This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 360 Look at me scolding him crooked

Chapter 360 Look at me, I gave him a crooked head (Leader Jiageng 25)

Lin Cheng gave away the head, and his teammates didn't bother to continue the slaughter. The four quickly flattened the opponent's base to end the exhibition game.

In the end, Lin Cheng's Daomei record was fixed at 22-2-9, and she was undoubtedly the system MVP.

"Alas! light and pleasant."

Lin Cheng stretched his waist, "How do you say it? Didn't Brother Cheng survive once and became a god after he became serious?"

"It's obvious that you gave a gift by flushing the spring water at the end, but you selectively forgot?"

"It's so beautiful! This knife girl is not a hero like me."

"Brother Chengzi's knife girl is really pissed, and I'm afraid no one will dare to let it go in the future."

"The last wave gave little C a head, Brother Cheng has a high EQ."

"As long as he has a slightly higher EQ, he will not catch Emperor C and kill him.

"Emperor C was beaten stupid, so he took the initiative to take the blame over there."

"Have you never won before? This is too cruel."

"If you lose your hand in an exhibition match, who will play with you in the future?"

Lin Cheng took another look at his record, and suddenly remembered something: "That's not right! I've finished playing a game, why hasn't the takeaway I ordered arrived yet?"

I picked up my phone and looked at it. I ordered seafood noodles and mixed sauce noodles at a nearby store before. Generally speaking, it took 15 minutes to arrive. Today, it took more than half an hour to arrive, which is a bit unreasonable.

The average delivery speed in South Korea is very fast, and unlike domestic takeaway platforms competing for hegemony, many delivery staff in South Korea are hired by the merchants themselves, and the delivery time for this kind of seafood noodles is generally very short. .

Just like in China, food delivery riders are also high-paying and high-yielding jobs in South Korea.

Due to the epidemic, Naver has reported that with the recent increase in the number of takeaways, there have even been takeaway riders in Gangnam District who have achieved an average daily salary of more than 40 won in the past two months, which is equivalent to RMB 2400 a day. Both South Korea and China are high-income groups.

Brother Cheng doesn't count bonuses, and he can only earn 1000 yuan a day in terms of salary alone.

Lin Cheng was really hungry. Thinking of the deliveryman earning so much money but working as a foreign worker, he started to call the deliveryman angrily.

Holding the phone in his left hand and pointing at the phone screen with his right hand, Lin Cheng said in a bad tone, "Brothers! This food delivery guy is too smudged, and the driver specially hired by the owner of this shop is so slow, it seems that I can't even make a phone call." Scold him badly."

Some viewers in the live broadcast room were dissuaded, and some were angry.

"Brother Cheng won't! It's not easy for a delivery man."

"Everyone understands each other. The world of adults is not easy."

"Don't swear! What if the delivery man gets caught running a red light?"

"Brother Chengzi, be more aggressive! Curse him to death."

"You can still eat something like noodles for more than half an hour? Don't be polite, just scold."

"Let me count how many people are on the phone with Brother Chengzi."

The phone was connected after a few rings.

Lin Cheng: "Aren't you stuck?"

A man's voice sounded and responded politely.

Lin Cheng: "Hey! Brother! Why haven't you arrived yet? I'm almost starving to death... Oh! The main reason is that seafood noodles don't taste good after a long time, you know... It's okay, it's okay! I also I’m not angry! The address is correct, you try to be as fast as possible, it doesn’t matter if you can’t.”

Lin Cheng spoke Korean, while the temporary interpreter on the other side immediately translated simultaneously intact.

The barrage in the live broadcast room was filled with question marks.


"Is this what you said about giving him a crooked head?"

"Do you have any misunderstanding about cursing?"

"I'm dying of laughter! Look at me cursing his head to one side, and it turned out that I said it was a brother."

"I was going to count how many words there are in a sentence for you, and this is the result?"

"Haha! Just like me, I was very angry before the call, and the moment the call was connected, I was refined and easy-going."

