu.

Lin Cheng took the blood from the soldier's mouth and immediately backed away to run away.

The blind monk activated the second-stage Q and slapped the ground with a slap.

Lin Cheng flashed back and brought the blind monk over, and the male sword next to him was also slowed down by the blind monk's E skill.

Zoe picked up the flash shards dropped by Nunu, and the missiles attached to the flash triggered fireworks, and cooperated with the blind monk's output to level A twice to take Nunu's head.

Lin Cheng came arrogantly, but rushed to the street on the spot, Li Ge's Zoe gave a backhand thumbs up.

Every time RANK meets Lin Cheng, he has to interact with his facial expressions. Although Li Ge has a good temper, he will never let it go if he has the opportunity to taunt him.

The male sword was stuck by the blind monk's red BUFF and could only flash into the tower. Fortunately, he moved to avoid Zoe's next flying star, otherwise the male sword would also perish in this wave.

Lin Cheng gave Brother Li a blood with a wave of GANK, and almost killed the male knife at the same time, and the barrage in the live broadcast room exploded.

"Brother Chengzi, can you do it? GANK just give it away?"

"Who said just now that there is a way to kill me? 23333."

"Brother Cheng, come to Zuan to play, I will teach you the gank method of Wendou No.

"Men Dao: Brother! I beg you not to come, if you come to see me off again, I will collapse."

"To be reasonable, this wave is due to the blind monk squatting too spiritually. Don't blame Brother Cheng."

"It's not that the blind monk has a good sense, it's just that he will protect his father simply by seeing the ID in the middle. Brother Chengzi really stared at Brother Li to catch him."

"Brother Li also showed a bright expression. This is the first LCK top order? Is this?"

Lin Cheng said stubbornly: "It's not a big problem to send a wave. It's not a loss for my head to be exchanged for Zoe. If Zoe doesn't dodge, he will die later."

Speaking of this wave, Lin Cheng really can't be blamed, his gank timing was very good, and he successfully forced Zoe's flash away.

It can only be said that Faker's ID has its own magic power, which attracted the attention of the junglers of both sides to the middle lane, and Lin Cheng was squatted by the opponent.

Just when Lin Cheng was working hard to clear the wild after his resurrection, there was a sudden good news from the bottom lane, and Kai Sajia Niutou completed the double kill against the female gun and Bron.

The red side presses down the lane, and when Braum puts a passive on Kai'Sa, the female gun is a bit aggressive in order to point out Braum's passive position.

Niutou directly Q and blitzed the female gun, took a step around W and pushed the female gun under the blue square one tower.

This time, the female gun was put into the tower and was full of Kai'Sa's Q skills. Although she handed in the flash and exited the tower in time, she was killed by Kai'Sa and Flash. , Kai'Sa scored a double kill.

Lin Cheng was very happy. His inferior duo in the bottom lane completed the line kill, and Ryze beat the captain and Iron Counter in the top lane. This allowed him to concentrate on targeting the mid lane and it was over.

So, after brushing off the second wave of F4 in more than 6 minutes, Nunu rolled a snowball to the middle again.

Although Li Ge was very careful in his position after the dodge, Lin Cheng's Nunu showed superb driving skills, pushing the snowball against the wall, just enough to knock Zoe into the air.

A row of blades flew to the back of Zoe. After the male sword threw out the W skill, the Q skill was immediately attached to the face, and the A was passive while the blade was recovered.

Zoe's blood volume plummeted in an instant, but when she turned around, she was slowed down by the three snowballs thrown by Nunu. Before Lin Cheng's Q skill K head, Zoe was hacked to death by the male knife.

This time GANK did not have any accidents. Lin Cheng stepped on Zoe's body and gave backhand a thumbs up, returning Faker's previous emoji.

Is your name Lee Sang Hyuk?
Lin Cheng was stunned: "Brothers, I already said that I will definitely kill Faker today, this time the blind monk will be gone!"

"I can see that this guy is targeting me, Brother Li."

"Brother Chengzi is a bit too much. Yesterday he grabbed the Guapi championship, and today he won't let go of the ranking."

"Also said that the opposite side, the middle road is your father, right?"

"Brother Li: Dog, you came to the middle lane three times in 4 minutes, if you have any opinions, just speak up."

"Brother Chengzi, if he does this, he can still hang out in the LCK next year? 2333."

Facts have proved that Lin Cheng was not the only one who stared at Faker in this round.

In 6 minutes, Niutou left Kai'Sa to play alone below, and signaled to go around the middle.

Although Brother Li's Zoe was standing obscenely in front of his defense tower, when he saw Nunu pushing the big snowball over, he turned around and took two steps into the defense tower.

But at this moment, Niutou rushed out from the narrow path in the side wild area, and Niutou's WQ two-combo shot flew up to Zoe under the tower, and Nunu's snowball hit it.

After Nunu hit and flew Zoe, the male knife kept up with the damage. Zoe had no room to maneuver, and was easily killed by the three under the tower.

However, at this time, because the support left, Kai'Sa in the bottom lane was also forcibly killed by the opponent, and Kai'Sa with two heads died in battle. The blue side will lose a little bit.

Kai'Sa, who died in battle, sent a question mark to the middle lane.

The assistant Niutou happened to be around Nunu, and Lin Cheng saw Kaisha frantically questioning her assistant.

Lin Cheng felt very annoyed: "What is this person doing? Why can't I blame the support when I die?"

(End of this chapter)

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