Chapter 351
Lin Cheng locked Daomei, and the red Fang Yu Xiao C locked Nuo's backhand.

"I'm going to see how strong the professional player's sword girl is today."

Yu Xiao C is smiling and has high fighting spirit.

In fact, it is one thing to watch the game, and another thing to actually play in line.

Many Tianxiu players in the professional arena, it is true that occasionally RANK will be beaten violently when they face the anchor.

If you lose, you don't lose money, if you win, you earn blood.

"Remember this smile, take a screenshot."

"It's hard to ban Daomei, right? Wait for Emperor C to be killed."

"Originally, it's not easy to beat the old knife girl with promises, and Emperor C has to pretend."

"It depends on whether Ta Daddy is strong enough."

"After pretending to be cowardly at the beginning, the classic will be speechless later?"

The red side took out Olaf in the second hand, who is also the signature hero of the pattern.

The blue side locked Morgana and the blind monk with a backhand.

It can be seen that KT has begun to choose very entertainingly.

Bono rarely uses the hero Blind Sin in his own games, and he basically doesn't even practice in this year's version.

As for Morgana, that's Kuro's pick.

That's right! Kuro is about to start mixing again.

According to Kuro, he had so many Cs in the spring split, what happened to playing an entertainment game?
As a result, when the rest of the people heard this, they unanimously decided to give the ball to Lin Cheng, and let's all mess around.

Therefore, in the second round of selection, KT chose the non-stick combination of Lulu and Karma in the bottom lane.

Anyway, the ball is given to Lin Cheng, and everyone is happy if they win, but if they lose, the girl will not be able to move her.

Lin Cheng was under a lot of pressure from the real faces of his teammates in the voice.

After the broadcast by the translator lady, the fans in the live broadcast looked like they were going to celebrate the New Year, waiting for the LCK championship team to overturn in the exhibition match.

In the end, both teams were selected.

Blue side KT: top lane Daomei (Lin Cheng), jungler blind monk (Bono), middle lane Morgana (Kuro), bottom lane Lulu (Aiming), support Karma (Tusin).

Red Fang Douyu anchor team: top laner Nuoshou (Yu Xiaoc), jungler Olaf (pattern), middle lane Xeras (Wang Jichao), bottom lane policewoman (smile), auxiliary Thresh (curly hair)
The lineup of the two sides has been selected, and the lineup of Douyu is quite reasonable.

Although there are basically no strong heroes in the version of the game, they are all the signature heroes of the anchors. Thresh, who is in the bottom lane, is also one of the most representative heroes in Curly's career.

The lineup of KT has a taste of four guarantees and one. It depends on Lin Cheng's performance. If Lin Cheng's sword sister collapses in the early stage, he can directly GG.

The game is loading, and the Douyu anchor is still communicating intensely.

Yu Xiaoc: "Here we come! We can win, right? Give them a blow! The opponent lineup is so snake-skinned, as long as Daomei doesn't develop very well, we will win for sure."

Curly: "I haven't played any games these two days, let me tell you first."

Yu Xiaoc: "It's okay, and we are still there. You and the king will play Lulu and Karma in the bottom lane. There must be no pressure."

Smile: "Let me also say something first, I have been kneeling all afternoon today, and my condition is not very good."

Yu Xiaoc: "It's okay, I've been kneeling all afternoon."

Pattern: "If it doesn't work, we can still shoot [-] shots. Relax and play, don't feel pressured."

Live broadcast barrage.

"I'm laughing myself to death! Did you start throwing the blame before you hit me?"

"Start the ambush, put on the spray-free armor."

"Four out of five people are applying for the right to lie down."

"Wang Jichao: It means that the four of you are all going to play me, right?"

"Why is Emperor C so hot and confident? Kneeling all afternoon, how dare you want to fuck Bro Chengzi?"

"Let me tell you, Brother Chengzi hasn't touched the game for a week, don't make excuses."

"Crazy little C was talking nonsense before the classic game, but he really wants to win?"

On the other hand, KT's team voice is very messed up.

Lin Cheng: "Brothers! The spies in the live broadcast room said that the other side is planning to target me, remember to help me."

Bono: "Aren't you good at fighting? Give you a chance, and I won't wander around on the road."

Kuro: "If Lin Cheng gets blown up, we'll have [-] shots."

Aiming: "Three assistants are selected to protect you. If Lin Cheng is beaten, you should prepare a treat and apologize."

Lin Cheng sighed. Although it was an exhibition match, aren't you being too salty like this?

In terms of runes, Lin Cheng's sword sister is still the one he is used to.

Main Department Precision: Conqueror, Triumph, Joy, Fatal Blow, Secondary Department Enlightenment: Magical Shoes, Biscuit Delivery.

"Yo ho! The latest news, the other party said that they want to give us a big blow? The first level team up to make a wave."

Under Lin Cheng's call, all members of KT entered the game and went directly from the wild area to the river in the upper half of the game, ready to make promises.

Lin Cheng and his teammates stood against the wall of the dragon pit in front of them, making sure that the red team members in the triangle grass could not see themselves.

Kuro ran into the big dragon pit, inserted the jewelry eye and fastened the Q skill, but found that there was no opponent's personnel in the triangle grass.

There was no one in the triangle grass, and all KT members went around and entered the wild area from the triangle grass, and Karma started scanning in advance.

All the way to touch the opponent's red BUFF outside the bushes, still no one was found, everyone walked around behind the red BUFF, just in time to find Nuo Shou and Olaf dancing side by side outside F6.

Two strong men playing with axes played ghosts and animals on the spot, and the atmosphere was very exciting.

Ah!As expected of being a host, I don't forget to work hard at this time.

Tusin's Karma directly flashed the strengthened Q and smashed it out, slowing down the two of them at the same time.

Morgana cast Q Dark Imprisonment.

Yu Xiao C resolutely dodges Morgana's Q, but the flash of the promise hands above gives way to Olaf, and Olaf starts to stand on the spot.

Lin Cheng directly launched a sharp blade impact, and the skills of his teammates behind him were thrown out.

After being fired by five people, Olaf survived the first round of beatings and then surrendered to Flash to run away, but was beaten to death by the blind monk Flash.

Bono took the first blood, and at the same time, the red side Ueno all flashed.

Pattern: "Wow! I didn't realize it. I knew I should dodge Morgana Q."

Yu Xiao C: "It's okay, the other side also turned in two flashes, the blind monk didn't flash, and Karma didn't flash."

"Good delivery! GG is recommended."

"A dance, right? Your leg was broken."

"Don't go to the triangular grass to stand, you really deserve to dance here."

"Is this the way to get off your horse? Sending Flash and First Blood in anger?"

"It's too quintessential that the opposite side doesn't flash, 23333."

The first-level group had gained something, and all KT members showed their expressions in satisfaction.

This shows the difference in the tactical qualities of professional players and anchors.

In addition to taking the initiative to invade at the first level, otherwise professional teams will basically occupy the triangular grass on the red side.

At least keep a vision on the triangle grass. It is impossible for Nuoshou to run to the side of F6 and dance with the jungler, completely giving up his back.

(End of this chapter)

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