This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 376 Impulsive, sick

Chapter 376 Impulsive, sick

The little girl felt sorry for Lin Cheng, and ran to the RV in a bluff.

Lin Cheng lay leisurely in the tent with his legs crossed, and sat firmly on the Diaoyutai.

"Oh! It's Enxi who is the most considerate. She didn't hurt this little girl for nothing."

While humming happily, Lin Cheng silently counted in his heart. He knew that Enxi would definitely get things done.

"1, 2, 3..."

After a while, Xiao Tong's voice came out of the car: "Lin Cheng! Get in the car and sleep."

The corners of Lin Cheng's mouth raised slightly, and he tried to make his voice calm: "Oh! No need! It's just a little cold outside, and I can handle it well."

"Don't talk nonsense! It's fine if you don't come up."

"Hey! Here we come!"

Lin Cheng stopped pretending, quickly turned over and climbed out of the tent, and got into the RV directly.

"It's so warm."

The inside of the caravan is indeed much warmer than the outside, and the three women are sitting on the bed chatting.

Holding the Baolulu doll in her arms, the little girl happily said to Lin Cheng, "Uncle! Mom and sister agree that uncle should sleep in the car, so that uncle won't be cold at night."

Lin Cheng pretended to be indifferent and nodded, neither humble nor overbearing.

Han Shuyan watched Lin Cheng's performance with a smile, "Ah Cheng put down the hammock, you can sleep on the hammock, and we will squeeze under."

Enxi compared her little finger: "Enxi can't rummage in sleep! Enxi only needs such a little space."

Everyone couldn't help being amused by her, the little girl looked at everyone laughing, and also showed a silly smile.

Lin Cheng researched for a while, and finally found the hammock switch.

The electric hammock slowly moved down from the roof along the track, hanging over the right side of the bed below.

In this way, since the width of the car exceeds 2.4 meters, the people below can rest horizontally, and the single hammock is hung along the direction of the car body at a height of half a meter from the bed below.

Xiao Tong looked at the hammock above her legs, "You bastard, don't collapse the bed, if the bed collapses, our legs will be broken."

Hearing this, Enxi lay on the bed and straightened her short legs vigorously. Seeing that her feet could not reach under the hammock with her head on the pillow, she said happily:
"Enxi won't, even if the bed collapses, Enxi won't be hit on the leg."

Xiao Tong: "..."

What are you so happy about?Are you proud of your short legs?
Lin Cheng climbed onto the bed, carefully avoiding the three pairs of jade legs lying on the bed, turned over on his own single bed, and adjusted a few positions on it in satisfaction.

As soon as he turned around, he could see three pairs of fair and clean long legs below, and Lin Cheng couldn't help but thank the little girl again in his heart.

Originally, Zheng Shiyan was reading a story to Enxi with a storybook, but now that Lin Cheng came, the little girl didn't listen to the story anymore, she stood up holding Baolulu, and pulled her beside Lin Cheng's bed, "Uncle, Enxi can go up Wanna play for a while?"

Lin Cheng reached out and hugged Enxi to the bed. Although it was a little crowded, the little girl seemed to prefer this kind of cramped small space, giggling happily.

"Uncle here!"

Enxi stuffed Baolulu into Lin Cheng's arms, then turned to look at her mother, "Mom, you give Katie to Enxi."

Zheng Shiyan rolled her eyes, feeling that she has become a tool for her daughter. When she wanted to listen to the story, she leaned in her arms and kept making out. If she didn't listen to the story, she would stop clinging to her.

Zheng Shiyan handed over the magical girl doll next to her, and Enxi happily took it, "Uncle, we will be one by one, Baolulu and you are also friends."

"True masters don't need friends, give me a penguin kick." Lin Cheng raised the Baolulu doll and bumped into the magical girl in Enxi's hand.

"Uncle villain, look at Katie's magic attack, blah blah blah."

Lin Cheng's childlike innocence burst out, and he fiddled with the doll along with the little girl.


Xiao Tong pouted at the upper bunk, leaned into Han Shuyan's ear and whispered: "Sister Shuyan, isn't it tiring to take care of two children?"

Han Shuyan touched Xiao Tong's head with a smile: "It's obviously three children."

"Ah! Sister Shuyan is not allowed to mention me."

Xiao Tong reluctantly scratched Han Shuyan's waist, and Han Shuyan quickly hid behind Zheng Shiyan.

There was squabbling from above, and slapstick from below, Zheng Shiyan suddenly felt that since Lin Cheng came, the original warm painting style in the car had been taken away.

The two people on the upper bunk kept manipulating the doll while fighting and dubbing, and they didn't stop until the little girl got tired.

Lin Cheng suddenly remembered something, turned around and looked down: "That's right! The roof of this car can be opened, do you want to open it and have a look?"

Han Shuyan was taken aback, "Can you open it?"

Xiao Tong: "Why didn't you say it earlier?"

After eating just now, everyone planned to look at the stars, but the wind was blowing and it was a bit cold so they had to give up.

Lin Cheng chuckled, "I also saw a roof switch when I was looking for the hammock switch just now, so go and have a look at that location."

Lin Cheng pointed to the position of the switch, Xiao Tong got up and groped for a while, and found the switch.

The rear part of the roof slowly slid forward, and an endless starry sky appeared above everyone's heads. This is a picture scroll that is extremely rare to see in the city.

Han Shuyan brought a blanket, and the three women covered their long legs under the hot pants, and they couldn't help feeling emotional when they looked at the beautiful starry sky.

"Wow! It's really beautiful."

"It seems like I haven't seen a star in years."

Enxi lay in Lin Cheng's arms and stared blankly. The little girl seemed strange and curious about the starry sky.

The night wind blew gently, lying under the starry sky, the whole person's heart opened up, as if there was an urge to talk.

When people are impulsive, they are prone to illness.

Lin Cheng suddenly clapped his hands in the shape of a trumpet and shouted: "Enxi, stay healthy and happy from now on!"


The little girl shrunk her body, tightly grasped the lapel of Lin Cheng's chest, and after a small reply, she couldn't help laughing sullenly.

"Xiao Tong, let's reconcile? I won't be angry with you in the future."

Xiao Tong thought about Lin Cheng's proposal seriously, and raised the horn with both hands: "OK! Sister Tong forgives your previous crimes."

Lin Cheng continued to express his feelings directly: "Han Shuyan, promise to be my girlfriend?"

Zheng Shiyan turned her head and looked at Han Shuyan with interest, Han Shuyan reached out and pulled the blanket up to cover half of her face, as if she was a little embarrassed.

On the contrary, Xiao Tong continued to shout: "Lin Cheng, you are dreaming! Sister Shuyan is mine, and Sister Shuyan and I will always be together."

"Time~~ Oh!"

Xiao Tong continued to shout: "What did you say?"

"Nothing! The reconciliation just now is void! I want to continue the war!"

"Come on! Who is afraid of whom?"

"Come up!"

"Come down!"

Han Shuyan and Zheng Shiyan looked at each other speechlessly, it was really difficult for these two people to love each other.

(End of this chapter)

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