"Me too, I'm only angry with myself."

Lin Cheng hung up the phone and coughed dryly: "At first, I was also very angry, but when I thought that it was not easy for someone to deliver food at night, and it is said that this person just went to work for the first time today, Brother Cheng is such a kind person, How could you really get angry over such a trivial matter?"

At this time, Kuro suddenly said in awkward Chinese: "Are you afraid that people will spit on your takeaway?"

Lin Cheng: "..."

"The truth! Hit the nail on the head."

"I'm dying of laughter! Kuro is also easy to fuck."

"The last time this B watched Kuro's dinner highlights, he got retribution."

"Is this the atmosphere in KT's team? I learned it from yin and yang and FPX?"

"It's different, okay? FPX's yin and yang aura is a fatherly kindness and son's filial piety, while KT's yin and yang aura is purely piercing."

They were chatting and laughing here, but the Douyu anchors had a peaceful atmosphere on the other side.

As soon as the game ended, Yu Xiao C took the initiative to take the blame: "Brothers, I didn't hit the road well, I'll take the blame first! Then it's up to you, win back my humiliation .”

Pattern: "What do you mean?"

Yu Xiaoc: "I won't be here next time, let Xiao You take my place, you all work hard."

"Can't you afford it? Run away if you lose?"

"If Emperor C's is not played well, it means that he has been sending it away."

"Emperor C tried his best, after all, he couldn't even open the game without you."

"The moment the base exploded, King C felt happier than getting the head."

"Can you be unhappy? Finally, I don't have to die anymore."

"Being full of confidence before the game, I started with a painful mask, kept silent in the middle, and covered my face and cried in the later stage."

"1-14-6, you can find a class."

"It was really hit on the head by Brother Chengzi, but after all, the number one swordsman in the world, it's not wrong to lose."

"It's not wrong, it's just ugly."

"i3 was developed successfully."

Liu Xiao is also a streamer who specializes in Kret. He has used Kret to hit the top of Hanbok. Unlike these specialized streamers like Yu Xiao C, Liu Xiao has professional experience.

Liu Xiaoyou once played under the nickname Zhao Yun in RW for 19 years, and had an amazing performance.

However, as an anchor who specializes in Kled, Liu Xiao has a big drawback as a professional player: the hero pool is too narrow.

Without Klein, his performance would not be so impressive, and although Liu Xiao is good at maneuvering, it may be that he played too much RANK and his anti-gank awareness was very poor.

He always thought that his opponent was going to challenge him one-on-one, and he dared to die if he dared to catch him.

There was a time when he overwhelmed Mr. Sun, who was known as "the best catcher in the world" in terms of daring to catch and dare to die.

The weakness is so obvious that he can't get along in the professional arena. Liu Xiao became an anchor again, and this exhibition game was also invited by Douyu.

The audience still had certain expectations for Liu Xiao's preparation to play again.

After all, if you pull again, can you still have Huang C?

Little C can raise a monster to torture his teammates in 10 minutes, and if Liu Xiaoyou gets Klein, he will definitely not be so outrageous.

After all, Liu Xiaoyou is now the real king of Hanbok.

The opposite side asked for a substitution, just in time for a break between rounds, Lin Cheng finally got his spicy seafood noodles.

The delivery guy was a very young guy who kept apologizing to Lin Cheng.

Although Lin Cheng was very angry at the beginning of the live broadcast, he was not the kind of person who would be unreasonable and unforgiving, and he repeatedly said that it was okay.

Of course, although his tone was gentle when he took the takeaway, Lin Cheng still felt a little uncomfortable when he opened the takeaway and saw the spicy seafood noodles.

After so long, even miscellaneous sauce noodles should be lumpy, let alone seafood noodles.

While eating half-warm spicy seafood noodles, Lin Cheng frowned, and there was only one thought in his mind:
Sister Shuyan!I probably couldn't really live without you.

 Add two chapters today, and add three chapters tomorrow to finish the update owed by the leader
(End of this chapter)

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