Chapter 346 is here, Ang
In the early morning, unknown birds sang passionately downstairs, and the little girl Enxi woke up early.

Rubbing her eyes with her little hands, Enxi tried her best to sit up on the bed, closed her eyes in a big white bear pajamas and started to feel dazed.

After a while, I finally chased away the sleepy bug and looked at my mother who was sleeping peacefully next to me.

Zheng Shiyan's long hair was messy covering her cheeks, her breathing was even and steady.

The little girl leaned forward and kissed her mother's cheek, rubbing her chubby face back and forth.

"Mom! Get up soon."

Zheng Shiyan opened her eyes in a daze, and wrapped her arms around her restless body.

I looked at the alarm clock next to the bed, it was only six o'clock.

"Eunxi woke up so early?"

"Today, Uncle and Sister Yan agreed to take Enxi out to play."

"Well~~~ Got it, be obedient today, and don't cause trouble for uncle and sister."

Zheng Shiyan was still sleepy, so she hugged her daughter and closed her eyes again.

After a while, she remembered something, opened her eyes and whispered: "That's right! You still have the remaining vaccines that you haven't had yet. Go and get the vaccines by the way today. Mom will contact the doctor later."

Upon hearing this, Enxi's little girl, who had been rubbing against her mother's side, stopped suddenly.

Then, Enxi lay back on the bed clumsily and silently, covered half of her small face with the quilt and said in a low voice: "Enxi still wants to sleep, so Enxi won't go out today."

Zheng Shiyan thought it was funny, and leaned over to kiss her daughter's little face, "Good boy, Enxi, the injection is for your health, after the injection, you can go out to play with your uncle and sister."

Enxi's little brows were tightly frowned, and she shrank down again, only revealing a pair of big black eyes.

"But the injection really hurts."

Zheng Shiyan patted the little girl wrapped in a quilt lightly, "But Xiaoying has been shot, Xiaoying said that the injection is not painful, right? Enxi must be as brave as Xiaoying."

"But...but Xiaoying is crying."

Enxi looked at her mother pitifully, and she still remembered how Xiaoying cried while saying it didn't hurt.

Zheng Shiyan pinched Enxi's little nose with a smile, "Uncles and sisters will accompany Enxi, Enxi will be brave, right?"

The little girl swallowed her saliva, and responded with a lack of confidence.


Seeing her daughter's cute appearance, Zheng Shiyan couldn't help but reached out and hugged her again.



"Mom is really happy to have you."

"Then~~~ Can Enxi not get an injection today?"



Seeing the little girl's aggrieved look, Zheng Shiyan sat up with a smile, and the big white bear cartoon pajamas of the same style as the little girl couldn't hide her beautiful curves.

"Mom is preparing breakfast, so Enxi hasten to get up and ask my uncle and sister to have breakfast."


Enxi's little girl got up groaningly, tidied up with the help of her mother, and went out with small steps, just in time to meet Han Shuyan.

Han Shuyan happened to be about to wake Lin Cheng up, so she simply left this task to Enxi.

The little girl patted her chest, opened the door and hurried to Lin Cheng's bedroom.

"Uncle, wake up!"

Enxi leaned over to the bed and pushed Lin Cheng's body.

Lin Chengxu narrowed his eyes and glanced at the little girl, "It's Enxi, let uncle sleep again."

The little girl leaned closer to Lin Cheng's ear, "Uncle, get up and eat."

As a result, Lin Cheng turned around, with his butt facing outwards, and fell asleep again.

The little girl climbed onto the bed, squatted in front of Lin Cheng and pushed him hard.

"Uncle, big slob."

"Uncle, get up quickly."

"Sister Yan is going to be angry."

After shouting for a while, Lin Cheng fell asleep like a dead pig.

The little girl was also tired, so she simply lay down beside her and rested for a few seconds, and continued to yell 'Uncle, big lazy pig' softly.

