This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 384 Bono, who shocked 4 seats

Chapter 384
Sett suppressed the crocodile's blood volume at the first level, which meant that brother Hanzi could only wait for Lin Cheng to push the line in the early stage.

Lin Cheng continued to stand forward while making up the knife, forcing the crocodile to interact with Lin Cheng with a mischievous poro expression from behind.

Lin Cheng: "Jin Jifan, I succeeded in grabbing the line again! Come up and have the opportunity to jump over the tower and engage in a wave of crocodiles."

Bono: "Don't panic! Wait until I swipe up, the jungler on the other side is also swipe up, don't get caught first."

Khazik, a hero, still needs to develop in the early stage. With the help of the duo, Bono opened blue and chose to complete the second half of the film first. It was already over 3 minutes old when he knocked out the red BUFF and reached the top lane.

Because Khanzi's crocodile took medicine and ate the line under the tower, Lin Cheng couldn't further suppress the crocodile's health, and now the crocodile's blood volume was relatively healthy, and he also used the Q skill to scrape the minions to accumulate red anger in his hand.

Bono first scanned the grass in the river to make sure that there was no opponent's vision, "What skill did the crocodile learn? He should be promoted to level three soon, right?"

Lin Cheng: "He's been stuck under the pagoda. I don't know what he learned in the second level. Maybe he hasn't learned the skills yet."

Bono: "Then don't go tower jumping, in case he learns from W, we will be prone to accidents."

Lin Cheng: "Wait here for a moment. He holds Hong Nu in his hand and doesn't need Q to replenish his soldiers. I suspect that he is waiting for the third level to call Qian Jue to mess with me. You help me squat for Qian Jue."

Bono: "No problem, Qian Jue came to watch me kill him solo."

So, Bono's Kazik waited patiently in the grass in the river, while Lin Cheng stood fiercely outside the opponent's tower to provoke.

In fact, Xiaotian has also reached the upper half of the zone, but Qian Jue must have cleared the wild first and then looked for opportunities to gank. Just when Xiaotian entered the river, he encountered the spawn of river crabs.

Qian Jue decided to fight the river crab first.

Remember: "The junglers on both sides have ideas about going up the road. Xiaotian chose to fight the river crab first, and the mark happened to be on the river crab in the upper half... Wow! The river crab is going up, and it is very dangerous for Xiaotian to fight further. This wave of junglers from both sides is going to meet."

957: "I'm about to be discovered by the Mantis. If I am ambushed to a one-on-one 1V1, Qian Jue will not be able to defeat the Mantis."

At this moment, the river crab that was moving up suddenly turned around coquettishly after being beaten, and started to move down the screen, just not appearing in Kazik's field of vision.

Qian Jue continued to attack the river crab with his head down, not knowing that he had avoided a big crisis without knowing it.

As long as he is close to the grass, it is really not difficult for Kazik to kill a helpless Kindred first.

Although Bono didn't know that his opponent was playing crabs nearby, he couldn't continue squatting after hanging up in the grass for 20 seconds.

"I can't wait any longer, be careful yourself."

Kazik, who gave up crouching, went down to move the crab, just in time to see the crab on the right side of the grass in the middle of the river being chased and beaten by Qian Jue, and the crab had only 380 HP.

"The river crab is mine!"

Bono was very angry, Serti pressed the line so fiercely on the road, it would be a shame if he even lost the river crab.

So, Bono pressed Blink.

Kazik handed over the flash and instantly shortened the distance, making a punishing shot.

Bono's move was too sudden. Although Xiaotian saw Kazik, he didn't expect his opponent to do this. The river crab that had been beaten for a long time was snatched by Kazik with punishment on Qian Jue's face.

So, Qian Jue changed hands and began to attack Kazik, the E skill was disabled and the red BUFF slowed down.

Bono quickly turned in the E skill and jumped back.

If it is in an ambush close situation, Kazik is definitely easy to kill Qianjue, but if he is stuck in the range of Qianjue without flashing, Kazik, who does not have level [-], can only be kited by Qianjue up.

