This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 383 Details, you can't beat me

Chapter 383 Details, You Can't Fight Me
Generally speaking, the crocodile has an advantage in the lineup between Seti and the crocodile. After all, the crocodile's two-stage displacement plus the shield-breaking mechanism of the red anger W just restrains Seti.

However, restraint is restraint, and the line of top laner still depends more on the performance of the players.

In terms of runes, Lin Cheng did not choose Congren's Orphan Belt method for early-stage battles, but the mainstream set of main series Precision: Conqueror, Triumph, Resilience, Perseverance, and sub-categories Resolute: Explosive, Skeleton Plating.

Entering the game, both sides did not engage in any routines at the first level, and their respective parallel river positions got stuck in the field of vision and started peacefully.

It is very important for Seti to face the crocodile before the third level. After all, the first-level crocodile can bully anyone.

Speaking of it, the hero Seti is a bit bullying.

Just like this one, if Lin Cheng can beat the crocodile in the lane, he will be very fierce, chasing and beating the opponent.

But if you can't beat Sett in the lane, you are simply a fool, because the legs are too short to even escape in the top lane, and once Lin Cheng is at a disadvantage and chooses to play the lane, the praying mantis in the wild will easily suffer.

So Lin Cheng occupied the grass at the bottom of the sidewalk in advance and waited for the little soldiers to come online. He must hold down the crocodile in front.

The crocodile followed Xiaobing slowly to the line, and Brother Hanzi deliberately walked around the grass on the side road because he was afraid that Seti would hide in the grass below and go out to overthrow him.

Lin Cheng weighed it carefully, and found that Brother Hanzi was completely standing on the right side of the blue side's long-range soldier, so Lin Cheng didn't choose to go around and be reckless.

Whenever the crocodile gets stuck behind a long-range soldier two steps too late when it goes online, Lin Cheng will definitely go out with his ass.

Because as long as the timing is right, Seti can block the hatred range of the three blue melee soldiers in front. With only three ranged soldiers, Seti can definitely suppress the blood volume of the first-level crocodile.

But the position of the crocodile can only make Lin Cheng give up this plan. If it's Jess, it's fine. After all, Seti's hands are too short, and it's a bit too much to fight against six soldiers.

He gave up crouching in the grass, and after the soldiers on both sides started fighting, Lin Cheng came out of the grass and circled behind his own soldiers.

Brother Khanzi saw Serti making grass, and took the initiative to take two steps to the left to get stuck in Serti's route and shot the Q skill Tyrant Blast, wanting to lower the blood volume of the soldiers and rub Lin Cheng at the same time.

But Lin Cheng became alert when he saw his opponent move, and turned around just before the crocodile Q skill was released.

The giant blade wielded by the crocodile scraped Sett's body hair and missed.


Seeing that the crocodile didn't scrape off the coating on his bones, Lin Cheng rushed towards the crocodile without saying a word, raised his fist and smashed it out.

The left fist punched out the crocodile's bone coating, and the right fist struck at eight times the speed of the fist.

When Sett started punching, the crocodile backhanded A out of Sett's bone plating and turned to pull the position.

Because the crocodile was standing in the middle of the pawn line, the flat A of the backhand also attracted the hatred of the red pawn, so Hanzi subconsciously chose to move down.

Brother Khan's idea is correct, Seti will continue to be hurt by six minions if he pursues again.

But Lin Cheng was leaning against the bottom of the crocodile, and the crocodile didn't move away immediately. Seti directly stuck in the position with two steps and punched with a left and right uppercut.

Although a lot of damage was blocked by the crocodile's bone coating, the crocodile's backhand general attack also hit Sett's bone coating.

Taking advantage of the long aftershock of Sett's right fist, the crocodile was ready to tie A again.

But just before the crocodile raised his hand, Lin Cheng pressed the E skill obliquely, and the powerful hand cracked his head and slammed all the enemies on Seti's sides together.

Lin Cheng's choice of the E skill was too tricky. Not only did it just interrupt the crocodile's general attack that was about to raise its hand, but it also stunned the crocodile and the five minions at the same time.

And this time E is also full of conquerors.

The small golden ax floated on Seti's body, and Brother Hanzi suddenly lost his courage.

Lin Chengserti made two backhand punches, and before the crocodile woke up and pulled away, he succeeded in chasing the crocodile with two punches, hitting the crocodile to less than one-third of its health.

Although Lin Cheng took a lot of damage from the minions, after the crocodile's backhand cooldown Q skill was scraped, it only hit Seti to about [-]% of his health.

As soon as he came up, Lin Cheng seized the opportunity of the opponent's Q space to suppress the blood volume.

When the opponent pulled away, Lin Cheng also showed Timo's thumbs up emoji backhanded.

Kim Dongha, RANK has played against each other so many times, don't you understand?

Details, you can't beat me.

To be honest, Brother Khan’s Q skill is not available, and Lin Cheng would never dare to show up with six soldiers, because Seti’s bone coating will be scraped off first, and then the crocodile will not be in vain. What I ate was a crocodile red anger Q that was also stacked full of conquerors.

However, Sett should gain an advantage against the crocodile itself at the first level, either by suppressing the opponent's blood volume, or forcing the opponent to miss troops. Sett's failure to grab the crocodile's line at the first level can basically be said to be a problem with his own handling.

Coincidentally, the Chinese stream commentator saw this wave of collision on the road when he was still analyzing the jungle routes of the two sides in this game.

Remember: "Wow! Brother Khan, it hurts so much! As soon as he came up, he was beaten to lose most of his blood. Now the crocodile will be uncomfortable in the early stage. Brother Chengzi fought a whole wave of soldiers. In the end, he still has More than half blood is too outrageous."

957: "It seems that Sett's E broke the crocodile's basic attack, otherwise Brother Han would have a chance to play a red angry Q, at least the trade would not lose so much.

However, if the crocodile level [-] doesn’t want to watch the opponent’s reinforcements from behind, it’s normal to suffer some losses. In fact, Khan’s front position is maintained very well. It’s just that the first Q is very hurt when Seti moves to avoid it. This Q Yikong will definitely come up and beat you. "

Remember: "This is Brother Chengzi! I watched a lot of Brother Chengzi's games. His laning details are really good. As long as the opponent makes a small mistake, he will immediately seize the opportunity to attack you. At this point He really did it to the extreme.”

957: "To be honest, as a top laner, I don't even know why this guy's ability to grasp details is so exaggerated. I watched a lot of his games including highlights, and often the opponent will be punished if he doesn't put a skill well or makes a mistake. He grabs blood and even solo kills, which is why he has so many solo kills in the LCK line this year."

"Jin Fu is so ridiculous to force a hero, is it okay to exchange blood like this with six soldiers?"

"It has been cut so many times, it is estimated that the fist will have to be knifed."

"This wave isn't about heroes, isn't it? Brother Cheng has clearly overwhelmed the details."

"Details? Don't black iron patients often play this kind of scene? I can do it too."

"There's nothing wrong! Patient Hei Tie = I = Brother Cheng = No. [-] top laner in the world!"

"The black iron patient is basically a boxing punch. If brother Chengzi dares to do it, he will basically exchange blood without losing money. The silver patient will do it according to fate."

(End of this chapter)

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