This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 385 You can beat the waves

Chapter 385

Qian Jue was killed, and Bono's Kazik wanted to wait as long as possible to recover from taking drugs, but Hanzi very decisively chose to flash the E skill to get close, and the two skills of WQ killed Kazik who had low blood volume.

Although Lin Cheng chased the crocodile and punched it a few times and dealt W's real damage, he had no means to keep the crocodile.

The two junglers completed a one-for-one swap, and both heads were taken by the top laner.

Remember: "Xiaotian still needs to operate! The mantis enters the grass in time, Xiaotian can wait for the crocodile to come and kill first... Wow! Sett flashed E and just pulled Qianjue to the face of the mantis! Xiaotian died first! Brother Orange This wave is so decisive!"

957: "Sett knew that Qian Jue would definitely dodge his E face-to-face. If he flashed directly into the grass and then E, the opponent would have no chance to react at all. This timing was really too spiritual.

If you wait for the crocodile to come and kill the mantis first, this wave is FPX's 0 for 2, but Sett's forced flash E operation becomes one for one. "

Remember: "This person is too stable! Just now when Qian Jue was on his face, he didn't E, just didn't want to give Xiaotian a chance to manipulate! This wave of one-for-one KT is still profitable, and Seti won a blood. , Brother Khanzi came to support him before he had cleared the line of troops under the third-level tower, and he still lost a few soldiers."

"Fuck! I thought KT and the two of them were going to die."

"I thought it was Xiaotian who wanted to operate, but I didn't expect Jinfu to operate it."

"Jinfu's flashing E is too handsome!"

"IQ is suppressed, and little manipulative opportunities are not given to Xiaobai."

"Who would have thought of this? Brother Cheng has a lot of flirty ideas."

After winning the first blood, Lin Cheng's Seti immediately started his return journey in the river, while Brother Hanzi had to go back to clear the line of soldiers under the tower.

It just so happened that the next wave of pawn lines arrived, and the crocodile chose to push out the pawn line completely before reading back.

When Lin Cheng returned home and had just enough gold coins, he found the cloth armor shoes directly. In this round, the source of AP damage on the opposite side was only one Karma, and the cloth armor shoes would have a high return.

Lin Cheng saved TP in this wave because he returned while pushing the line.

Don't look at Brother Hanzi who took advantage of Lin Cheng's time to go home to recover a lot of CS which was behind a lot, but because of Lin Cheng's advantage of pushing the line, he returned to replenish first, and the crocodile saw Seti re-supply after pushing the line and returning home. Ran back to the line and quickly began to clear the line.

Now Brother Hanzi's TP is also omitted, and the teleportation is handed over.

There was a TP difference on the road, and Lin Cheng immediately sent a message to his teammates.

"The crocodile on the other side doesn't have TP, so you guys can play a bit more."

Of course, just because his TP is the backing of his teammates, Lin Cheng has to ensure the right to go up the lane.

If the teammates really listened to his wave, it would be very embarrassing for him to be pushed and unable to support at the critical moment.

The two on the road were relatively peaceful at first, but Brother Hanzi felt that his equipment was not behind, and the crocodile should have taken the initiative.

Taking advantage of Seti's replenishment, the crocodile broke Sett's bone plating with a Q skill.

Lin Cheng immediately dragged the crocodile over with his E skill, and punched W deliberately against his face, a thin shield appeared on his head.

Since there is no red anger, Brother Hanzi chose the E skill to pull away directly to avoid the damage from the center of the punch.

As far as the two sides clicked, they both broke the opponent's bone plating.

In the back, he used the small soldiers to accumulate red anger. Seeing Lin Cheng's position to give him a chance, Hanzi walked up and started with the E skill.

The crocodile rolls forward with a death, and it is about to play the classic combo of red anger and white prostitution.

But as a top laner, it is impossible for Lin Cheng not to be familiar with the crocodile exchange idea.

The moment the crocodile launched its E skill rampage, Lin Cheng had already pressed E.

Sett's arms were wide open, and his strong hand cracked the skull just to pull the intruding crocodile off, and punched it with two backhand punches.

Although he didn't stun the crocodile, Lin Cheng's E skill interrupted the opponent's advance, and the crocodile's E skill entered CD.

Brother Khan didn't expect the opponent to react so quickly. He started with A and W, reset his basic attack, and immediately turned around and ran back after being stunned by red anger.

The crocodile red fury W damage is still very high, and this set will hit Seti's blood volume to about [-]%.

But Sett's pride is almost full.

And Crocodile's Red Wrath W has a very long backswing, and Seti woke up after forcing a set of damage.

The opponent didn't have a second-stage E as a means of pulling away, and it was impossible for Lin Cheng to let the crocodile run away after whoring.

The Q skill is the power to bend others, and Seti speeds up to catch up and throws out two punches. When the conqueror is full, W deliberately punches and sets up.

The crocodile tried hard to move, but was still hit by the real damage from the center of the punch at close range.

The almost full pride value was transformed into the damage of the punch, and the crocodile's blood volume directly dropped to less than [-]%.

It was the first head-to-head confrontation between the two sides after the third level, and Lin Cheng still had the upper hand.

Although Brother Hanzi has prepared all kinds of preparations for this wave of blood exchanges, first breaking the bones and then accumulating red anger, it is a pity that Lin Cheng broke his leg at the first step of the E skill, causing the white prostitution to become a hard exchange .

Due to Sett's heroic mechanism, Sett will definitely make more money in this situation where he is beaten first and then dealt damage, even if the opponent is angry.

This wave of blood exchange made money, and Lin Cheng fought even more fiercely.

Sett's recovery ability is much more direct than that of the crocodile. With the advantage of blood volume, Lin Cheng no longer gives the opponent the opportunity to easily use the minions to accumulate anger. Sertika line stands among the opponent's minions so that the crocodile dare not step forward easily.

However, the crocodile took the initiative in the battle between these two heroes. Even if Lin Cheng had an advantage in blood volume, it would not be easy to block the opponent's anger and exchange blood.

If Sett hand in the E skill first, the crocodile can be pulled away by hitting the crocodile with at most two punches. If Sett does not hand in the E skill first, it is difficult for Seti to touch the wretched crocodile.

After all, the hero mechanism is there, as long as Brother Hanzi can't think of anything wrong, it's hard for Lin Cheng to find opportunities first.

But for Lin Cheng, controlling the line is enough.

The situation in the early stage of the two sides was fairly stable, and the FPX signature linkage rhythm did not appear when Xiaotian did not get the rhythm jungler.

Nearly 6 minutes, Kuro also chose to return when Doinb in the middle lane went home first to supply TP.

But just after Kuro returned, Karma in the middle pushed the line and leaned down.

Qian Jue in the wild area is also leaning down.

Karma and Qian Jue stood on the exploding cone next to the red BUFF, knocked off the fruit and fell into the small dragon pit, and went around on the downward route.

At this time, the bottom line of soldiers happened to be stuck a little outside the blue square one tower.

Remember: "Here we come! FPX's classic four-pack two, the view above the river is just bypassed by Karma, this wave has a great chance."

957: "KT's middle lane is already sending signals to remind teammates, but the pawn line is stuck here is really uncomfortable, the KT duo still wants to advance the pawn line first and then return.

This position of the pawn line is really the most classic gank opportunity. Many LPL teams will deliberately block the pawn line here and call their teammates to come and catch a wave. "

Remember: "But Sett and the Tsar have TP, this wave of FPX is not easy to move, and look! Kuro's Tsar is waiting in the spring after finishing his equipment. Even if the minions enter the tower, he is not in a hurry to TP. Teammates may need support!"

(End of this chapter)

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