This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 366 Lin Cheng, come up and lead the death

Chapter 366 Lin Cheng, come up and lead the death

Tusin locked the barbarian king, and the red side took out the card in the last hand.

In this way, the lineup of both sides is selected.

Douyu anchor team: Barbarian King (Lin Cheng) on ​​the top lane, Olaf the jungler (Pattern), Zelas (Wang Jichao) on the middle lane, policewoman on the bottom lane (smile), and Morgana (Tusin) as an assistant

KT: Top Lane Klie (Liu Xiaoyou), Jungle Prince (Bono), Mid Lane Kaka (Kuro), Bot Lane Kalista (Aiming), Support Robot (Curly Hair)

Lin Cheng was really caught off guard by Tusin's last move against the barbarian king.

Not to mention the game, the hero Barbarian King is rarely seen in the high-end game of Korean server, because the limitations are too great.

It seems that the barbarian king does have a lot of damage after being equipped, but the current top lane ecology has no room for the barbarian king to play.

In the current version, heavy armored fighters and tank heroes run rampant on the road. The father of cloth armor shoes can only stare at the barbarian king when he wears a vest. At the extreme point, there are all kinds of long hands to torture the king.

Once the Barbarian King is at a disadvantage in the early stage, he can basically only let his teammates play four against five, and it is not easy for his own jungler to come to help.

Even if equipped, it can't change the fact that the barbarian king is weak in the team. The barbarian king in the Korean game of kings is basically the kind of game that steals the house and plays alone.

In fact, the skills of the Barbarian King are quite distinctive when viewed individually. If these skills are given to long-handed heroes, they will definitely create a particularly perverted crit AD, but when they are combined together and put on the Barbarian King, they will become a one-sided hero. Flat A's short hand is simple.

In fact, this year's LCK spring game Barbarian really played.

Hanwha probably tasted the sweetness of the double-skin milk black technology that overturned T1 before. Facing DRX, when Olaf was dropped by the opponent BAN, he chose a barbarian king to be the core of four guarantees and one.

As a result, this job was too bad.

The barbarian king that CuVee took out from the counter position in the last hand made Dolan's Aoun beat him so hard that he couldn't take care of himself.

Finally, as the core of the four guarantees and one, the output of the barbarian king is not as high as the support on the opposite side.

Because of this game, Hanwha's tactics were also called "the most useless black technology in history" by LCK netizens.

"Brothers! Park Rong Hyuk is messing with me this time, the barbarian king is not easy to beat Kret on the road."

After loading the game, Lin Cheng couldn't help laughing after thinking about it: "What are these aggressive people doing? To deal with me, they actually started playing Infernal Affairs, but don't panic! Brother Cheng will tell you later Demonstrate what is called a pressure-resistant top laner, the kind that can be stable and C."

"Remember this smile, it's exactly the same as Emperor C."

"I'm dying of laughter! KT still knows how to play, and his Infernal Affairs is amazing."

"Tusin: Brother Aiming, my heart is still with you."

"Good life!"

"Wait for the barbarian king to overtake the ghost."

"The Barbarian King is not weak, provided you are the Emperor of Europe."

"Ouhuang barbarian restrains all top orders."

"Shabik master, as long as you have an E face A, it will be over, and everything will be left to luck."

Entering the game, Lin Cheng controlled the barbarian king to run up, while waving his hand: "Come on! Don't you think that the barbarian king really depends on luck? There are still many details that need to be paid attention to in this hero. A good barbarian king... ··”

Lin Cheng couldn't continue talking at this point, because there were people interacting on the public screen.

Aiming: Lin Cheng, come up to lead the death!

Fuck!Forget that they still have this hand.

Lin Cheng immediately realized that Calista on the opposite side switched to the top lane.

But Lin Cheng didn't admit it, and typed on the public screen to reply: You are the one who died!
Typing was tough, and Lin Cheng's expression was really serious: "I really can't stand the skateboard shoes on the road. The strategy of the anti-stress top laner may need to be changed. Unlike Klein, skateboard shoes are a thing of the past. There is no way to develop the line."

"Here we come! Classic long-handed and short-handed."

