This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 347 The Sneak Attack Failed

Chapter 347 The Sneak Attack Failed
The little girl received the doctor's sticker, and she was embarrassed to continue to accuse the doctor of being a bad person, but her crying still seemed distressing.

Lin Cheng hugged Enxi out of the consultation room, and the little girl hugged Lin Cheng's neck and kept talking to the two about her feelings about the injections along the way.

"The injection really hurts, Enxi won't get the injection in the future."

"Mom said the injection didn't hurt. Mom lied to Enxi. Today Enxi ignored her."

"Uncle, will you cry when you get an injection? Where's Sister Yan?"

Children are very forgetful, and after mumbling a few words, Enxi finally forgot about her grievances, and concentrated on studying the piggy stickers in her hand.

Walking in the pediatrics department of the hospital, I could hear other children crying from time to time. It happened that a little girl about seven or eight years old ran out of a nearby consulting room crying and was immediately caught by her father on the spot.

The little girl struggled desperately and cried heart-rendingly, yelling not to get the injection, and the flat-mouthed old man is a bad person.

The middle-aged doctor who came out was also a little embarrassed. Many children called him a bad person. This was the first time a little girl called him a flat-mouthed old man.

Pediatrician is really a very sad profession, children's worldview is so straightforward, doctors who give needles are big villains in their eyes.

"Sister Shuyan, look, that sister is so timid. She is even more afraid of injections than Enxi."

The children after the injection will feel that they are very brave, especially when they see the fear of other children. In contrast, Enxi poked his head and saw this scene, but he was a little swollen.

Lin Cheng and Han Shuyan looked at each other and almost couldn't hold back their laughter.

This little girl was crying herself just now, and now she started laughing at others after the injection.

Han Shuyan called Zheng Shiyan to report the situation of Enxi's injection, and the three took a taxi to Seoul Grand Park.

Seoul Grand Park is located in Gwacheon. It is a large theme park with zoos, botanical gardens, art galleries, amusement parks and other facilities.

Gwacheon City happened to be at the foot of Guanak Mountain, only four kilometers away from Seoul National University, and not far from Lin Cheng's rented apartment.

At the destination, the little girl completely put aside the grievance of being needled, and showed a cheerful smile again.

"Enxi, do you want to be hugged by your uncle?"

"Eunxi can go by herself."

The little girl took the initiative to hold the hands of the two of them from left to right, and ran towards the big park with small steps excitedly.

Two big ones and one small, just like a family of three traveling.

The flow of people in the park is very small. Compared with large playgrounds such as Lotte World, Seoul Grand Park is not very attractive to foreign tourists. Basically, only nearby residents will go there.

Now Seoul has entered the life epidemic prevention stage, that is, normal life work and epidemic prevention work are carried out together, but the flow of people in the big park is still not large, and basically no one can meet a person more than ten meters away.

This was also the reason why Lin Cheng brought the little girl to this place. There were too many people and he had to consider safety issues instead.

Looking at the square of the big park, the white and spacious stone road is separated by the green belt in the middle. The trees and grass on both sides stretch all the way to the end, and you can see a quiet lake in the distance.

The entire park is very large, and it takes a broken leg to walk. The three of them entered the park and got on the elephant train directly.

The elephant train is a small trackless train composed of cartoon carriages, running between various stations in the park.

There were very few tourists on the train, and the three of them managed to occupy a carriage. Lin Cheng and Han Shuyan sat on both sides of the front row, and little girl Enxi sat in the middle.

"Toot! Let's go!"

The train moved slowly, the little girl stood up excitedly, stretched her neck and looked around.

Han Shuyan stretched out her hand to protect Enxi's small body, for fear that she would bump into it.

"Hey! Did you find out?"


"Enxi is much more lively than before."

Lin Cheng reacted.

Compared with the little girl who used to hide behind her mother timidly, Enxi is much more lively now, at least in front of them.

Han Shuyan looked at the little girl who was looking left and right, her eyes were bright and gentle.

Lin Cheng looked at her, "It's not just Enxi who has changed."


Han Shuyan turned her head sideways and gave Lin Cheng a puzzled look.

"And us."

Lin Cheng quickly leaned over and kissed her on the cheek.

However, although Lin Cheng reacted quickly, his attack speed did not increase.

With the little girl in her arms, Han Shuyan turned her head subconsciously.

Coincidentally, this tilt of the head caused Lin Cheng to deviate from the target of the sneak attack, and kissed the long hair near her ear.

"What are you doing so fast?"

Feeling sorry, Lin Cheng whispered in her ear, and the hot breath made her ears itch.

"Yeah! You bastard."

Han Shuyan turned her head and gave Lin Cheng a blank look.

Seeing her angry and angry look, Lin Cheng was thinking about whether to go up directly.

At this time, the distance between the two of them was less than ten centimeters, and Lin Cheng was confident that they would hit each other with one blow.

But what if you get deducted points?
As an old score slave, Lin Cheng was still thinking about his broken score that was said to be about to pass.

Just in time, the little girl Enxi turned around and pointed at the nearby tree excitedly, "Uncle, look there are a lot of crows there."


Lin Cheng looked over reluctantly, and explained to the little girl seriously, "That's not a crow, it's a magpie."

Han Shuyan turned her head to look to the other side, listening to Lin Cheng patiently explaining the difference between crows and magpies to the little girl, the corners of her mouth could not help but slightly twitch.

Soon, the elephant train arrived at the zoo at the first station, and the three got off the train.

The zoo is built on the mountain, and it will be very tiring to visit in the order from the entrance to the top of the mountain. However, the zoo has a cable car. It is much easier to take the cable car from the entrance to the top of the mountain, and then go down from the top of the mountain.

The cable car is very sloppy, the kind of bench-style cable car with only a horizontal bar around it.

However, because the height of the cable car is not high, there is still a layer of rope net underneath, so there are not many safety problems.

The two got on the cable car and Enxi was sandwiched between them, and the cable car slowly drove out of the platform.

As the altitude slowly climbed, the horizon gradually opened up, and the ground scenery had a panoramic view.

The little girl, who was still in high spirits just now, would just hold onto the crossbar tightly and try to shrink her neck back.

Taking a peek outside, the little girl Enxi swallowed.

Because her feet couldn't step on the ground, Enxi's short legs, which had nowhere to rest, dangled nervously.

"It's so high, will you fall to your death?"

Lin Cheng thought for a while: "Probably not, at most he will have a concussion."

"What is a concussion?"

"It's just a fool."

The little girl swallowed again, and stammered: "Oh, then will we fall?"

Lin Cheng comforted: "Don't worry, if you fall, uncle will also be under Enxi."

"Then Enxi won't become a fool?"

Lin Cheng was not sure: "Maybe, we will fall together and get a concussion, right?"

Enxi's face turned pale.

(End of this chapter)

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