This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 382 The first confrontation with the LPL team

Chapter 382 The first confrontation with the LPL team

The red square KT chose to ban the spider on the first floor, which is the rhythm hero that Xiaotian is good at.

FPX itself is a tempo-playing team, and their jungler is very cost-effective.

As for another rhythm point of FPX is the mid laner, but there are too many miscellaneous things in Doinb's hero pool, and it doesn't make much sense for him.

The blue team FPX lost the troll in the second hand. This thing has a high BP rate in the LCK and LPL at the end of the Spring Split.

Although it has undergone a weakening of the CD of the ultimate move, the characteristics of the troll's fast wild clearing speed and high confrontation intensity in the wild area in the early stage are still there.

Moreover, in addition to trolls restraining the tank lineup, most of the C positions that can be played in the current version have no displacement, which is also severely restricted by the trolls' pillars.

The red side chose to ban male guns in the second hand. Although I don’t know how FPX’s wild core system is playing, Xiaotian has indeed played a lot of male guns recently.

FPX's third-hand BAN person thought for a long time, and finally chose to send Qinggangying to the BAN position.

Remember: "The pressure from Brother Chengzi is still too much! Obviously Daomei and Qinggangying are not strong heroes in the version, but they ate the two BAN positions in the first round of FPX. It can be seen that FPX still has a role for KT. Research."

957: "Then there are a lot of heroes released now. Let's see if Sett will be picked up on the first floor of FPX? This hero can swing three ways in KT. If FPX doesn't grab it on the first floor, there will definitely be no more."

KT's third-hand BAN was given to Verus.

The current version of the AD brother is undoubtedly Poke flow Verus, no matter who is in the bottom lane against top Verus, he has no line rights, and the super cheap equipment price makes Poke flow Verus take shape very quickly, which is very in line with the current version Rhythm.

Start the selection, and when Verus is banned, the blue side first grabs Aphelios on the first floor.

The red square KT first locked Seti as a swing position on the first floor, and Kalista was sacrificed on the second floor.

957: "Kalista! KT's Kalista is going to fight around the lower half. After all, this hero is meaningless if he doesn't help in the early stage. Kalista and Aphelios in the late stage It’s far worse than that.”

Remember: "Kalista's winning rate in our LPL is actually quite embarrassing, but KT's Kalista's winning rate is amazing. Their ability to snowball is definitely unique in the entire LCK. Whether it is top lane or bottom lane, they have an advantage They can easily kill their opponents."

The blue square locked Karma on the second floor. This hero can swing in the middle of FPX.

Immediately afterwards, Leopard Girl appeared on the third floor of FPX but was not locked for a long time.

Xiaotian, the hero of Leopard Girl, has also practiced a lot in ranking, but once Leopard Girl is locked, it means that it is difficult for Karma to play in the mid laner position. It is meaningless for Karma to lose her swing.

Therefore, at the last moment, the Leopard Girl of FPX was replaced by Qian Jue.

Remember: "Hey! FPX is forcibly taking the wild core. They chose Qian Jue when the male gun is not around, but is it not good to take Qian Jue against Sett? If Brother Coin really wants to Let’s see what other options we have if we use Karma to match AD as a jungler... How about Lee Sin?"

957: "Now the blind monk really doesn't have any teams to choose. The blind monk is not fast enough to clear the jungle. If he can't do things, he will be easily opened up by the opponent's jungler. Once the jungler falls behind in this version, the gap will only increase. , or the risk is too high.

And if it is really Karma's mid laner, the benefits of having two shooters in the team are actually very high, as long as Qian Jue is not forced to make a big move first, it is actually fine. "

KT locked the Tsar on the third floor of the red square.

Tsar is a hero with a very strong ability to push the lane. No matter whether Doinb uses the mid laner Karma or not, the main theme cannot escape the word "lane power". It's home in the wild.

The second round of bans started, and KT first banned Tamm.

This Tahm-BAN is basically a clear card to tell the opponent: I want to attack in the second half, so don't try to mess it up.

The blue FPX backhand disabled Leopard Girl.

