This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 362 The Emperor C will release water without you?

Chapter 362 The Emperor C will release water without you?
The two sides were engaged in a heart-to-heart game on the road, and Lin Cheng could only go around Xiao Kelie to make up the knife.

Kled's health bar can be deceiving, especially the second-level Kledzang W, which is very easy to cause a counter-kill when facing a hero who needs to be close.

Generally speaking, Lin Cheng would choose to endure in this situation, and it would be easier to fight after level six.

But Bono's Zach has rushed over.

The hero Zac's GANK is not like the general jungler who needs to go around the back, and he comes to support very quickly.

Zach jammed his hands into the ground behind him, pouted his buttocks and began to pull his body into an arch with all his might.

Bono: "Lin Cheng, come on!"

At this time, Ke Lie had already been promoted to the third level, but since his teammates were all here, Lin Cheng could get in if he didn't.

You can't be cowardly in an exhibition match, can you?

After seeing the distance, Lin Cheng added the skill points he had kept to the E skill.

Ruthless hand.

Nuo Shou pulled the little Krye towards him from the extreme distance.

Kled's reaction was quick, and he quickly fired his small pistol at Nuo's hand, and bounced himself back a short distance in the air.

Although the Q in the air didn't distance him from Nuoshou, it successfully offset the stiffness of Nuoshou's E skill.

At the same time as Nuo Shou attacked, Klein quickly slashed with his backhand.

At this time, Zac turned into a ball of green snot and smashed over.

Kled dodged to the side to avoid Zac's blow, and under the attack speed bonus of W's violent nature, he slashed at Nuo's hand twice.

Full of courage, Skaarl returns.

However, Lin Cheng also saw Kled's position when he got on the horse, and successfully scraped Kled with the outer circle that killed the Quartet, and also killed two minions with the Q skill.

Connaught rose to level three.

Kled got on his horse and hit the knife just in time to deal extra damage from his violent nature.

Although the blood volume was restored by taking drugs in advance, Nuoshou's blood volume was still only one-third left at this time.

Zach pressed forward, and Lin Cheng pulled back a step.

Seeing that Kelie turned around and was about to pull against the grass, Lin Cheng immediately turned around and followed Zach and leaned towards Kelie.

Lin Cheng is very detailed now, but his luck is really not very good.

Nuoshou was obviously a little bit behind Zach, and when the models were almost overlapping, Kled suddenly returned the carbine with EQ, and even bypassed Zac and hit Nuoshou.

Ke Lie went down with a knife, hitting Nuo Shou's blood volume to a very low level.

At the same time, Lin Cheng AW played a four-layer passive, and immediately turned around to pull the position in the grass next to him.

Nuo Shou's crippling blow combined with Zach just knocked Kerry off the horse again, making it impossible for Kled to use the second-stage E to pursue him immediately.

But Lin Cheng's positioning failed to break Klie's Q skill, and when Nuoshou walked to the edge of the grass, the second zipline broke out.

After Nuo's hand was pulled back, Kret took the opportunity to fire a small pistol, and at the same time opened a distance from Zach.

Lin Cheng's blood volume had almost bottomed out.

We must know that the blue minion is also attacking Nuo Shou, whether Lin Cheng entered the grass or was chased by the long-range minion with the two ballistics that emptied the last blood volume.

Bono found that the situation was not right, and flashed an AW to kill Klein, but he missed a little damage.

Ke Lie moved away and waited until the triumphant return of blood.

At this time, the blind monk just came from the river, W touched Klein's body, and slapped the floor.

The hero Zac will lose his health because of his skills. When Bono came to gank, his blood volume was only two-thirds. Now he was killed by the blind monk with two punches and direct two-stage Q.

Bono: "Wow! The script shouldn't be like this, sorry Lin Cheng."

Lin Cheng also had a bit of a headache, "Brother, why did you let go of your landing Q skill? The extra damage just now made him dismount early."

Lin Cheng could see clearly that Zac's Q skill landed ridiculously crooked, and it was obvious that Kled flashed out first, and Bono also released a reverse Q skill.

