This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 398 Accuracy or not, is the difference between slaughter and surgery

Chapter 398 Accuracy or not, is the difference between slaughter and surgery

MacT: "Ouch! This wave of Ueno and Wilderness sent double kills and Taobo's upper half was blown up! I thought it was a wave of opportunities, but I didn't expect to be caught by the troll."

Zeyuan: "Now 369 can't be played at all! Qinggangying has three heads in 4 minutes, how can the monkey still line up? If this is the case in RANK, it is estimated that the average player with a poor mentality will start typing 15 shots."

MacT: "The main reason is that Taobo's people were not sure about the troll's position and they couldn't hold back when they saw the opportunity. But the troll happened to appear on the top lane at this time. Brother Boda also miscalculated."

Zeyuan: "We watched the first two KT games in MSC and we may feel that Bono's tendency to help top lane ganks is not so obvious, but the audience who often watch LCK games should know that Chengzi is also a good shaker.

This time, it happened that 369 shaker Chengzi also shook people, and the monkey in front was caught by Qing Gangying and had a very detailed exchange of blood, which caused the two sides' combat power to be completely unequal in this wave. "

Mact: "Indeed! In fact, if this wave of 369 health is healthy, even if the troll squats in the upper field of Taobo, he can still be beaten, but it happens that Brother Cheng was given a chance in front of 369 and drained his blood without injury."

"Classic! Ueno linkage, one dies, one gets away."

"369, this scary whale, if it weren't for the rough blood exchange in front, the monkey stand is very strong."

"Brother Dada has a virus, this wave was counter-detected by the other side."

"It's really not trustworthy to go on the road, wait for Ah Shui to change his fate against the sky."

"I'm afraid that Ah Shui will die suddenly when he comes. (cover face)"

Ueno opened up the situation, and his teammates waved their flags and shouted at the other end of the map.

Kuro: "Lin Cheng will remember to push the line to help me catch Ike. The opposite Ike is too jumpy."

Lin Cheng: "Li Shiheng, lie down, I have reserved this game MVP."

Kuro: "..."

Are you afraid of being beaten to death one day when you speak so arrogantly?You booked the MVP after only a few minutes of this game?
You must know that many of the team voices on the LCK side will be officially released, and even before the final push to the base, the director will directly give the team voice of the winning team.

Lin Cheng has already been hated by fans of other teams because of his big mouth.

What kind of opponent is really easy to kill, this one is not as boring as a super god... All kinds of remarks like this highlight an arrogance.

Lin Cheng even said before that he would switch lanes with Kuro, and he would switch to the middle lane to beat Faker.

KT's homepage almost broke the T1 fans because of Lin Cheng's words.

Regardless of what his teammates thought, Lin Cheng, who had booked the MVP, knew that the opponent was revived and had no TP, so he just ate a wave of plating in conjunction with the advancing pawn line, and went home and took out Tiamat.

In less than 5 minutes, with Tiamat and Double Dolan, the monkey with this equipment is not qualified to replenish troops in front of Lin Cheng.

So, the monkey on the road started to go to jail under the tower early.

If he and the troll hadn't flashed, Lin Cheng would definitely call Bono to go to the monkey's tower.

Continuously pushing the line of soldiers into the tower, Lin Cheng took the opportunity to eat another layer of tape with blasting.

Originally, there was a chance to compete with Qinggangying in the monkey's sixth-level explosion. Now that the equipment gap is too large, 369 has no dreams. An Anxin will succeed if he misses less troops under the tower.

But the monkey is constantly being suppressed to make up the knife, and the gap between the two sides will only become wider and wider.

If there is no chance to pick up some heads to supplement the economy, this monkey's entry will not be of much use.

Lin Cheng switched to the middle lane to support Kuro after reaching level six.

But after all, Ike has a big move. When the czar drifted over and pushed his left hand, he handed over his big move and returned to the rear without hesitation.

After going up to clear a wave of lines, Lin Cheng turned his head and went into the opponent's wild area to get a view of the partition wall.