Lin Cheng put his arms around the little girl's soft body, and covered her with the quilt, "Enxi is also tired, right? Let's rest for a while, don't tell Sister Yan."


The little girl stopped arguing, and stared at the ceiling with Lin Cheng's wide eyes in a daze.

After a while, Han Shuyan came in and was speechless when she saw this scene.

Although very loving, but really salty fish.

"Ah Cheng! I will deduct points if I don't get up again."

"Don't! Don't! I'm up, don't deduct my points."

Lin Cheng's eyes widened suddenly, he quickly turned over and jumped off the bed, and rushed to the bathroom in three steps at a time to wash up.

"Enxi is up too! Don't deduct points from Enxi."

The little girl also got out of bed awkwardly, and followed Lin Cheng's feet around.

She didn't know what the point deduction meant by the two of them, but she thought it was fun and wanted to join in the fun.

After tossing for a long time, several people finally ate the simple breakfast made by Zheng Shiyan.

After breakfast, Zheng Shiyan was ready to go to work, while Lin Cheng and Han Shuyan took the little girl out and took Enxi to get vaccinated first.

Xiao Tong had an online class today, but was left at home by himself.

When they arrived at the hospital, Enxi became nervous all of a sudden, the little girl who had been muttering along the way became silent, and tightly grasped the hands of the two of them and followed beside her.

After entering the consulting room, Lin Cheng held the little girl in his arms, and kept patting her small body to calm her emotions.

After checking the information with the doctor, the nurse rubbed iodophor on Enxi's left arm.

Feeling the coolness of her left arm, the little girl's face turned pale.

While drawing the vaccine into the syringe, the doctor uttered the classic lie: "This injection doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt at all."

Watching the doctor hold the syringe upside down, a little liquid was sprayed out from the needle to expel the air, the little girl tightly grasped the corner of Lin Cheng's clothes, fear was written all over her little face.

Finally, when the doctor approached with the needle, Enxi couldn't hold back anymore, and cried out loudly.

"Enxi don't cry, my sister and uncle are with you."

Han Shuyan continued to comfort her, while Lin Cheng hugged Enxi's small body tightly and patted her on the back lightly.

Enxi buried her small face in Lin Cheng's neck, her eyes were tightly closed, she didn't dare to look up at all.

Just when the doctor stabbed the needle into the little girl's left arm, Lin Cheng obviously felt the little girl's whole body tense up.

"It hurts, it hurts."

The little girl buried her head in tears, and Lin Chengxin tightened her grip.

Han Shuyan comforted softly beside her, trying to distract the little girl's attention.

Soon, the injection is over.

"It really hurts, it hurts more than Enxi imagined."

Enxi glanced at the doctor, and was so frightened that she buried her head in Lin Cheng's arms again, crying indistinctly, "That man is a villain, Enxi really hurts."

Big tears slid down from her dark eyes, and even wet the skirt of Lin Cheng's chest.

Enxi's appearance broke Lin Cheng's heart, so he could only comfort him softly with Han Shuyan.

The doctor explained to Lin Cheng some precautions, and Lin Cheng listened attentively. The little girl covered the injection site on her left arm while crying to Han Shuyan, "That person is really good or bad, it hurts so much, Enxi is doing well here. pain."

Han Shuyan kissed Enxi's forehead, "Enxi is a good baby, sister should give Enxi more points."

"Eunxi wants the same share as uncle."

The little girl sobbed, even though she didn't understand what the point was for.

"Of course, Enxi's score is higher than Uncle's."

Han Shuyan's soft voice gradually calmed down the little girl's emotions. Lin Cheng was thinking that she would be a good mother in the future.

The doctor probably had a lot of experience in being regarded as a villain, so he took a piggy sticker next to him, "Little friend, can I give this to you? Because Enxi is very good at getting injections."

"But, that hurts too."

Enxi took the sticker, sobbed twice, pointing at her left arm, feeling extremely wronged.

"It's here, it's here, Ang."

(End of this chapter)

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