This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 397 Welcome to the Confrontation Road

Chapter 397 Welcome to the Confrontation Road

369 took the lead in attacking the second with a wave of details, but was shocked by the operation of the first-level Qinggangying to kill all the audience. Some people felt that Lin Cheng's operation details were full, while others from the perspective of God felt that 369 was too outrageous.

"As expected of you 369! This kind of ghost scene can be created."

"Laughing! It's the first time I've seen a top laner grab two and be single-killed in a game."

"369: It's a success if you grab the second level! As for whether you will be counter-killed, it's none of my business."

"It's over! 369 seems to be unlucky today, and the dice on the other side are even harder."

"To be reasonable, this wave of 369 is not a big problem, is it? Brother Chengzi's details are really invincible."

"Qinggangying flashes card level A and then enters the grass to seduce. Only the barrage king can judge how to do this operation."

In fact, according to Lin Cheng's judgment, this wave should not have been so extreme.

He originally thought that he would pull better, relying on the damage of the little soldiers to make the monkey kneel directly.

After all, the vulnerability caused by the strong attack makes it more painful for the minions to hit the monkey.

But the monkey was really too hard after being passively stacked, and the biscuits on the monkey forced Lin Cheng to play extreme operations.

Lin Cheng thought to himself that he was lucky while returning home.

fine!Brother Cheng is a little better at fighting.

369 on the other side was very depressed, looking at the darkened screen speechlessly with his head tilted.

Karsa, who has been paying attention to the online situation, happened to witness the whole process, "Wow! Bai Jiahao, you can be counter-killed like this?"

"There's something about this guy, he's too cunning."

369 tried to throw the pot away.

"It's okay, I'll find a chance to come and help you later."

As the controller of the team's rhythm, although Karsa has been polished in RNG for a while, he is not a jungler who only saves.

369: "There is no flash on the other side."

Karsa: "...I see it."

After returning home this time, Lin Cheng directly made another Dolan sword and a small green bottle.

Under normal circumstances, Lin Cheng seldom releases two Dolan series of equipment, because it is indeed a bit dragging rhythm.

However, this pair of monkeys combined with Ike was too much of a threat to his own back row. Lin Cheng became ruthless, and Shuang Duolan swore to kill 369 online with his back on his back.

Without saving TP, Lin Cheng took the initiative to occupy the pawn line immediately when he teleported online, as if he would use passive exchange blood at any time.

Hou Zi was a Dolan sword behind, so naturally he didn't dare to pretend to Lin Cheng, and didn't want to choose to go up and exchange blood.

Lin Cheng didn't take any more radical actions other than looking for an opportunity to W scan.

The two sides are still stable for the time being, but the pawn line is slowly advancing towards the red side.

When Lin Cheng was the first to get to the third, 369 took the initiative to shrink back, but soon saw that the blood volume of the three soldiers was very low, and the monkey couldn't help but rushed over with the E skill.

The line of soldiers happened to be not far from the wall at the corner of the red square river channel. The moment the monkey got up and charged, Lin Cheng's Qinggang shadow threw a hook lock at the wall.

Since the location of Qinggangying is still relatively far from the wall, 369 was given enough time to react.

After taking away the remaining blood soldiers, the 369 monkey just rose to the third level.

369 seconds to learn W and put it back, completing an EW pull combo.

The monkey left a false body in place, and pulled his real body back.

At this time, Lin Cheng's second-stage E had already been shot.

I saw Qinggang Ying flying straight behind the monkey.

Lin Cheng predicted the opponent's move!

Qing Gangying just kicked the monkey body in the invisible, and took a step forward to get stuck in the direction of the opponent's retreat.

The moment the monkey appeared, Qinggangying AQ shot.

The monkey just hit Qinggangying's shield with a backhand stick, and 369 quickly moved back.

While Lin Cheng was in a good position, the general attack dealt strong attack damage, and at the same time, the second-stage Q kicked out.
A wave of Qinggangying's most ideal exchange of blood was beaten out by Lin Cheng, and the monkey was kicked off a small half of its blood in one fell swoop.

However, at this time Karsa's blind monk just came to the upper half of the area to fight crabs.

Seeing that the Qinggang shadow hook lock was handed over, the blind monk stopped fighting and immediately sent a signal to rush to the line.

Zeyuan: "Qinggangying handed over the hook lock under the pressure of the line, Karsa immediately smelled the opportunity, but the troll is behind, TES may have an accident if he does it rashly."

MacT: "Ouch! Bono's troll is just behind to beat the toad, and the grass in the river has eyes. Karsa will be squatted by the troll when he ganks in the past."

As an experienced jungler, Bono may not be as good as Karsa in seizing opportunities to gank, but he is a good player in judging the opponent's jungle route.

Seeing the lineup on the opposite side, Bono knew that there was a high probability that the blind monk would brush up from the bottom to provide protection for the top lane.

Therefore, Bono is very cunning and brushes the entire lower half area and then the upper half area, so that he cannot rush to the river channel immediately when the river crab spawns.

However, the river crab refreshed the blind monk and did not meet the troll in the river. This phenomenon gave the Taobo team members an illusion: they thought the troll might have been brushed down.

And Lin Cheng's Qinggang Shadow is pressing the line again, and there is a high probability that the blind monk will come up to find a wave of opportunities.

But I don't want to, Karsa's movements this time were caught by Bono.

Lin Cheng's jewelry eye placed in the grass in the river hadn't disappeared. The moment he found the blind monk, Bono's troll leaned up with a big stick.

When he saw the blind monk, Lin Cheng, who was pressing the line, pretended not to notice and continued to twist left and right in front.

The blind monk didn't bring a scanner, so he naturally didn't know that his movements had been spotted, so he went out directly to copy Qinggangying's back route.

When the blind monk showed his head, Lin Cheng immediately manipulated Qinggang Ying to retreat around the blind monk and stick to the alcove.

Everything is the normal reaction when being gank.

The blind monk touched his eyes and approached him, and slapped the ground to slow down.

When the monkey with the skill cd came up directly, he hit Qinggangying with a stick.

At this moment, a handsome boy with a hammer rushed up from the direction of the blue square tower.

Afraid that Lin Cheng would be caught first, Bono flashed into the arena and a pillar just pushed the monkey and the blind monk up.

The ground was covered with hoarfrost, and the troll rushed like a mad dog.

Just now 369's blood volume was lowered a lot by Lin Cheng, but now he was squatting back in place by the troll, which declared that he was already a dead man.

Lin Cheng had already played his first AQ, and after the troll bit the monkey, he took the monkey's head with two precise etiquette.

The blind monk's second-stage Q is far from enough to kill Qinggang Ying, and seeing the triumphant return to blood, Karsa handed over his flash and ran back.

"Chase! My E will be ready soon."

Lin Cheng manipulated Qinggang Ying to take the lead.

When the blind monk retreated to the upper corner wall, Lin Cheng's E skill hook lock shot, and at the same time started a tactical sweep.

Just when Qinggangying's hook lock was pulling him towards the wall next to the blind monk, the tactical sweep happened to slow down the blind monk just outside.

Although the blind monk was not close to the wall, he was decelerated and could no longer move to avoid Qinggang Ying's second-stage E, who was knocked unconscious by Qinggang Ying's kick.

The troll followed up and quickly killed the blind monk with the output of Qinggangying.

When the blind monk was bleeding, Bono stopped and gave the head to Lin Cheng.

"Double Kill!"

After winning the double kill, Lin Cheng showed Teemo's thumbs up expression.

Welcome to Confrontation Road.

(End of this chapter)

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