This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 374 The trust between people

Chapter 374 Where is the trust between people (seeking a monthly ticket)

Lin Cheng was lying on the surface of the water trying to search for prey, when he heard Xiao Tong's exclamation subconsciously prepared to raise his head.

In the end, before he could get up, Xiao Tong had already thrown himself on his back, wrapping his arms around Lin Cheng's neck.

Lin Cheng, who was lying on the surface of the water, was unprepared, his knees gave way, and his head was pushed into the water.

Grumpy Grumpy Grumpy.

I saw bubbles popping up quickly on the surface of the water, like a big fish spitting bubbles.

Han Shuyan hurriedly approached in two steps, and the little girl was also watching nervously in the shallow water area.

"Are you all right? Where did you meet?"

"Uncle! Sister Hitomi!"

Lie on Lin Cheng's back, Xiao Tong raised her head and said nervously, "I was scared to death! Luckily, there is a backrest."

"Get up, Ah Cheng is still in the water."

Han Shuyan stretched out her hand to pull Xiaotong, just as Lin Cheng in the water also raised his hand and waved, indicating that he was still suffering.

"Ah! I'm sorry I'm sorry!"

Only then did Xiao Tong realize that she put her arms around Lin Cheng's neck and pressed his head under the water.

"Bah bah bah."

Lin Cheng stood up and spit out the water in his mouth, then turned his head sideways to empty the water in his ears.

"What are you doing! Want to murder Brother Cheng?"

"I'm sorry! I stepped on a rock just now and couldn't stand still."

It was rare for Xiao Tong to admit his mistake pitifully. Seeing Lin Cheng's drowned look, he couldn't help laughing: "You are actually quite handsome like this."

"That's what you need to say?" Lin Cheng snorted, and raised his hand to compare the muscles of his shoulders.

Lin Cheng has the habit of exercising, and the muscle lines on his body are faintly visible under the drenched T-shirt, which provoked Han Shuyan to pat him angrily.

"Don't be smug, go back and change your clothes quickly, so as not to catch a cold."

"It's okay! I'm strong and I won't catch a cold. There's still the sun."

Enxi clapped her little hands beside her, "Uncle is amazing! The bubbles you spit out just now are very big."

Hearing what the little girl said, Lin Cheng chuckled, "Uncle will show you another trick of blowing bubbles."

After speaking, he took a deep breath and squatted into the water.

Grumpy Grumpy Grumpy.

A stream of bubbles began to bubble up again on the surface of the water.

"Wow! Uncle is really amazing." The little girl applauded happily.

The surface of the water rolled rapidly, and Lin Cheng spit out bubbles even more joyfully.

The three women watched this scene speechlessly, not knowing what to say.

Sometimes Lin Cheng's brain circuit is really on par with Enxi.

"Okay! Hurry up and catch the fish, you will be full of water if you continue like this."

Seeing Lin Cheng surfaced and was about to blow bubbles, Han Shuyan reached out to stop him.

Only then did Lin Cheng concentrate on preparing to catch fish.

There are a lot of fish in the stream, so according to Lin Cheng's reaction, it is not too difficult to catch fish with bare hands.

But luck is not good today, every time he wants to approach quietly, the fish will run away first.

On the contrary, Zheng Shiyan was the first to catch the small silver fish with long fingers with her bare hands, and the little girl burst into cheers.

Han Shuyan and Xiao Tong gradually gained something, but Lin Cheng didn't get it for a long time.

The little girl began to dislike Lin Cheng: "Uncle, can you do it? Mom has already caught two."

Lin Cheng gritted his teeth. This little girl usually flattered her so much, but now she saw her mother's achievements and stopped taking his side.

Seeing Lin Cheng crouching in the water and earnestly catching fish without saying a word, Xiao Tong and Han Shuyan snickered.

"Wow! Mom caught another small fish, uncle, haven't you caught it yet?"

Just when the little girl was showing off again, Lin Cheng suddenly raised his hand and splashed a splash of water on the little girl.