Khazik's E skill didn't move far before it evolved. Qian Jue stuck to the praying mantis and started shooting when he rolled over. Bono's backhand W just missed.

Bono: "Lin Cheng, help! Help!"

Lin Cheng didn't see his teammate DF's second consecutive grabbing the river crab, so he ran over to cover Bono's retreat at this time.

Remember: "Bono wasted too much time in this wave of anti-squatting, so I decided not to wait, but the crab has already been defeated... Huh? Wow!!! Flash to grab the crab! Bono's hand operation is amazing! "

957: "It feels good. It's a good thing that Seti is pushing the line. Otherwise, Qian Jue may chase and kill the mantis. Seti is already leaning towards the river, and Xiaotian probably won't chase again .”

"Fuck! DF's second consecutive robbing the river crab, is the LCK team so reckless?"

"Turtle turtle! I've seen flashing dragons grabbing dragons, but this is the first time I've seen flashing river crabs."

"The effect of the program is full! I have only seen this operation in RANK."

"Deliberately engage in the mentality of a bastard?"

"Xiaotian: This wave is not bad, but it's a little uncomfortable."

"The river crab is the dignity of the jungler, you don't understand."

"The flash is still there, but if you don't grab it, it will be gone."

The commentator was saying that Qian Jue would not chase, but Xiaotian was obviously a little angry.

Because Bono just flashed to the bottom of the Dragon Pit to grab the river crab, this time he was slowed down and chased all the way.

Qian Jue is very restrained against melee junglers like trolls and Olaf who have no displacement. Now Khazik, who has not reached level [-], has no E and no flash.

Because the position after Bono's dodge just now was almost at the grass in the middle of the river, when Lin Cheng's Seti rushed over, Kazik was almost disabled by Qian Jue chasing Sanhuan.

Seti went up and punched Qian Jue with two fists, and Qian Jue rolled sideways to pull away from Seti's position, A towards Kazik.

Remember: "Hey! The blood volume of the mantis is very low... Xiaotian is so murderous! He wants to operate, if you grab me, I will kill you!"

957: "There is a chance! The crocodile is also coming here. If Qian Jue dodges Sett's E, he can kill the mantis first."

Xiaotian wants to operate, and it is indeed difficult for Sett and Kazik, who has no E and no flash, to quickly deal with the nimble Kindred.

However, when the opponent was about to click the third ring, Bono stepped into the grass in the river, causing Qian Jue to lose his vision.

At this time, the crocodile was about to come in from the other end of the grass in the river.

The crocodile is already level [-], with E and flash, Bono will die if he meets him.

Without waiting for the opponent to strike first, Lin Cheng decisively flashed into the grass at the moment when Qian Jue lost Kazik's vision, stood beside Kazik and shot with E skill.

Lin Cheng knew that it would be difficult to hit his E skill when Qian Jue was flashing, so he endured it until Kazik entered the grass before decisively flashing E.

Taking advantage of the cover of the grass, Seti's powerful hand cracked his head just to pull Qian Jue from the river.

Sett slammed down with two backhand fists.

Kazik's AQA instantly cast an electric shock.

The hero Qian Jue is really too fragile. Kazik's electrocution combined with Seti's explosion immediately crippled Qian Jue with most of his health.

Most people would never have expected Lin Cheng's flash-forward backhand E operation. Xiaotian, who was dragged over and beaten up, hurriedly dodged and pulled away.

But Qian Jue had already been passively slowed down by Kazik, Lin Cheng turned on the power of subjugation to speed up the pursuit, and directly killed Qian Jue on the spot with two punches.

"First Blood!"

 Pay tribute to C9's jungler brothers who grabbed river crabs and sent first blood in DF two consecutive games yesterday, and gave the Japanese team their first victory.

  Yoshi!Imperial Tiger
  I just finished coding and haven’t eaten yet. The game is about to start again. Let me see who beats whom first.
(End of this chapter)

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