This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 47 Is Ugly Not Human?

Chapter 47 Is Ugly Not Human?

For Lin Cheng's misunderstanding, the woman was inexplicably a little happy for some reason.

"I came here with a friend. Her companion dog was just transferred to the veterinary hospital over there. I came across a snowflake when I came to buy something."

"Seoul National University Veterinary Hospital?"


Lin Cheng was silent for two seconds, "I wish your friend's companion dog a speedy recovery."

"Thank you."

The woman smiled again, her face matched with the light eye makeup should be considered relatively cool and glamorous in Lin Cheng's opinion, but it was a bit provocative when she smiled.

But she apparently still doesn't understand what it means to transfer to the Seoul National University Veterinary Hospital.

Han Shuyan spent a long time in the laboratory of the Seoul National University Veterinary Hospital when she was a graduate student, and Lin Cheng also came here many times.

The pet medical system in South Korea is relatively complete, and there are many pet hospitals. The Seoul National University Veterinary Hospital can be said to be the top animal hospital among them.

However, the average pet owner may not want their dog to come here to see a doctor.

Because it generally receives cases that other animal hospitals cannot handle, and the dogs who are transferred here are definitely not optimistic.

"Okay, that's it, I'll go back first."

Lin Cheng waved his hand, glanced at the cat one last time, and turned around.

"Xuehua is good, wait a minute, my sister will take you to the hospital for examination."

The woman carefully hugged the cat in her arms and got into the car next to her, and drove the car to the front of the veterinary hospital.

Soon, the door was opened.

The woman happily raised the cat in her arms:

"Rinna Oni, look, I have a cat."

On the way back, Lin Cheng ate something casually on the side of the road. When he arrived at the apartment complex, the snow had already stopped completely.

On the lawn on the side of the apartment building, Lin Cheng saw Xiao Tong and Han Shuyan from afar.

Wearing gloves, Han Shuyan was earnestly perfecting the half-height snowman in front of her, while Xiao Tong was playing snowball fights with four or five little furry children in the community.

Relying on the advantages of height and body size, Xiao Tong has an overwhelming advantage over those Xiaodouding with an average height of about one meter. A fluffy snowball can knock over an enemy army, just like a god of war.

However, Xiao Tong didn't feel any guilt for bullying children at all, and laughed while bullying others.

Xiao Tong has always envied the happiness of northerners playing in the snow. This will allow her to play with snow and vegetables for her abuse, so don't be too happy.

Lin Cheng was about to sneak past quietly, and he felt ashamed to greet Xiao Tong at this time.

With sharp eyes, Xiao Tong saw Lin Cheng's figure about to get into the apartment building at a glance, and greeted loudly, "Lin Cheng, where have you gone? No one brings you breakfast, Sister Shuyan."

"Going out for a run." Lin Chenggui's face didn't even turn red when he pulled it up.

Since he was discovered, Lin Cheng did not hide, Shi Shiran walked over.

"Sister Shuyan, the snowman did a great job."

"How come, it's not done yet."

Lin Cheng leaned over, "Can I help? I'll go back and get a Christmas hat to put on it."


Han Shuyan responded, then lowered her head and seriously continued to complete the work in her hand.

When Lin Cheng was about to help, Xiao Tong ran over and pointed at the snowman next to him, "What do you think of the snowman I made? I'll make it right away."

This snowman is slender and distorted, with a pitted surface, and it doesn't look very good.

"You're also called a snowman? It's just like the one eaten by a dog. It's too ugly." Lin Cheng was disdainful.

"What's up with the dog?"

Xiao Tong hummed angrily: "If you look ugly, you're not a human being? A rotten egg is not an egg?"

Lin Cheng: "..."

You're right, I don't even know how to refute it.

Just as Xiao Tong was about to continue speaking, she was suddenly hit by a small snowball on the head, and fluffy snowflakes scattered between her long hair.

"Yeah! Didn't you see what I was talking about? You don't talk about martial arts, kid."

A small red radish head ran away, causing Xiao Tong to shoot back with a backhand.

Xiao Tong turned to look at Lin Cheng: "Are you coming for a snowball fight? It's fun."

Lin Cheng pouted, "When I join the battlefield, you won't find it fun anymore. It's fun now because you see children being bullied."

"Then let's team up and deal with the others."

As she finished speaking, Xiao Tong pointed at the little girl who was making snowballs next to her: "Xiaoying, you were fired by me! Go and join them."

Lin Cheng was immediately shocked. He had never found out that Xiao Tong had such a side. This girl turned out to be so thick-skinned.

When two adults deal with a few four or five-year-old children, are you too embarrassed to speak?
The point is, kicking out a team member is too annoying.

And the little girl who was expelled by Xiao Tong stood there blankly with her mouth open, and her little head couldn't turn around for a while.

After a while, the little girl who reacted became more aggrieved and angrier the more she thought about it.

"Sister is a badass."


The little girl smashed the snowball in her hand at Xiao Tong.

Xiao Tong did not expect the sudden backstab of the former teammate, and the flower bloomed on his head again.

"Yeah! Xiaoying, wait for me."

Throwing the snowball, the little girl immediately ran away like a little rabbit, and ran to form a united front with her new teammates to fight against the big demon Xiao Tong.

Xiao Tong held up a ball of snow, "Hurry up, Lin Cheng, let's clean them up."

"Forget it, I can't deal with the kid."

While speaking, Xiao Tong was smashed by the children with snowballs one after another.

Xiao Tong was in a hurry, and had already kicked out the only teammate to give Lin Cheng a position, but he didn't expect Lin Cheng to not get in the car.

"Why are you mother-in-law? Hurry up."

"Don't go."

"Yeah! I'm pissed off."

Xiao Tong shouted and smashed the snow ball in his backhand.

Lin Cheng's reaction was very fast, and he dodged away in time, only to be covered by some flying snowflakes.

"Xiao Tong, you are dead."

Lin Cheng turned around and picked up the head of the inferior snowman made by Xiao Tong next to him, raised it above his head, and looked at Xiao Tong in front of him coldly.

"Are you afraid?"

Xiao Tong: "..."

This is a large snowball with a diameter of more than forty centimeters, although it is not very solid.


Just when Lin Cheng threatened Xiao Tong, two small snowballs suddenly passed over Xiao Tong and attacked Lin Cheng.

Lin Cheng didn't dodge because he held the big snowball, and was hit by the snowball.

"Yeah! You bastards brought it on your own,"

Lin Cheng put the big snowball in his hand back, holding up the snowball on the ground, he was about to fight against the group of little peas.

"Acheng." Han Shuyan stopped him immediately.


Lin Cheng thought that Han Shuyan was going to stop him, and seemed to feel embarrassed for bullying children, "I'm angry, I'm not trying to bully children."

Han Shuyan shook her head, took off her thick gloves with a smile, and handed them over.

"Hey, gloves, you can't stand without them."

(End of this chapter)

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