Chapter 361

Lin Cheng hurriedly filled his stomach, and it took a while for Liu Xiaoyou to enter the competition room.

The people who eat melons in Douyu have said that the shortcomings have been made up, and this round will not be beaten violently.

The two sides entered the BP stage in the second game.

This time the Douyu anchor team was the blue side, and Liu Xiao asked again on the first floor, "Who should I ban?"

The other four replied almost simultaneously: "Sister Dao!"

Liu Xiao understood in seconds. He also watched the live broadcast of the previous game, and just now he was just routinely asking his teammates for their opinions.

He wasn't interested in imitating King C's live broadcast effects, so he said with a smile on his face in the live broadcast room: "I'm going to see how strong a professional player's sword girl is today."

The first floor decisively bans the knife girl.

On the other side, KT's BAN continued the routine of the previous game, and Galen started.

Qinggang Shadow is disabled on the second floor of the blue square.

Lin Cheng's state in the last round was really astonishing, and the Douyu anchors chose to continue targeting Lin Cheng.

Although these anchors don't necessarily watch many LCK games and don't know much about Lin Cheng's hero pool, the water friends in the live broadcast room are omnipotent.

From targeting Lin Cheng's hero pool to various tactical arrangements, the paper coaches in the live broadcast room each have their own unique insights.

Red square two BAN Teemo.

The sword girl was disabled on the third floor of the blue square, obviously to pave the way for Liu Xiaoyou's Klein.

While banning Yasuo, Kuro teased in voice: "Hey! The opponent even bans three top laners. It seems that he is targeting Lin Cheng."

Lin Cheng complained: "Nonsense! Don't we also aim at the points that we can't handle in the game? Could it be that Lulu, who is so good at the Golden Holy Land, was banned in the last game?"

Aiming slammed the table in his live broadcast room, and said in a firm tone, "I repeat, I must fight Lin Cheng in the next round."

Lin Cheng: "..."

In terms of talent selection, the Douyu anchor didn't do much tricks. The first three floors took Klein, Xerath, and blind monk.

Not to mention Kret and Xerath, they are the signature heroes of Liu Xiaoyou and Wang Jichao who became the king of the Hanbok respectively, and the blind monk is also a hero who is very good at the pattern.

The selection on KT's side is different from the previous round. The first three floors brought out Enchantress, Kai'Sa and Niutou.

In the last game, the three iron bastards were about to change their minds, and this time they will be C.

Of course, according to Aiming, it's better to find a good hand with this one, and the next one is to hit Lin Cheng against domestic violence.

In the second round of BAN, the Douyu anchor team still chose to target Lin Cheng, and BAN lost Crocodile and Jess.

KT is still following the fate of the BAN people, and banned the two mid laners at will.

Starting the second round of selection, KT's fourth floor has Zac as the jungler.

The duo of the blue side chose the robot and EZ, which are also the signatures of curls and smiles.

The red side locked Nuo's hand with the last hand.

Lin Cheng: "I didn't play C Huang well last time, so I'll see if it's fun without him."

"Fuck! Kill people and kill them? Why are you still messing with him when Emperor C is gone?"

"Use the hero you defeated in the previous round to defeat the opponent? There is a program effect."

"Hurry up and ask Emperor C to come over and see Brother Chengzi's first-person perspective, and learn how to play Nuoshu."

"Don't give Emperor C a complete defense, it's not easy to be scolded every day as a bastard anchor."

"Emperor C will probably be so angry that he will broadcast it on the spot."

Both teams are selected.

Blue Fang Douyu anchor team: top laner Klie (Liu Xiaoyou), jungler blind monk (pattern), mid laner Zeras (Wang Jichao), bottom laner EZ (smile), and auxiliary robot (curly hair).

Red side KT: Top Lane Nuo Shou (Lin Cheng), Jungle Zack (Bono), Mid Lane Demon Girl (Kuro), Bot Lane Kai'Sa (Aiming), Support Tusin (Tusin).

The lineup in this game has no first-level sneak attack ability, and KT has no invasion.

But the blue party used the machine to do a wave of things together.

Douyu anchors copied KT's attacking routine on the blue side in the previous round. All members of the team's field of vision touched the Dalong Pit, and the robot tentatively hooked the triangle grass.

