Chapter 46 Snowflakes
The light gray cat squatted on the snow on the ground and ate cat food in big mouthfuls. Because of its short legs and low chassis, its stomach was obviously very cold when it was close to the snow, and its body was constantly shaking.

"It seems to be very cold." The woman couldn't help reminding Lin Cheng.

"I see it."

The woman tentatively said: "Then do you want to pick it up?"


Lin Cheng was stunned for a moment, then stared at the woman twice, she pulled up the collar again, covering her chin.

Lin Cheng picked up the cat, "Here it is."

"Ah? Can I hug?"

The woman quickly stretched out her hand, and subconsciously pulled her sleeve to cover her wrist, for fear of being slapped again.

This time, the cat was very honest, huddled in the woman's arms and ate the cat food in the bowl. It seemed that Lin Cheng suddenly let go of his vigilance.

The woman tried to block the wind with her coat, "What's its name?"

"no name."

"Then what do you call it? Nabi?" The woman was puzzled.

Many Koreans call cats they don't know Nabi, similar to what we call Mimi.

Lin Cheng thought for a while, "I can call whatever I want, hey, idiot, melon skin, unlucky man and so on."


Regarding Lin Cheng's hasty, the woman didn't know what to say, but she felt the cat's trembling in her arms gradually stop, and she couldn't help but smile.

"You want to adopt it?"


The woman gave Lin Cheng a careful look and explained, "I think it might be difficult on such a cold day."

Since there is no threat of rabies virus in South Korea, people's attitude towards stray animals is generally friendly, especially the life of stray cats around universities is much more stable than other places.

The relevant clubs of the school have set up stray cat food pots in many corners. Some students will put cat food on time every day, and the stray cats around will learn to eat according to the order.

However, in such winter, the living environment of stray cats is still very difficult. Many students go home on vacation, and whether cat food can be delivered on time is a problem.

"Well, this guy is a little stupid, but he still looks pretty good."

Lin Cheng nodded. Because of his good looks, many people have tried to adopt this stupid cat in the past two years.

But this guy doesn't get close to anyone except Lin Cheng, and he usually doesn't eat what others give him. Basically, he eats the public cat food given by the school.

In fact, if this guy was willing to eat what others gave, he wouldn't go to the school's artificial lake to fish for fish.

It turns out that short legs are really not suitable for fishing.

That is, when Lin Cheng jumped to save it, Lin Cheng became the only person in the school who would take the initiative to approach him.

"Then, can I keep it?"

Because of the cat's attitude, the woman subconsciously asked Lin Cheng for advice.

Lin Cheng smiled and touched the cat's head buried in his rice bowl, "Of course."

For stray cats, fighting is unavoidable. Because of his short legs, this guy is no match for those Elvis cats outside. He only eats leftover cat food every time. He really needs a stable living environment.

And this silly cat usually doesn't eat anything given by others, but just now it was eating dried fish given by a woman, obviously starving.

Either the classmates in the school club did not put in the cat food in time, or the cat food was robbed by other cats.

Although he came here like this before, but the temperature this winter is very cold, Lin Cheng is not worried that this guy will continue to wander outside.

With Lin Cheng's affirmation, the woman was obviously very happy, and kept stroking the cat's back with her hands.

"You can take it to the hospital for a checkup later. I have taken it for neutralization surgery before, and I have also been vaccinated."


The woman was stunned. Since Lin Cheng didn't plan to adopt the cat, why did he take this step?
"If you like it so much, why don't you keep it?"

Lin Cheng refused to admit it, "Who said I like this stupid cat? If it dies, wouldn't my crime of jumping into the lake in winter be in vain? And if there is no takeaway, I will starve to death myself, where will I have time to take care of it? ?"

To be honest, Lin Cheng himself doesn't hate cats.

Since he was born, he has had a cat by his side.

From toddler to babbling to first time school.

Many moments of Lin Cheng's childhood bear witness to it.

Although, perhaps it simply doesn't understand what that means.

The child's feelings were very pure. At that time, Lin Cheng thought that the cat was almost his best friend.

As he grows up, the cat grows old too.

In the end, at 12 years old, Lin Cheng experienced parting for the first time.

That feeling was very uncomfortable, and Lin Cheng didn't want to experience it again.

Even though he was no longer the child he used to be, he still couldn't predict whether he would be sad at that time.

Because of this, even if Lin Cheng often came to feed this silly cat, he didn't really think about living with this guy.

The woman felt that Lin Cheng's words were a bit contradictory, but she was still very happy to confirm that she could adopt the little guy in her arms.

"How about I call it Snowflake? It was full of snowflakes when I saw it just now."

"As you like."

Lin Cheng couldn't help but reached out and stroked the cat's head again, "If, I mean, if you find it troublesome in the future, please throw it back here. It's familiar with the place, at least it won't starve to death."

"I won't drop it."

The woman nodded quickly, and then hesitantly said: "How about you leave a contact information? I can show you Xuehua's life when things settle down."

Lin Cheng shook his head: "Forget it, I'm not his master anyway, what happens in the future is his life."

After finishing speaking, Lin Cheng handed over the half bag of cat food in his hand, "I don't need this stuff anymore, give it to you, I'll go first."

"Would you like to hug it again?"

Lin Cheng glanced at it. After the guy was full, he curled up honestly, probably because the warm environment in the woman's arms made it very comfortable, and he looked around with wide eyes.

Having experienced a warm embrace and a stable life, it probably won't want to wander again in the future.

"Forget it, no need."

Lin Cheng turned around, and just took two steps and suddenly remembered something.

"By the way, do you live in a dormitory or rent a house?"


Lin Cheng reminded, "Cats cannot be kept in the school's dormitory. If you are renting, you'd better communicate with the landlord first."

The woman chuckled, her eyes narrowed, "Do I look like a student?"

"You're not a student?"

Lin Cheng felt that she looked a little familiar just now, and wondered if it was a classmate from his club.

That's why Lin Cheng never opened his mouth to ask about his name. What if it was his classmate for the past three years and you asked him what his name was? How embarrassing would it be?

(End of this chapter)

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