Chapter 352

On the return trip, Lin Cheng took out an extra bottle of red medicine with the money from the assists. Did he take the Dolan sword out this round? Now he has two bottles of red medicine on him.

At first, he thought that Nuoshou, who was yelling at him to disown him, would also choose Dolan's sword against Gang, but when they met just now, they saw that Xiao C played Dolan's shield.

There is nothing to say about the match between Daomei and Nuoshou in this version. As long as Daomei is proficient enough, it is not difficult to fight, especially after the destruction is strengthened, Daomei will have more say in the face of heavy fighters on the road.

The most important thing for sword girls to fight in the early stage is thinking. Observe the position and blood volume of the minions. Before Q goes up, think about what you want to do next. Being able to take the initiative, if she is caught and makes a mistake, it can only be said to be the problem of Daomei herself.

As an anchor who specializes in promise hands, Yu Xiaoc also knows when his promise hands are the strongest.

As soon as Nuoshou didn't make up troops, he stood in the middle of the pawn lines of both sides and got stuck. A sword girl who was not passive would not dare to fight Nuoshou.

Lin Cheng also didn't go up to show off, and flashed an emoji of Teemo's thumbs up behind his long-range soldier.

Little C also understood the effect of the show, and gave Silas a provocative expression backhanded.

When the six melee soldiers on both sides were almost at a loss of blood, Nuoshou finally raised his hand to make up for the knife. Lin Cheng caught Nuo's hand and launched a sharp blade attack at the moment he raised his hand to make up for the soldiers.

A blue light flashed, and while killing the soldier next to him, Dao Mei slashed at Nuo's hand with her backhand.

The back swing of Nuo's general attack is relatively long. After the replenishment, the little C immediately turned around and took a step behind Daomei to get stuck. Ping A was connected to W to reset the general attack and directly knocked out a quarter of Daomei's HP.

When Nuoshou AW was about to make a move, Lin Cheng had already launched a sharp blade attack again, using the Q skill to cancel the basic attack back swing, killing the bloody soldier next to him, and at the same time slashing through it with a knife.

After making a general attack, Daomei turned into a blue light and shadow again, using the last melee soldier with residual blood to move a short distance, and slashed at Nuo's hand with a backhand.

Originally, Nuo Shou pressed down immediately after W's crippling blow, but Daomei Q's knife after the soldier's death happened to block Nuo Shou's range, and Yu Xiao C could only control Nuo Shou to chase one step forward.

Nuo raised the ax to hit the third passive layer, and Daomei slashed with her backhand.

Yu Xiaoc: "Haha! He's been fooled! I just don't replenish soldiers and wait for him to come up."

Emperor C decisively started sprinting.

Because only one melee soldier was added, five of the blue minions on the field were attacking the Nuo hand. The blood volume of the Nuo hand who was hit four times by the sword girl was much lower than that of the sword girl, but Little C knew that it was time to start If you sprint and chase yourself, you will win.

Nuo's hand is still two swords away from bleeding anger, and the two long-range soldiers on the red side are almost full of blood. If the sword girl can't stack the full layer of passive extra damage and continue to fight, she can't beat Nuo's hand.

As soon as Nuo Shou sprints away, it means that today's first level must be divided.

If one of them didn't lie down, at least Daomei's flash had to be handed over.

Because of the extra attack speed provided by Ionia's enthusiasm, when Nuo came to cut out the four-layer passive, Daomei had already taken the first step to tie A.

The small golden ax emerged, and the sword girl stacked up a full layer of conquerors.

Seeing that Nuo's hand could hit Blood Fury with a single blow, Daomei took the lead in attacking.

Before making an attack, Lin Cheng handed over a flash at the moment Nuoshou was about to raise the axe, and appeared at the position two bodies away from Nuoshou.

The flash can't interrupt the flat A, but that refers to the situation where the front swing of the attack has already been made.

When the front swing of the attack is not completed, flashing to open the distance can prevent the opponent's flat A from being shot.

Lin Cheng's flash just happened to be able to tie A with Duan Nuo's hand, so Emperor C could only continue to face Daomei.

You must know that there are five blue minions on the field all the time outputting, and Emperor C who was talking non-stop just now has stopped talking, and he feels a little wrong.

But the arrow has to be fired, and this situation must not be cowardly.

The distance of Lin Cheng's flash was just right, because of the length of his hands, when Nuo Shou rushed over, Dao Mei made an attacking front swing first again.

In the current version, the first level of the full-stack conqueror can increase the attack by 15 points, and two general attacks of the full-stacked conqueror have reduced Nuo's blood to only about one-third.

A step forward with Nuo's hand is a heavy chop.

"Inside the banquet! Blood rages out!"

Yu Xiao C couldn't help shouting a slogan, you know nothing about the damage of Blood Rage.

He successfully fought Blood Rage, and C Huangping A fought back when Daomei swung her sword again.

Nuo Shou brought a full layer of Conqueror and the effect of blood rage was very exaggerated. With one knife, nearly a quarter of Daomei's blood volume was chopped off, and the blood rage continued to bleed.

With the next blow, Daomei would bleed to death even if she didn't fall.

However, Daomei's passive leading attack speed is not for show, and the Q skill that Lin Cheng has been pinching to death is still in his hand.

Nuoshou's natural attack speed was already very slow, and the blades around Daomei swung them first again.

The moment the basic attack raised his hand, Lin Cheng's Q skill reset the basic attack, and immediately connected to the flat A.

The AQA shot by Lin Cheng at the speed of light caused Nuo Shou, who had less than one-third of his health, to die suddenly, and the next ax had no chance to make a move.

Being solo-killed at the first level, Yu Xiao C frowned, and sighed: "Hey~~~ I made a mistake! I should have waited for the blood fury to pull it out, and the W skill will be ready soon. Why should I rush to use it? And there is one more on the opposite side It hurts too much for the flash to get stuck and me to draw A twice."

The screen was full of ridicule in the live broadcast room.

"The classic is flashed by killing monsters alone. Didn't you dance and play that flash by yourself?"

"Aren't you also sprinting with multiple people? Daomei doesn't think highly of you with teleportation."

"I'm going to see how strong the professional player Daomei is today! Have you seen it?"

"Laugh! He was fooled! Why did you die?"

"The first-level promise hand was solo-killed by a sword girl who didn't have a full stack of passives. It's really you."

"Emperor C doesn't cry! Fighting Blood Rage is considered a success!"

"It really is a breakthrough."

"Brother Cheng Zi is really strong! I can't do it in the training ground even if I flash Kaping A."

On the other side, Lin Cheng who completed the solo kill was very calm, and even explained the details to the water friends just now while operating.

"It's a bit of an advantage for this promise to sprint directly, but it's true that the sword girl has to be fully stacked to get extra damage. This wave is not easy to fight."

"However, our hands are still ahead of Flash, so we can operate it."

"Hey! He's already dead when he's stuck at level A, and he doesn't panic when he plays Blood Rage. I always keep the Q to pull the position. As long as I keep the Q, he can't pull me even if he sprints."

"Look! He's dead! I said he couldn't beat me."

Lin Chengyun gave a full voice-over commentary in a bland manner, and finally added a sentence: "Daomei is a hero, as long as you can grasp the attack distance like me, you will be invincible on the road."

(End of this chapter)

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