"I've seen this scene. Brother Sun hit the No. 7 barbarian king in Hanbok for 4 knives in [-] minutes."

"Anyway, a professional AD, Aiming can't be worse than Mr. Tan's skate shoes, right? Press me to death."

"Screen recording! I have a hunch that there will be a classic scene today."

"Come on! Put on the painful mask for Brother Cheng."

It has to be said that the water friends in the live broadcast room are all watching the fun and don't think it's a big deal. Compared with Lin Cheng exploding Carry, they are undoubtedly more happy to see Lin Cheng being pinned to the ground and beaten violently.

Although he hasn't dispatched troops yet, it's impossible for Lin Cheng to switch to the bottom lane at this time.

Not to mention that the barbarian king is also unable to replenish troops against robots and Kled when walking in a two-person road, and even the policewoman can't fight Kalista with the blade on the top road.

There was no other way, Lin Cheng could only go online by force.

In this round, he never thought that the opposite Kled might walk down, and he went out with Dolan's sword.

When going online, while Kalista was replenishing soldiers, Lin Cheng secretly A-ed the soldiers twice to build up his anger.

Aiming's Kalista stabbed back with a spear and then used the remaining blood minions to explode the spear to consume a little of the Barbarian King's HP, but did not choose to cross the line to pursue.

At this time, there are still many small soldiers on the field, so as long as Lin Cheng pays attention not to give Kalista the opportunity to continue stabbing spears, he won't lose too much HP.

When I get a little angry, I'll go over and kill you!
Taking advantage of Kalista's blade CD, Lin Cheng stepped forward to replace a small soldier.

Aiming also ignored him, took a step back, and then at the moment when Cong Ren was ready, he used the A soldier to slide to close the distance, and threw a spear at the barbarian king.


The soldiers were killed, and the barbarian king was slowed down.

The cluster blade was triggered, and Kalista stepped forward to level A twice, and then backhanded A when the barbarian king pulled away.

The barbarian king lost one-third of his health.

Lin Cheng headed back and ran back sullenly. At this time, there was only one soldier left in the first wave of the blue side. Calista's fierce cross-line card position just caused Lin Cheng to lose the experience of a bloody soldier.

The first wave of small soldiers, the Barbarian King, only made up one. Lin Cheng himself often used Jess to fight so small that he didn't dare to gain experience. It is conceivable that he would still be unable to gain the line when the line of soldiers came over him.

It happened that the second wave of soldiers from the blue side arrived.

Seeing that Kalista's position had crossed the wall at the corner of the river, Lin Cheng gritted his teeth and took drugs to launch a whirlwind,
With 35 points of anger, the barbarian king spun and rushed towards Calista, triggering a deadly rhythm, and slashed over with a knife.

Because Lin Cheng's E skill also touched the red Fang Xiaobing next to him, his anger was over half.

Start sprinting and chase!
Before that, Calista was knocked out of some blood by the soldiers, and the barbarian king cut Calista to nearly half of his blood after chasing after two swords.

When Aiming was stuck in the position just now, the experienced non-A pawn dropped out of the battle, and it happened that Cong Ren quickly made three A backhands.

However, with the blessing of the barbarian king's sprint, it is impossible for Calista to open the position only through the sliding step of the cluster blade.

Seeing that the barbarian king was very angry, Aiming flashed decisively.

Calista flashed to the wall at the corner of the red square river, stabbed the barbarian king with a backhand spear, and at the same time slid back and pulled away.

Lin Cheng was chasing after the red soldiers, so he had no choice but to turn around and retreat.

Calista turned around and chose A to hit most of the blood minions when A was less than the barbarian king. She didn't deliberately refresh her skills, and directly drew her spear.


The four spears inserted into the barbarian king exploded behind him. Originally, Lin Cheng still had more than [-]% of his health after taking drugs to chase him down, but now he has directly reduced to a quarter of his health, which is already very dangerous.

And Calista also swallowed the only blood bottle on her body, and her blood volume will recover soon.

Numb!Lin Cheng was really numb now.

Although he forced his opponent to flash, he didn't know how to match up with this blood volume.

Who the hell put this thing on the road?

I hate short hands against long hands!

(End of this chapter)

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