"Enxi, you are so noisy!"

"Uncle, big villain!"

Being splashed by the cold stream water, the little girl exclaimed, angrily picked up the water and wanted to splash it back.

It's a pity that the little girl's strength is small and the attack distance is not enough, so she can't hit Lin Cheng at all.

"Moo ha ha ha ~~~~"

Lin Cheng opened his mouth wide and let out a devilish laugh that resembled Curator Jin, "You can't beat me, go back and practice for another two years."

After finishing speaking, another splash of water splashed on the little girl.

Enxi was furious, and wanted to fight back but couldn't hurt Lin Cheng at all.

Long hands hit short hands, blocking the opponent's attack distance Lin Cheng is invincible.

However, just as Lin Cheng was frightened, Han Shuyan next to him suddenly scooped up water from a basin and poured it over.

"Don't bully Enxi."

Lin Cheng really didn't expect that Han Shuyan would be the first to attack him, "Wow!!! Sister Shuyan is too much, I didn't expect it to be you..."

Just as they were about to speak, Xiao Tong and Zheng Shiyan also joined the battlefield, all targeting Lin Cheng without exception.

"Don't come, don't come! I admit defeat."

The opponent had a lot of people, so Lin Cheng hurriedly shouted to stop, but no one paid any attention to him.

Seeing that it was impossible to admit defeat, Lin Cheng could only fight back vigorously.

For a while, the small valley kept screaming.

Although his firepower was far inferior to that of his opponent, Lin Cheng soon found that he was not losing money at all, and even made a lot of money.

The clothes of the three women were not thick, and they couldn't hide their graceful curves after getting wet gradually.

Hmm~~~ Sister Shuyan's figure is not perfect, Brother Cheng will definitely be very happy in the future.

Huh~~~ It was a bit too much to say that Xiaotong Airport was used before, but there is still something.

Wow~~~Sister Shiyan doesn't give ordinary girls a way to live. Even if her legs are long, her breasts are so domineering.

Lin Cheng's thieves were addicted to his eyes, but his opponent soon discovered this situation.

The three women resolutely chose to stop fighting, to prevent Lin Cheng from taking more advantage before their clothes were completely soaked.

Lin Cheng was a little sad, what about the trust between people?

Brother Cheng is not afraid of being looked at twice after getting wet, but you are actually guarding against me.


At five o'clock in the afternoon, everyone returned to the camp and began to prepare dinner.

Originally, everyone had harvested a few small whitebait that could be used to make soup, but the basin in which the fish were placed was knocked over during the water fight, and the hard work of the three women was in vain.

On the contrary, Lin Cheng was very happy to poke secretly. Anyway, he didn't catch a single fish, so don't feel bad.

Zheng Shiyan cleaned up the ingredients in the sink in the car, while Han Shuyan and Xiao Tong took out the portable gas stove and assembled it while studying it.

Seeing Lin Cheng and the little girl wandering around again, Han Shuyan passed the pot over.

"Lin Cheng, if you have nothing to do, help me get some water into the pot."

Lin Cheng handed the pot to the little girl, "Enxi, take the pot and follow uncle."

"it is good."

The little girl carried the pot and followed Lin Cheng step by step to the rear of the car.

Lin Cheng opened the cover at the back of the car, took out the external shower and pointed it at the pot, then turned on the switch.

"Huh? Why is there no water?"

Lin Cheng studied it suspiciously, and found nothing wrong with switching on and off repeatedly.

Seeing Lin Cheng tossing and turning to study the shower, Xiao Tong got up and got into the RV, and quietly opened the control valve.

Lin Cheng, who was observing the shower, was immediately sprayed on the face by the sudden jet of water.

"Uncle! Water!"

The little girl exclaimed, bouncing away.

Lin Cheng quickly reached out to turn off the switch of the shower, the water on his face was still dripping down his chin.

Xiao Tong poked her head out and couldn't help laughing when she saw Lin Cheng's deplorable appearance.

(End of this chapter)

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