This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 348 What did I miss

Chapter 348 What I Missed

Lin Cheng's comfort was insincere and almost made the little girl cry.

To the little girl, being a fool seemed as terrible as falling to her death.

Han Shuyan patted Lin Cheng angrily.

"Enxi is not afraid, my sister holds you, we will definitely not fall."

Han Shuyan put her arms around Enxi's small body, and the little girl simply closed her eyes and buried her head in her arms, pretending to be an ostrich.

The little girl's weak and pitiful appearance almost melted Han Shuyan's heart.

But immediately after, she felt her hand was being held.

look up.

The back of Lin Cheng's head was facing Han Shuyan, and he was looking outside seriously, but his left hand was holding onto her right hand and he wouldn't let go.

Han Shuyan gently scratched Lin Cheng's palm with her fingertips.

Then, she clenched Lin Cheng's hand with her backhand, interlocking her fingers.

Lin Cheng turned his head and saw her smiling and winking at him.

Lin Cheng touched the little girl's head buried in her arms.

"Sister Shuyan."


"Did I pass?"


"How much is one point?"

"A little bit is a little bit."

Holding her hand, Lin Cheng stopped asking.

She couldn't run anyway.

When the cable car arrived at the station, the little girl who stepped on the ground regained her vitality, and stared for a long time outside the cage of the first coyote she met.

It was originally a group animal, and the cage next to it also had the same kind, but there was only a lone coyote in this cage, which looked a bit bleak.

But bleakness is bleakness. No matter what the reason is, the lone wolf is usually more vicious and cunning, and his eyes are more ruthless.

"Uncle, this dog and Han Zai look alike."

"This is not a dog, this is a wolf, your eyes look different from Han Zai's."

Thinking of Hanzai's wise eyes and funny expression, Lin Cheng wanted to laugh. Compared with Erha, the wolf doesn't want to lose face?

Speaking of it, it seems that there is indeed a zoo where huskies are mixed into the wolf pack to be the boss, so that emoji was born.

Erha: What should I do?They treat me like the same kind, I can't pretend anymore.JPG
After explaining to Enxi the difference between a wolf and a boy, the three of them walked and stopped all the way, and the little girl maintained a high degree of curiosity about each animal.

"Wow! It's Timmanya."

The little girl leaned on the glass wall of the meerkat house, and was very excited to see a group of meerkats inside.

Due to the meerkat's nature, there must be a guy in the group 'smiling and standing guard'. It happened that the meerkat straightened up and looked at the little girl for two seconds.

"Dingman saw Enxi, how are you, Dingman! Where is Simba? Enxi wants to see Simba."

Lin Cheng couldn't help complaining in his heart: "Simba sells fakes online, and he even found countless family members."

The little girl wanted to see Simba, and the three of them struggled to find the location of the lion stadium, satisfying the little girl's curiosity.

Not far away is the tiger stadium. Someone took a photo with the tiger lying on the wall through the glass wall. The tiger is obviously used to this kind of scene, and he looks like he is not interested.


Seeing the children in front of them demonstrating against the tiger with their teeth and claws open, the little girl also puffed out her mouth and roared at the cute tiger, she was extremely frightened.

As a result, the tiger by the glass wall just yawned and opened its mouth wide to reveal its long fangs. The little girl was so frightened that she ran over and hugged Lin Cheng's thigh.

Showing one eye and seeing the tiger still dozing in the cage, the little girl bravely leaned over again, the cautious and grimacing look made the two of them very happy.

After visiting the zoo, it was already past noon, and the three of them ran to the park to rent a tent, bought bento snacks and prepared to have lunch on the open grass.

There are maple forests and grasslands everywhere in the park. Different types of maple trees can be seamlessly connected in four seasons. It is really a picnic resort.

Under a red maple forest, Han Shuyan was laying a mat, and the little girl squatted on the grass to help Lin Cheng set up a tent.

Said it was helping, but the little girl was just making trouble.

"Uncle, why is this leaf red?"

"This should be a variant of the red maple. The leaves will turn red in April and May."

"Why does it turn red?"

"It should be... uncle forgot."

"Then what do its flowers look like?"

"do not know."

"What does it taste like?"

"do not know."

"Uncle, why don't you know anything? Did you not study hard when you were in school?"

Lin Cheng: "..."

Give Lin Cheng a critical blow, and seeing Han Shuyan laying out the mat, the little girl rolled around on the mat excitedly, the word "happy" was almost written on her face.

After a leisurely lunch, the three sat on the grass to rest.

As a result, after only a few minutes, the little girl who was chattering just now became silent.

Lin Cheng turned his head to look, and saw the little girl lying beside her, with her little hands folded on her stomach, her eyes closed tightly, and she was soundly asleep.

The wind blows in the maple forest from time to time, and children with weak resistance are prone to catch cold when sleeping outside. Lin Cheng put the little girl in the tent and covered her belly with a towel.

Han Shuyan looked at the little girl sleeping soundly in the tent, and couldn't help saying: "Enxi is really cute."

Lin Cheng blurted out: "You are also very cute."

"Ah! You really are, cute is used to describe children."

Han Shuyan hugged her knees with her hands and turned her head to look at the fallen leaves on the ground next to her.

Lin Cheng lay down next to Han Shuyan, looking at the fiery red maple forest above his head, he felt an unspeakable sense of satisfaction in his heart.

"Sister Shuyan."


"I like you."

Lin Cheng rested his head on the back of his head, and continued to repeat the sentence he had said several times,

Han Shuyan smiled and pinched his nose, "I know."

"It's good that you know it, don't forget it."


The warm sun shone on her body, which also brought drowsiness.

Lin Cheng didn't know when he fell asleep in a daze.

Han Shuyan looked down at Lin Cheng's sleeping face, then slowly leaned over and kissed Lin Cheng's cheek lightly.

"I said it all, I know."

Lin Cheng didn't know what he missed because he couldn't resist the drowsiness for a while.

After resting for a while, Enxi's little girl came back to life again, and the three of them continued their journey.

In the big park, there is a children's playground specially designed for children, a three-meter-high youth version of the jumping machine, a beggar's version of a pirate spaceship with a swing of no more than 30 degrees, and a miniature roller coaster that is not a mountain...
The various items in the amusement park have been infinitely reduced in terms of stimulation and turned into entertainment items that are completely suitable for children.

Lin Cheng and Han Shuyan also accompanied the little girl on the carousel, spaceship and other projects, and the little girl kept laughing.

Ask yourself about your score from time to time, although the answers you get are all close.

But Lin Cheng felt that he was not far away from passing.

 Thanks to the leader of the big brother, Yujie, who controls one, for the reward. I saw the name of the big brother, and I am in the same path as me.

  It will take two days to add updates, I try my best to save a little every day, and I will add five updates at once on the 29th. . . .

  I also want to thank book friends who don’t like reading. I am here again. I vote for Goujiao every day and brush monthly tickets.

  Everyone also knows that although the corner of the dog is short, it generally does not place flags randomly. Such a small update is already my limit.

  Don't be disgusted, the body is really bad recently,
(End of this chapter)

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