Leopard Girl is indeed the best wild-core hero to fight Qian Jue on the field. Once this thing is BAN Qian Jue, there is almost no pressure.

The last BAN position of the red side KT was given to Aoun. If the opponent gets Aoun with double shooters, the lineup will be too solid.

FPX thought for a long time for the last move, and chose to ban Jess. Obviously, it is still not sure whether Seti will go up or assist.

In addition to Bono, KT's upper middle assistant has a record of playing Serti, and even Bono has played a lot of Serti junglers in RANK.

In the second round of selection, KT locked Titans in seconds on the fourth floor.

Remember: "The Titan is locked! In this way, Sett will definitely be used by Brother Orange. He can't come out as a top laner Titan, right?"

957: "Then I have to ask AJ about that. He is familiar with the top laner Titan, but I think KT's Titan is actually a substitute for BAN. Otherwise, FPX can take another Titan to swing in the middle. Last year's World Championship, Doinb's Mid lane Titans believe that the KT coaching staff has also seen it."

In fact, KT's move was indeed a deliberate robbing of the Titans, just to force Karma into the middle lane to face the Tsar.

The Tsar's combat power is not strong in the early stage, but his ability to summon Erwuzi to clear the line is very good. Whether Karma wants to push the line to cooperate with Qian Jue to enter the wild or grab the side, it will not be so easy.

If the opponent really gets the Titan and shakes Karma to the bottom lane, although the Tsar can still push the line, it is much easier for the Titan to cooperate with Kindred to kill the Tsar than Karma.

If it's not for the purpose of replacing BAN with a rush, simply speaking, even if KT is really sure that Serti will be on the order, the auxiliary selection of the barrel will be better than that of Titan.

The Titans were gone, and FPX picked Thresh first with a backhand.

Although the team-starting ability is not as good as Titan, Thresh can provide good protection for Aphelios and has a certain team-starting ability, which is already the best choice on the field.

The blue side chose the crocodile as the top order in the last hand.

Remember: "Brother Hanzi took out the crocodile to fight Seti in the end. It was a good choice, because the crocodile has a displacement and it is not easy to take the real damage of Seti's W skill, and it is not likely to suffer in the lane."

957: "Although this Alligator is good at laning, FPX's lineup is a bit lacking in team-starting means. At this time, it may be better to add a team-starting top laner."

Remember: "But Ornn was banned. Tank top laners like Sion are very afraid of Sett. After being defeated, Sett basically chases Sion to beat him. Relatively speaking, the crocodile may be a compromise. choose."

In the last round, it was KT's turn to choose. Bono had never been treated as a counter on the fifth floor of the red square.

But this counter position is really not worth mentioning. There are not many jungle options in the game, and there are even fewer heroes to choose after two rounds.

Bono searched all the heroes he used, and found that there are really few who can beat Qianjue. Olaf himself was countered by Qianjue, and the prince and pig girl were not easy to beat Qianjue. Jue restrained.

In the end, Bono chose the current version of the sewer hero Kha'Zix.

Remember: "Mantis! KT's last jungle move is so good. I haven't seen Mantis in a game for a long time. This hero can't trigger isolation and helpless damage is very low. As an assassin, he is not good at killing people in team battles. .”

957: "It still depends on the rhythm in the early stage. Mantis still has an advantage against Qian Jue in the jungle. If you can bring the rhythm and have equipment support, you will definitely not lack damage. If you can't keep the rhythm, Mantis is really useless."

Both teams are selected.

Blue party FPX:

Top Road: Khan (Desert Butcher, Renekton)
Jungler: Tian (Forever Hunting Twins, Qian Jue)

Mid lane: Doinb (Apocalypse, Karma)
Bottom lane: Lwx (Sun of the Crescent Moon, Aphelios)

Support: Crisp (Soul Lock Warden, Thresh)
Red square KT:

Top Road: Cheng (Wuhao, Seti)

Jungler: Bono (Void Reaver, Kha'Zix)
Mid lane: Kuro (Desert Emperor, Azir)
Bot Lane: Aiming (Spear of Vengeance, Kalista)

Support: Tusin (Deep Titan, Nautilus)

(End of this chapter)

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