This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 386 FPX Cracked 4 Pack 2 Tactics

Chapter 386 FPX Cracked Four Packs Two Tactics
The commentator knows that there is a TP difference between the top laners of the two sides, but in fact FPX knows it better.

But the vision of the blue side has already found that the mantis has appeared in the upper half. In this wave of fighting, at least FPX will not suffer from the number of people.

Moreover, this wave of Aphelios weapons happened to be Falling Names and Yingyan. With Thresh and Karma, it is easy to control one person first and kill them in seconds.

Therefore, FPX is very resolute in this wave of packages.

When the grass in the red square river found FPX Nakano, it was already difficult for the duo to retreat. Karma group shields accelerated and Qian Jue quickly approached.

In order to reduce the opponent's vigilance, Liu Qingsong's Thresh did not stand forward just now. At this time, seeing the KT duo turn around and retreat side by side, Lin Weixiang directly flashed Yingyan's Q skill to make a shot.

The scattered fireworks gave Calista and Titan the name drop effect at the same time. Lin Weixiang was not in a hurry to activate the imprisonment when switching weapons, and A backhanded Calista again.

The KT duo flashed almost simultaneously.

Aiming's Calista chose to flash back, while Tusin's Titan flashed A to Aphelios without saying a word, and then hooked the Q skill to Thresh behind.

Aphelios just activated the active effect of Fallen Name, imprisoning Kalista and Titan at the same time.

However, Titan's hook has already gone out first, and Thresh was hit with a precise hook.

Since Aphelios's name's imprisoning effect does not affect the attack, Titan hooked Thresh's face and immediately A-passed again, making it impossible for Thresh to flash past him to threaten Calista.

Tusin could see clearly that the opponent's threatening control all came from Thresh.

Originally, he had already decided to kill Kalista first, but Liu Qingsong couldn't take over the control of Aphelios because of the Titan's actions.

Finally, at the moment when the Titan's imprisonment ended, Liu Qingsong flashed past the Titan, and chose to take the hook directly when the E skill was not available.

Although Karma, who was approaching, had given a Q skill to slow down, but the opposite was a skateboard shoe.

Aiming's Calista just evaded Thresh's hook with a QE sideways slide.

The chain pulled out by Karma is still on Calista, Qian Jue and Aphelios are struggling to output and want to beat Calista first.

Calista triggers the blades to slide back and forth continuously.

Since Karma was slowed down by Calista's QE just now, Doinb was afraid that the opponent would pull away from his position, so he chose to flash directly to ensure the trigger of the chain.

Remember: "KT found FPX's Nakano, but the duo has already retreated. Lin Weixiang flashed directly to the control to keep people! But KT's two TPs were handed over very quickly, can they really kill them?"

957: "Oh! This titan's mind is too clear. Thresh has been blocked by the titan and can't take over the control. If it drags on, something will happen. After all, the opposite side is a mid-level [-]-level TP."

When Aphelios flashed the name of the Yingyan Q pendant just now, Kuro's TP was already lit up on the red defense tower.

Although Lin Cheng communicated with his teammates a long time ago, in order not to be found by the crocodile as his TP position, he waited until the FPX Nakano had already made a move on Calista before handing in his TP.

It was precisely because Lin Cheng handed in the TP late that he wanted to try to beat Calista first after seeing the TP in the pawn line.

But Kuro's early TP has already arrived at the scene in advance.

Just when Kalista was imprisoned and handed over for treatment, the Tsar summoned the horse to drift into the arena.

The positions of the three long-range heroes of FPX are not scattered. The Czar Drift enters the field and the wall of the Forbidden Army pushes back the three of them, commanding the soldiers to attack.

Kuro's ultimate move is a bit of an own goal.

Originally, he survived by pushing his opponent away from Aiming's remaining blood, Kalista. As a result, the Tsar's big move made a roundabout push, and directly pushed the opponent to Kalista who had already entered the tower.

Aphelios hit Kalista with a backhand.

Although the Tsar's backhand push killed his teammates, it just happened to get the three of FPX stuck outside the red square tower near the wall at the corner of the river.

For the glory of Nurima, the Tsar's horses stabbed desperately.

But after all, there were three people on the opposite side, and the Tsar's blood volume dropped faster.

Kuro: "Bali! I can't stand it anymore."

Lin Cheng: "Here we come! Don't panic!"

Lin Cheng's Seti had also landed on the TP soldier, turned on Q and rushed upwards, ignoring Thresh behind him.

The three of FPX were stuck in their positions, and Sett's entry at this time must be devastating.

When they saw Sett, the people in FPX already knew that this wave was not good.

Thresh threw a lantern far away to the edge of the Forbidden Army Wall. The nearest Doinb subconsciously picked up the lantern and flew to the rear, preparing to sell the two brothers in front and run away.

Want to run?

Lin Cheng's hands were too fast.

Just as Karma was picking up the lantern and taking off, Seti, who rushed up, jumped up, intercepted Karma in the air, and fell back over his shoulder.

Stunningly threw Karma between Aphelios and Qian Jue, and Seti cracked his head with a strong hand.

The three of them were knocked together and fell into a dizziness. Sett took a step and sank down to launch a deliberate punch.

Although there is no bonus of pride, but in conjunction with the tsar's frantic poke, Seti's punch directly blasted three residual blood out.

Lin Cheng smashed Karma to death with a backhand punch, and the czar's horsemen successfully stabbed the other two to death.

After finishing the three of them, Thresh behind him didn't run away either.

The Titan chased and stuck Thresh, and Kuro followed up and scored a triple kill.

Remember: "Ouch! FPX's wave of four packs and two packs has split me apart! It's a one-for-four trade, and the early rhythm has exploded. Knowing that the opponent's top laner has TP, it's too hard to pack like this. .”

957: "Actually, looking at the map, Brother Khan has already searched for Seti's TP position in advance, but unfortunately he didn't find it. If Sett's TP is interrupted in this wave, even if the Tsar's ult pushes three times, it will be useless. The timing of mentioning the entry is too comfortable, the big three E three FPX exploded directly."

I remember thinking for a while: "The main reason is that it takes too much time to kill a skateboard shoe, and it's not that the czar's roundabout push can't kill the skateboard shoe.

I feel that it can be withdrawn when the opponent's mid-top TP is forced out, but Aphelios is the one who flashes first and stays. FPX may feel that it is a bit disadvantageous to withdraw directly. "

957: "The four members of KT played very well in this wave. Except for Sett and Tsar who came down, Titan and Calista really made bloody achievements. If it hadn't been delayed long enough, Tsar and Sett would not have come down. There must be a chance to play.”

Remember: "It's still FPX who didn't want to understand. They shouldn't play like this when Xiaotian got Qian Jue. Although it was the style of play they were most familiar with last year, Qian Jue really shouldn't cooperate with teammate GANK in the early stage. .”

"Little Phoenix sent it! What kind of thing is this?"

"The opponent's double TP counterattack will definitely cost four packs and two packs, and silver will not fight like this."

"You think highly of Baiyin too much. You can do it in four packs and five packs."

"Brother Coin is being hugged down in the air."

"Those who leave their teammates and run away do not end well."

"Jinfu: Women can't escape from me."

"What's the use of bastard Karma? If it was Akali, he would have killed it long ago."

"Didn't it mean that KT is average except Brother Chengzi? The four of them in this wave seem to be very handsome."

(End of this chapter)

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