One lucky viewer will be drawn immediately.

At this time, Lin Cheng happened to be hiding in the grass to watch Nuoshou's skill introduction. He hadn't touched this hero for a long time.

Although I am very familiar with Nuoshou's skill mechanism, the details such as the mana consumption of each skill still need to be re-familiarized.

As it turned out, the robot's lucky draw happened to hit Lin Cheng's promise.

Curly: "I caught it, beat him."

Nuoshou was hooked and beaten severely.

Lin Cheng had a strong desire to survive, so he jumped over the wall and wanted to run.

But the Q of the blind monk was already hanging on him, and the pattern activated the second-stage Q to chase after him.

Although Lin Cheng sprinted to open the distance, the blind monk made up for the damage with his last punch.

Lin Cheng handed over his first blood, and he handed in both summons.

Lin Cheng was annoyed: "Ah Xi~~~ The other side is doing a sneak attack! I forgot about the opponent's robot move."

Lin Cheng was full of taunts in the last round, so naturally his teammates won't let go of the chance to retaliate in this round.

Aiming: "Yo yo! Who is this? Is it starting from the first level?"

Kuro: "Lie down on the road! Don't send a bag to win."

Lin Cheng didn't try to tell them apart, but just said: "The blind monk didn't flash."

This classic line is really appropriate.

The audience in the live broadcast room was already laughing.

"The effect of the 666 program is getting better."

"As expected of you! Enter the game to see the skill introduction."

"I remember Teacher Sun and Brother Li also did this kind of thing."

"Laughing to death! Use the promise hand to pretend to be aggressive, but you don't even know the skills."

"Have you ever played Nuo Shou? I think you're going to be beaten violently."

Entering the game, the two sides continued to make small moves on the road.

When they came across the pawn line, neither side actively collided at first, until Lin Cheng's promise saw that Kled needed Q to make up the knife, and when he needed to make up the knife with Q, he took a step forward and blocked the position. .

Nuo's hand is 50 yards longer than the immediate Kelie's hand, and Lin Chengka's distance is a waste of money.

On the other hand, Liu Xiao pulled away and saw that when Lin Cheng stepped forward, he used the next Q skill to hit Nuo's hand. Although Lin Cheng's backhand Q skill hit the outer circle of Klie, Klie kept poking left and right. Let Nuo Shou not be able to close to level A.

It happened that the little soldier next to him was bleeding, and when Lin Cheng was about to replenish his troops, Kelie's second-stage Q broke out and dragged Nuo's hand, and Kelie took the opportunity to steal a shot to tie the A and pulled it away.

In this way, you come and go, although Lin Cheng has a small advantage in the first-level exchange, but he has not obviously grabbed the line right, and the speed of the two sides is not in order.

Lin Cheng once again used Q to make up soldiers, and at the same time, he touched Kled in the outer circle, hitting Skaar's health bar to a very low level.

But Liu Xiao was right, he swung his Q skill with his backhand to press the position, and he slashed at him with a single knife.

Before Lin Cheng could pull away, the second section of the zipline broke out and pulled Nuo Shou towards Klie again.

Seeing that Kelie raised his hand to attack again, Lin Cheng cut Kelie off his horse with a backhand knife, then turned and ran.

Lin Cheng himself had used Kled in the arena, and he knew that at this time, he absolutely couldn't go all out with little Kled, and waited for the W to mount on the opposite side.

Seeing that his opponent would not be fooled, Kled fired a musket before turning around and starting to replenish his troops to gather courage.

Little Klie, who had just dismounted from the second level, held his W skill in his hand and didn't learn it. Lin Cheng's Nuo hand was only half blood, so he really didn't dare to go up and trouble him.

During the brief confrontation, Lin Cheng had to say a word of admiration: "This Kelie is really detailed. As far as Kelie is a hero, he is almost catching up with Brother Cheng."

After all, Lin Chengnuo's hand proficiency is not particularly high, and it is not easy to line up with a player who specializes in Kled and has reached the top [-] in the Korean server.

And the current version of Kled is the more dominant side against Nuo Shou online.

(End of this chapter)

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