Chapter 367
The blood volume exploded by Calista's spear was very dangerous, because Lin Cheng's sprint pursuit opened up the line of soldiers, and he took the opportunity to make up for the bottom soldier.

But that's all.

Calista was promoted to the second level and directly crossed the line to drive the barbarian king away, and stabbed a Q skill from a distance to make a precise hit.

Because of the resuscitation and wind of resuscitation of the secondary rune belt, Lin Cheng's blood volume is still slowly recovering after being beaten, but he can only shrink back under the tower and stare blankly.

Although his anger was almost full, this amount of blood did not support him to continue going up to Kalista to fight for his life.

The third wave of small soldiers from the blue side arrived, and just stuck the pawn line a little outside the tower. Lin Cheng huddled under the tower and raised his experience to level two.

At the same time, Lin Cheng was shaking people while sending out signals.

Lin Cheng: On the road, help me, I'm going to jail.

Pattern: come right away.

Olaf opened the field in the second half, just in time to hit the road to gank a wave.

As a result, when the pattern was close to the blue BUFF grass, a huge dragon gun suddenly fell down next to it.

Bono ambushed in the grass very insidiously. He opened his hand with a flat A and played passively. He hit his face with an EQ to pick up Olaf and smashed a flat A again.

Generally speaking, the prince must walk around Olaf in the jungle, but in order to maximize the efficiency of clearing the jungle, the pattern deliberately made his blood volume very ugly, and Olaf, who was less than half of the blood, was directly disabled.

The pattern threw out the axe, decisively dodged past the prince, punished the blue BUFF and recovered blood, picked up the axe, turned around and slashed.

The opponent is only the second-level prince, and the pattern thinks he can fight.

Olaf was indeed very powerful when his blood volume was low, and he just beat the prince's blood volume down quickly.

However, due to the ambush of the first mover, the Prince Conqueror triggers too quickly, and Olaf is not as fierce as the pattern imagined under the teamwork with the blue BUFF.

After the same punishing blue BUFF recovered blood, Bono's prince was thrilled to use flash to dodge Olaf's ax close to the face, and hit it with a backhand shot to successfully complete the kill.

"First Blood!"

Pattern: "Ah~~~ The prince on the other side is so insidious, he actually ran over to ambush me on the second level."

Wang Jichao: "You wait for me first, don't fight with him when I'm almost here."

Pattern: "I thought it could be manipulated, but the damage was a little bit worse."

The situation was depressed, and Lin Cheng was even more depressed.

I was still waiting for the wild father to come to help me, but I didn't expect the wild father to fall down first.

The red pawn line had already entered the tower, and Lin Cheng shrank back two steps behind the tower ahead of time.

Sure enough, Kalista crossed the line and approached, her Q skill started to consume blood.

When Lin Cheng saw Aiming's movements, he twisted left and right on purpose, and this time the snake's skin moved so that Calista missed the spear.

Aiming wasn't in a hurry, and flashed a mischievous expression of a Poro sticking out his tongue with his backhand.

You kid was so arrogant just now?
Lin Cheng responded with a provocative expression from Silas.

There is a kind of 1V1, what kind of skill is shaking people?
Since Calista didn't dodge and didn't rush to move the barbarian king under the tower alone, she just stood by the triangular grass and held down her position, waiting for the prince to come over the tower.

Aiming also knows how capable Lin Cheng is as a force, and it will be over when the jungler comes over.

Calista didn't move, Lin Cheng leaned against the wall and stood up, taking the opportunity to mend the pawns under the tower.

The angry barbarian king made one strike at a time, and all three strikes in a row resulted in critical strikes.

Lin Cheng felt that he was lucky, and he would have a chance to operate later, after all, neither the prince nor Calista had flashed.

Until now, Lin Cheng didn't use his anger to replenish his blood volume, just looking for an opportunity to manipulate it.

Now everyone's level is low, but Ta Dae is still very powerful.

Soon, the prince got out from the triangle grass.

The barbarian king under the tower trembled.

The first thing Bono did when he showed up was to taunt.

You also have today, little boy.

Lin Cheng controlled the barbarian king to dance under the tower.

If you lose, you don't lose, and you must never admit defeat in front of your teammates.

The prince turned to face the barbarian king, and directly inserted the flag to the other side, and the Q dragon hit and shot.

Because he has less than half health, and the prince EQ in the position of the barbarian king cannot directly get out of the tower, so Bono didn't tie A first, just to pull away directly with EQ so as not to take too much damage from the defensive tower.

After the prince planted the flag, Calista threw the spear in her hand.

The blood volume of the barbarian king is too low. From Aiming's point of view, the prince's anti-tower can make up the damage at will to complete the kill.

But Lin Cheng's reaction was really amazing.

While Calista tied A, Lin Cheng handed over his flash and appeared next to Calista.

The prince passed by with EQ, but was just dodged by the barbarian king.

Kalista attracts tower aggro.

Lin Cheng's savage king slashed at him.

Unfortunately, no crit.

Kalista, who triggered the blades, quickly began to slide.

Lin Cheng made the second strike.

Still no crit.

Seeing that two spears had been inserted into his body, Lin Cheng was afraid that the opponent would burst the spears directly, so he quickly pressed the Q skill to restore a mouthful of blood, and at the same time, E moved towards Calista who was sliding away.

Since the prince was not very cautious in his position to fight against the tower first, Aiming did not pull out the defense tower as soon as possible with continuous sliding steps, and the second ballistic trajectory of the defense tower followed.

Seeing the barbarian king E approaching, Aiming pressed the E skill at the moment of leveling A and raising his hand.


Although the Q skill recovered a little HP, the barbarian king was directly taken away by the spear pulling.

Just in time, Calista pulled away from the triangle grass in one step, and the attack from the defense tower fell.

Calista didn't die with a trace of blood left, and just took down the spear and ran out of mana.

"Damn! Is this not dead?"

Lin Cheng was furious, and slammed the table: "This is unscientific, why don't you do a critical strike? You exploded me! I am full of anger."

Just now, the continuous crit strikes on the minions gave him the illusion of Ouhuang, but he didn't expect that he would not crit at the critical moment.

A soldier strikes critically with a sword, but I will not explode with a single knife.

It's a dog day!

"Desperate! Gritting your teeth! Hahaha."

"Continuous replenishment of critical strikes, flashing person A just doesn't explode, I'm dying of laughter!"

"You're an old African, Brother Cheng should stop playing this kind of hero."

"It's really very thoughtful to dodge the prince's EQ, I almost thought he was going to show off."

"As long as you can at least change your skateboard shoes with a single blow, you will lose to Face, 23333."

"Ueno is really a difficult brother, and the pattern is also a little bit hurt by the dodge of the ax."

Lin Cheng was sent back to the spring water, and now he didn't have any money on him, so he searched and took out a small green bottle.

Thinking about the past, when Brother Cheng went home for the first time and couldn't even afford a pair of shoes?
Without TP, Lin Cheng could only run back to the lane with his legs.

The pawn line had been pushed to the middle, and after Calista came back, Lin Cheng shrank back and didn't dare to go up to make up the knife.

The second level beats the fourth level, and he has two small long swords, Jia Duolan sword, why should he go up and look at them?
Although it's not like he hasn't encountered such a miserable time in the rankings, seeing Aiming light up his logo from time to time to mock Lin Cheng feels uncomfortable.

hateful!Put it on for him.

 Thank you for your subscription, kowtow. . .

  There are two updates today, and I still owe the operating officer a chapter update. .

(End of this chapter)

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