Chapter 354 He's Too Team
After killing her opponent solo again, Daomei was almost full of health, and Lin Cheng didn't return, and quickly pushed the line into the tower to eat the tapi.

While eating tapies, Lin Cheng cheerfully said to the water friends in the live broadcast room: "Compared to professional players, these anchors are really easy to kill. Without double summoning, many players would not even take a look. Why does he dare to come out to eat the thread? You don’t really think I can’t kill him, do you?”

"It's too much! It's full of ridicule."

"Damn it! Let him pretend again."

"If you keep doing this, Emperor C won't play with you in the next exhibition match."

"Beat a diamond cub and still have to shiver?"

"Later, Little C will show you what stability is."

When Nuoshou came back to life, he saw that Daomei was too stuck in front of her second tower, and she didn't even give him a chance to eat the line of soldiers under the tower.

At this time, Daomei is at the fifth level, and Nuoshou is at the third level. Emperor C is very bitter.

Yu Xiaoc: "Brothers! Come and help me, or this will kill me."

Pattern: "Okay, okay, I'll be here soon."

Wang Jichao: "Wait for me, wait for me! The sword girl opposite is too fat, you two will be manipulated, and the blind monk may be on it."

Curly: "I'm already here, wait for me first, I'm weak, and I'm not afraid of Daomei's operation."

The anchors conspired to catch the four of them, but Lin Cheng didn't have much defense.

The blind monk happened to be beating the stone man next to him, and the middle and wild Qilai Lin Cheng was not in a panic.

Moreover, Lin Cheng, who was level three and level four Olaf, didn't know how he died. Unless Xerath used the electric knife endlessly, his skills would not be difficult for Lin Cheng to hide.

After disconnecting the line, Lin Cheng couldn't bear to see Nuoshou still standing by and watching.

What are you looking at?You haven't been beaten, have you?
Lin Cheng resolutely pulled Biyi's double blades in seconds, and the two blades shot out, accurately stunning Nuo's hand.

Daomei launched a sharp blade attack, chasing Nuoshou and was about to slash.

Bono's blind monk also finished beating the stone man and came out to deal with Nuo Shou with Lin Cheng.

At this time, Olaf happened to show his head under the red square two tower, followed by Thresh.

Lin Cheng knew it was broken when he saw Thresh.

The support is here, and the mid laner Xeras, who disappeared early on the opposite side, must also be here. This is a wave of four players.

If the support in the game has disappeared for too long in the bottom lane, his teammates will give him a reminder, but I didn't get any feedback today.

The duo of KT in the bottom lane are purely paddling for entertainment, and they are fighting each other. How can they have time to report information to Lin Cheng?
This time, Lin Cheng didn't flash the E skill and handed it in again. He knew that there was basically no room for manipulation.

If he knew that the four people on the opposite side were in the bag, Lin Cheng would definitely not hand over the Twin Blades so casually.

There is no other way but to continue to output after chasing Nuo Shou.

Lin Cheng: "Kill Nuo Shou first! Kill one first to see if there is a chance."

Kuro: "Hold on for a while, I'm going up."

Bono's blind monk had already touched Daomei, Tian Yinbo hung up Nuo's hand, and slapped the floor.

Although Daomei's passive stack of broken pawn lines just now has disappeared, but Nuoshou is only level three after all, and was almost disabled by the two in an instant.

King C stood outside his second tower and made a decisive shot with E skill, and ruthlessly pulled the blind monk and Daomei at the same time.

Nuoshou adjusted his position and launched the Q skill to kill all directions, and the two people in the outer circle were scraped back a mouthful of old blood.

The blind monk activates the second-stage Q and rushes straight to Nuo Shou who is about to enter the tower.

Curly's Thresh E skill shot to break the blind monk's second-stage Q, but this time he didn't grasp the timing well. The blind monk's second-stage Q damage had already come out before he was hit by the pendulum of doom.

And because Thresh's E brushed the Lee Sin out of the tower's range, Bono didn't attract the tower's aggro.

Thresh hooked his face and hit the blind monk.

At this time, the figure of Xerath appeared at the intersection of the wild area next to him, holding his hands high and charging the Q skill Arcane Pulse.

And Kuro's Morgana is still next to the red square F6, Lin Cheng knows that he can't wait for his support.

With a flash of blue light, Daomei's Q skill rushed straight into Ta's hands.

Lin Cheng made a choice in an instant and wanted to change Nuo's hand by force.

Thresh is weak, and Olaf is born with a strong early combat power. It is impossible to give him a chance to hold on to Morgana with the addition of Xerath.

After all, he didn't go home to replenish his equipment just now, and the advantage is not as great as it seems. At this time, he can only change a stop loss as soon as possible. After a little hesitation, he may not even be able to change his hands.

Sure enough, Thresh immediately put the weakness on Daomei who was rushing to the tower, but Daomei still slashed Nuo's hand with two stabs in the face.

And the fifth-level sword girl would definitely not be able to survive rushing to the second tower at this time, and Lin Cheng himself was hacked to death under the tower by Olaf.

Bono's blind monk was controlled by Xerath to eat a set of skills and ascend to heaven in situ.

The Douyu anchor team played one for two.

Yu Xiao C: "They started first, hurry up and support... I pulled two! I pulled two! I died in this wave, but I can kill! I can kill! They didn't dodge."

Seeing that all the opponents Ueno had been shot dead, Emperor C couldn't help shouting: "Nice! Beautiful!"

Pattern: "Yes, yes! This wave of one-for-two also took a big head."

Curly: "Beautiful! After breaking the rhythm of Daomei, it will be easy to fight next."

The barrage in C Huang's live broadcast room.

"Why are you yelling so loudly? You scared me to death."

"It's on fire! Mixed up two assists and made it look like a win."

"It's getting louder? I thought Emperor C didn't turn on the mic."

"Isn't this match much better than the Spring Finals? Come on Emperor C! Don't give it away."

"Make heavenly achievements! Tian Ji's horse race is one for two."

"Happy like a child, but the result is 0-3."

"The bastards from 0-3 bark louder than anyone else."

"He's happier with his teammate taking the head than himself, 23333."

"Tears! He is too team."

"Focus on it: it's easy to fight next."

On the other side, Lin Cheng felt very uncomfortable.

"It's okay to choose disconnection in this wave. Even if there are four people around the blind monk, it's not impossible to operate. The main reason is that I shouldn't hand in E easily. There is no flash when there is no line of soldiers. Only the E skill can create for me. Manipulating the space, as a result, I handed E to Nuo Shou first, so I didn’t have anything to play.”

Lin Cheng took the initiative to analyze his mistakes, and finally said: "Ah! I was careless! Originally, Brother Cheng thought that I would not die once in the entertainment competition and was super godly, but I didn't expect it to be terminated so soon."

"??? Are you serious?"

"Undead once and super god? Fuck! It turns out that you really don't treat the other person as a human being."

"I beg you to be a human being, just show yourself in the live broadcast room... oh! This is your live broadcast room, then it's fine."

"Haha! This is Brother Cheng, Bencheng."

"When someone comes to play an exhibition game, you are so prepared to slaughter, it's too much."

Lin Cheng waved his hand, "I won't talk nonsense with you, I'm going to be serious next time."

(End of this chapter)

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