Bono chuckled: "You actually found out? I pressed the button just now."

"The effect of the show exploded! Haha!"

"Ueno linkage, one dies, one gets away."

"You also have today, being shown until your scalp tingles."

"Damn it! Xiaoyou, this Klein is so good, it's really good in terms of operation alone."

"That's right, Little You Kelei RANK has beaten many top laners."

"It's reasonable, if you are the king of Hanbok, why is Brother Chengzi always showing off?"

"The game started 0-2, is it really a re-enactment of King C from the previous game?"

"Will you release water when Emperor C is not here? You deliberately mess with Emperor C?"

Lin Cheng explained: "I really can't do anything about this wave. I can only operate up to this point without double summoning. This Kled operation is really good. It is very important that he canceled my E skill with a pistol, and Kled I didn't expect the last EQ to hit the mark."

Lin Cheng didn't mean to throw the pot away on purpose, this is where the hero Nuoshou can operate, and there is actually no problem with Lin Cheng's operation.

Speaking of it, it was the evil result of Lin Cheng's first arrest. The double summoning didn't make him unable to pull Kled's zipline at the end, otherwise this embarrassing situation would never have happened.

In fact, if this wave of Bono flashes to help Lin Cheng block that pistol shot, Lin Cheng will not die, but the requirements for instant response are too high, and Lin Cheng can't use his own standards to ask his teammates.

Of course, if the two of them communicated with each other in the competition, they might not be able to make it, that is to say, they played carelessly in the exhibition match and were shown off.

On the other hand, the anchors of Douyu were so excited.

The frequent bad news at the beginning of the last game almost tormented them. Even if the teammates kept helping the top road, they still raised a big dad. They didn't expect that their own top road actually played a solo kill in this round.

Pattern: "Small and beautiful! This is a one-for-two!"

Curly hair: "It's so beautiful, this wave is small and okay."

Wang Jichao: "Wow!! This round seems to have a real chance, brothers, play well."

"666, is this the number one Kled in the dual servers?"

"Finally I saw Brother Cheng being shown."

"Sure enough, in the last game, the King C cauldron."

"The breakthrough went down, and I got better immediately."

Bono came up and took Lin Cheng to send a wave, and Lin Cheng fell into a disadvantage when he went on the road.

However, as a professional player, he is much better at handling this situation than the anchor players. As long as Lin Cheng can't think of anything wrong, he won't be in the situation where King C crazily gave away his head to raise his father in the last round.

After replenishing a wave of equipment, Klein wanted to rely on his W to passively come up to fight fiercely. As a result, Lin Cheng precisely used his ruthless iron hand to break Klein's first E skill competition, and backhanded his Q skill to kill the outer circle of the Quartet. past.

Kled's backhand Q skill hit, and the two-stage zipline dragged Nuo Shou over.

But Nuoshou's hand was longer than that of Klie who was on the horse. Facing Klie's face, Lin Cheng directly turned on W and slashed out first.

The enhanced attack range of W gave Nuoshou 100 yards more range than Kreet. After finishing A, Lin Cheng immediately tapped the floor to cancel it, and then turned around.

The 90% short-term deceleration of the crippling blow made Kled get pulled away by Nuo Shou just one step into the attack range.

With this kind of detail handling, it is still very profitable for Lin Cheng to exchange blood amidst the tugging.

However, Lin Cheng also knew that it was impossible for him to kill Klein, so he chose to protect himself more.

Lin Cheng took the initiative to seek stability, and the barrage in the live broadcast room complained about Huang C.

"The last round was played so fiercely, but this round has started to stabilize. Are you deliberately playing me as Emperor C?"

"Little C was already pounding the table in anger in the live broadcast room."

"It has to be said that Brother Cheng, a promising player, has learned the essence of the peak C emperor."

"One word: mess."

"Fart, it's obviously steady, you guys don't understand Brother Cheng's steady."

"Upstairs, I don't need to say more about the end of licking the dog, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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