This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 353 Tian Ji's Horse Racing

Chapter 353 Tian Ji Horse Racing

Pattern: "I'm going to brush it down soon, and I can find a wave of opportunities to do it."

Smile: "There seems to be no eyes below, wait for them to press the line for a chance."

Curly: "Karma didn't flash, I can directly flash E to keep people."

Pattern: "OK! OK! Just touch Karma and leave Lulu alone."

The voice discussion tactics of the Douyu anchor team were very intense, but they didn't even mention the fact that King C was solo killed in the top lane.

After all, these are all popular anchors who can be named, and those with low EQ can't get along in this circle.

Yu Xiao C silently manipulated the resurrected Nuo Shou and ran up the road.

As if nothing had happened.

As for KT's voice on the other side, his teammates were calling 666 to Lin Cheng.

Kuro: "Amazing, Lin Cheng! Solo kill at the first level."

Bono: "Nice job, I was going to go up and take a look."

Aiming: "It seems that the opposite road is a breakthrough, and we have already laid down."

Tusin: "The opposite top road breaks through, so be careful."

The lady translator translated the words of the duo, and immediately an inner ghost ran to the C Huang live broadcast room to complain.

Emperor C was so angry that he fell silent on the spot.

When Nuoshou returned to the line, Dao Mei was already at level three. Lin Cheng did not waver after pushing the line, and took out the small long sword and the Dolan sword on the return trip.

Shuang Dolan made it clear that he wanted to beat Nuo to death.

However, after all, the KT players in the exhibition match were not rigorous enough.

Bottom lane KT's double supporters pressed the line as soon as they came up, and the accessories were used in the first-level regiment, which led to being brushed down by Olaf and finding a chance to go around the back.

The curly-haired Thresh flashed his E skill first and swung back to Karma. After catching the hook, Olaf rushed over and threw an ax to slow down and hacked randomly. The smiling policewoman successfully took the head.

Lin Cheng complained in the team voice: "Please don't give it away! One by one shouted to lie down and win, and manually increased the difficulty of the game for me."

Seeing Lin Cheng jump like this, his teammates condemned him for a while.

Olaf showed his head just now, and Bono ran to the red side's upper half wild area to fight against the wild after brushing the river crab.

However, due to the delay in brushing river crabs, the blind monk was caught by Olaf who rushed over when he was playing F6, and Xerath also surrounded him from the side.

After handing in the skills, Bono, who played in the jungle, lost his eyesight, and quickly retreated from the jungle to the direction of the red triangle grass.

Olaf and Xerath pursued from both sides of the red buff respectively.

Pattern: "Emperor C, come and take care of me, I can't keep anyone."

Wang Jichao: "You can kill the blind monk if you don't blink or see! You can kill when Nuo Shou comes over! Little C hurry up and support."

Yu Xiaoc: "I can't make it through, I can't make it through, I seem to be singled out again!"

As soon as the words fell, the reminder that Nuoshou was killed by Daomei sounded.


Wang Jichao: "..."

It turned out that when the location of the blind monk was discovered by the opponent, Lin Cheng made another move.

The line of soldiers on the road happened to be stuck at the corner of the river wall in the red square at this time. When Nuo came up to replenish the cannon cart, Daomei Q went to the bloody soldier next to her.

Daomei threw a blade in the air, Q killed the bloody soldier, and then slashed at the Nuo hand next to her with a backhand, and threw a second blade.

Pulling out with wings and double blades, Nuoshou who failed to move and the soldier next to him all fell into dizziness.

General attack A Xiang Nuo, Q skill kills the small soldier next to him, cancels the attack, and at the same time, the sword girl sinks, and the W distance breaking dance begins to charge.

Nuoshou's dizziness is over, and he directly uses the E skill ruthless iron hand.

Lin Cheng chose to release the W skill in seconds in advance.

Light and shadow erupted, just at the moment Nuo Shou's E skill started to attack, Daomei's sharp blade struck and shot.

The advance speed of the blade impact is too fast, and the mechanism that will cross the target's position will make Nuoshou's E skill empty.

Nuo mobile Q big kill Quartet has been launched, adjust the position.

Originally, because Nuo Shou's E skill had a stiffening effect, Daomei would definitely be scratched by Nuo Shou's outer circle Q after eating the ruthless iron hand, but Lin Cheng avoided Nuo Shou's E, and after seeing the opponent's movement Decisively Q to the minion next to him.

A blue light flashed, and Nuo Shou felt lonely.

Not to mention the outer circle, Lin Cheng didn't even want to take damage from the inner circle.

And because the E wing-to-wing double-blades and W distance-breaking dance just now lowered the blood volume of the minions, the three minions in front of Nuoshou were all within the killing line.

Q killed the little soldier, and Daomei just shifted to face her face and slashed out with a knife.

The fourth-level sword girl is already full of conquerors and passives, and the third-level Nuoshou's blood volume is less than half.

Nuoshou hurriedly slowed down with the crippling blow, turned around and ran back.

Before Nuo pulled her hand away, Daomei slashed out again under the high attack speed bonus.

Lin Cheng waited for a while, and launched the Q blade impact again when the deceleration of the crippling blow disappeared.

Just as Xiao C's Nuo Shou was about to enter the tower, he saw Dao Mei cross her body and go down with two backhands to complete a single kill again.

Lin Cheng once again showed the expression that Teemo liked when they met on the road.

The difference is that Comrade Nuoshou, who responded with Silas's provocative expression before, has rushed to the street twice, and now he is powerless to express his expression.

"You really have your C emperor! E is empty and Q is empty, only W is empty."

"Ruthless master of the spoon! Feast the Quartet! Serve and strike! Sinai!"

"It's too miserable to eat a cannon cart outside the tower and be killed alone."

"Even Papa Ta can't help you this time, why did you go out to eat soldiers? What qualifications do you have to see the soldiers line?"

"Daomei is really silky, it's a kind of enjoyment to look at."

"Emperor C, are you saying something? Why don't you turn on the microphone?"

"In the face of professional players, the C emperor can't even understand it."

"China-Korea exhibition competition, what do you say you are a neon man?"

After killing Nuoshou, Lin Cheng turned around to meet the fleeing blind monk. Olaf and Xerath didn't dare to pursue him, and could only watch the blind monk swagger away.

Nuoshou was solo-killed twice, and Emperor C has no TP yet, so he can already announce that he will explode on the road.

Eleven, the only commentator in the official live broadcast room of the exhibition match, expressed pessimism about the prospect of the red side on the road: "C Emperor can't play anymore! How can Nuo be played after being solo killed twice by Daomei? It depends on when teammates come to help. .”

After thinking about it, Eleven changed his mind again: "However, I think it's better not to help on the road. Brother Cheng's Daomei can handle it very well. If you give him a wave of manipulation, your teammates will be blown up. It's better to let Emperor C be on the road." Resist the pressure, anyway, he has a lot of experience in resisting pressure."

"Laughing! I have rich experience in resisting pressure. Is this implying that Emperor C is a bastard?"

"I once unfollowed him because of his C appearance. After today, I will re-follow him."

"Helping the bastard will definitely lose, I really can't help."

"I originally thought that the opponent would win against the bastard, but I didn't expect to blow up without having to fight against Emperor C."

"Tian Ji horse racing! You can't demand too much from inferior horses."

(End of this chapter)

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