Seeing that the blind monk was beating the stone man, Lin Cheng didn't even kick it. He hit the explosive fruit and swiped his W skill to try to grab the big stone man, forcing Karsa to hand over the punishment.

MacT: "Ouch! This Qing Gangying is simply lawless. He went to the middle lane and the wild area twice in just 7 minutes. Although he didn't threaten Taobo's players, he is disgusting."

Zeyuan: "This is the bitter fruit of going to jail on the road. Once Brother Cheng's Qinggangying has an advantage, he will play this way. He will crazily put pressure on your other laners.

And you can see that Brother Chengzi is not on the top. This wave of blind monks is not level [-]. He has a chance to solo kill, but he just can’t. Knowing that he is still close to flashing, this hook lock can’t be casually in the opposite wild area. pay. "

Lin Cheng's 3-0 Qing Gangying put too much pressure on the upper half, and Lin Cheng disappeared on the road after the canyon pioneer was refreshed.

Taobo is not a team that just accepts the disadvantages and develops, but they also know that at this time the upper half can't fight at all. They simply saw the trolls and Qinggangying line up the red side and put them in the Dragon Pit. Over there.

Lin Cheng's Green Steel Shadow did not help Bono to play the vanguard, but followed the direction of his own jungle to touch the middle.

Seeing that Ike didn't give him a chance, Lin Cheng simply relied on his own wild area to find his way out.

"I'm going to bot lane GANK! Park Yong Hyuk line up your vision."

Knowing that the opponent's jungler is playing the vanguard, the duo who saw the bull's-eye view was not too nervous.

Moreover, your jungler is at the top, how dare you press the lane in the bottom lane?

Karsa has already sent a signal to prepare for a wave of KT's bot lane, and Tao Bo's view of the opposite line-pressing move is like giving it for nothing.

But what the red side didn't expect was that Lin Cheng's Qinggang Ying ran to the lower half without TP.

It even came faster than their jungler.

Knocking out the exploding cones in his wild area and falling into the Xiaolong Pit, Lin Cheng observed the opponent's position while walking towards the grass in the river.

At this time, the line of soldiers was a little bit outside the red square tower, and EZ and Tam stood under their own tower to clear the line.

Aiming saw that EZ was standing forward, and directly shot over with a big move.

Tam directly handed over the W skill.

Ah Shui immediately drilled out, leaned against the wall to get out of the way of the soldier, and shot a Q at Han Bing.

It's not Brother Shuizi's style to not fight back after being beaten.

But just seeing EZ standing against the wall, Lin Cheng made a move.

The section E of Qinggangying hangs on the grass wall of the river and starts a tactical sweep at the same time.

The green steel shadow flashed across the wall and appeared under the triangle grass of the red square, the dash indicator of the E skill doubled, and the second section of the wall kicked straight towards the first tower of the red square.

The doubling of the advance distance allowed Qing Gangying to just squeeze through the thick red corner wall, and the leg blade swept across the EZ beside the wall. Before Ah Shui had any reaction, Qing Gangying kicked him unconscious.

At this time, Tam didn't have W skills. After EZ was stunned by Qinggang's shadow, Niutou connected to the second company.

Lin Cheng's AQA damage combined with the ice directly dropped the full blood EZ in seconds.

After killing EZ, Lin Cheng immediately launched the big move Hex Ultimatum, resetting the tower's hatred and keeping Tahm.

Niutou and Hanbing began to take turns resisting the tower, and the three of them managed to kill Tam under the tower before retreating gracefully.

At this time, the blind monk rushed to the scene of the crime, but there was no chance to keep him.

Before leaving, Lin Cheng also sent a naughty Poro emoji.

Is my GANK handsome?
Lin Cheng's E flash E gank accurately crossed the thick red corner wall from the grass in the river, and kicked out from the shadow of the wall without giving anyone a chance to react.

It can be said that the visual effects of this wave of operations are indeed very explosive, and Qinggang Ying with a lower level of proficiency can't play at all.

Whether it is accurate or not is the difference between slaughter and surgery.

(End of this chapter)

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