This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 375 Lin Cheng, listen to my advice

Chapter 375 Lin Cheng, listen to my advice
Everyone worked together to prepare the dinner. Although there were some minor accidents due to Lin Cheng and Xiao Tong dragging Enxi along with them, overall it went smoothly.

After tossing for nearly an hour, the sky gradually darkened, the side lights of the RV were turned on, and everyone sat around on the grass next to them and began to enjoy dinner.

Facing the lake, with the evening breeze blowing, the dinner that all members participated in seemed to be particularly delicious in everyone's mouths, and Enxi even pursed his mouth, his little face was full of satisfaction.

But maybe they were all tired, everyone ate leisurely, and occasionally chatted a little bit.

The atmosphere is not very warm, but very warm and peaceful.

Only Lin Cheng still had the energy to tease the little girl.

"Enxi, ah~~~~" Lin Cheng picked out a piece of tender tofu and handed it over.

The little girl still had food in her mouth and still would not refuse anyone, she swallowed the tofu in one gulp with her big mouth.

"That's great."

The little girl's cheeks were bulging, and her eyes were narrowed.

Lin Cheng also followed Enxi's example and deliberately stuffed his mouth full, like two frogs, one big and one small, competing with each other.

It happened that Xiao Tong was half full and was about to liven up the atmosphere: "I'm going to play a song, what do you want to listen to?"


Enxi quickly swallowed the food in his mouth, raised his short hands and said, "Enxi wants to listen to three little bears."

"Okay, first let Enxi put three little bears."

Xiao Tong found the Bluetooth speaker from the car and put it in the window of the car, and brisk music came out.

Hearing the familiar melody, the little girl Enxi put down her chopsticks and slapped her little hands to follow the rhythm, singing along softly.

There are three little bears living together

Papa Bear, Mama Bear, Baby Bear

Enxi's babbling voice coupled with her writhing little body is not to mention how cute, and everyone beat the little girl one after another, which made Enxi more energetic.

"Sister, you should also sing along with Enxi."

"Okay, got it."

Xiao Tong took the lead, and everyone sang along with the little girl. Even Lin Cheng was fishing in troubled waters with his voice out.

"Three Little Bears" is a children's song widely circulated in Korea. It has a brisk rhythm and catchy lyrics. Except for the translation lady who sang in the live broadcast room yesterday, there should be very few people who can sing this kind of song hard to hear.

"Sister Shiyan, Enxi is really cute."

Han Shuyan couldn't help expressing emotion to Zheng Shiyan.


Zheng Shiyan looked at that little writhing figure in a daze. The little girl who was always shy at first only dared to hum in front of her alone, but now she can sing openly in front of everyone.

If Lin Cheng hadn't made that phone call and told her to take Enxi out to play, what would it be like now?
The song ended soon, and everyone gave warm applause. The little girl was so excited that her cheeks flushed, she shrank to her mother and grinned secretly.

The next song is Lin Cheng's favorite song, Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody".

This highly sung classic received wide acclaim at the beginning of its birth, including all content including a cappella, opera, folk, and rock. It not only created history at that time, but actually never appeared again later. such songs.

After listening to the short prelude at the beginning, Lin Cheng couldn't help humming.

Mom, I just killed someone

The gun was pointed at his head, the trigger was pulled, and now he's dead

Mom, life is just beginning

But I just throw it in the wind

i don't want you to cry

if i don't come home tomorrow

You gotta live like nothing happened
Lin Cheng opened his mouth to sing, and Xiao Tong was also rarely disgusted. Instead, he waved with Enxi's little girl, looking very appreciative.

Although Lin Cheng's singing skills are not very good, but his English pronunciation is very accurate, and this soothing ballad sounds quite decent.

Lin Cheng is also a master of putting his nose on his face. Seeing everyone's reaction, the more he sang, the more excited he was. Later, he also showed his ambition for the opera part.

But other than 'Mamma Mia, Mamma Mia', it's hard to hear what he's howling.

Even so, the crowd did not pour cold water on it, and the little girl twisted her body excitedly to cheer, and even babbled and sang along with Lin Cheng.

After the passionate singing, Xiao Tong leaned over and whispered: "Lin Cheng, listen to my advice, the water in the opera is too deep, you can't hold it, you should be more cautious when you speak in the future."

Lin Cheng: "..."

Although Lin Cheng made a fool of himself, after the little girl and him took the lead, the atmosphere has become completely heated.

Even Han Seo-yeon and Jeong Shi-yeon showed their voices.

Han Shuyan's singing voice was soft and gentle as expected, but it was Zheng Shiyan who sang "Like Being Shot" which really shocked everyone, and they all bluntly said that it was a pity that Zheng Shiyan should not be a singer.

In this way, the atmosphere of the dinner changed from leisurely to lively, and it was not until it was completely dark that everyone felt happy.

Seeing the three of them started to clean up the dishes, Lin Cheng finally realized his conscience, and took the initiative to drive them away.

"You guys take Enxi to the car, and just hand over the bowl to me."

Han Shuyan was a little hesitant, but Xiao Tong decisively pulled Han Shuyan and was about to turn around and get in the car, "We're going to make the bed, Lin Cheng, clean up the dishes."

Seeing them getting into the car, Lin Cheng couldn't help muttering again: "Although I took the initiative, you all agreed too quickly! You didn't even have a word of praise, which hurt me very much."

He was like this, obviously he was resolute and decisive, but he hoped that Han Shuyan could see through his stubbornness.

Even if it's a little encouragement.

With a little emotion, Lin Cheng squatted at the back of the car, mumbled and started washing the dishes.

Soon, the phone in his pocket rang a notification tone.

Ah Cheng, you have worked hard today.

Seeing the message from Han Shuyan, Lin Cheng grinned happily, put aside all his petty emotions in an instant, hummed a song and worked hard.

After a while, the little girl ran over and pointed to the tent set up on the grass nearby, "Uncle, Mom said you want to sleep in there."


Lin Cheng stretched out his head to look around, and whispered: "Sisters don't let uncle get in the car to rest, isn't uncle very pitiful?"

Enxi didn't feel that Lin Cheng was pitiful at all, but enviously said: "Wow! It's really great, can Enxi go to uncle's room to play?"

Lin Cheng didn't expect that the little girl not only didn't sympathize with him, but envied him very much.

It's a pity, if it wasn't for reason to prevent Lin Cheng from saying that he would exchange beds with Enxi.

After receiving Lin Cheng's nod, the little girl happily got into the tent.

After Lin Cheng finished washing the dishes, he saw the little girl rolling around in his tent with a look of endless enjoyment.

Lin Cheng also got in, hugging Enxi's small body and chatting with her.

"Enxi, do you think it's cold in Uncle's tent?"

The tent was set up on the grass by the lake, and the wind blew from time to time. It was indeed a lot colder at night, and the little girl felt chilly even when she was quiet.


Seeing the little girl nodding in agreement, Lin Cheng covered his skirt and sneezed pretendingly, then rubbed his nose and whispered:

"Oh! I sneezed. It looks like I'm going to catch a cold when I sleep outside tonight."

The little girl became anxious as soon as she heard it, she jumped up and ran towards the RV with her short legs.

"Mom! Uncle is going to catch a cold! Let's put Uncle in the car to sleep!"

(End of this chapter)

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