This foreign aid is ridiculously strong.

Chapter 514 I asked for a genius mid laner, this is a bit fierce

Chapter 514 I have invited the next genius mid laner, this one is a bit fierce

Brother Li is really unlucky this time!

The game time is now 20 seconds.

The nightmare of opening the field in the second half is because Super Six has to choose the opening route that wipes out the entire half area. Bono hits the red BUFF first and then eats the stone man. This time is just right to use F6.

If Brother Li didn't use Q to consume it when he went online, but only used it to push the line, the pawn line would have been pushed over, but he had to consume Qinggangying twice, causing the pawn line to get stuck in the middle for a while.

This will finally push the line over, right across the wall from Nightmare.

As long as there is a little accident, we will not meet here.

Because Lin Cheng had already reminded him before the shot, Bono's nightmare leaned against the F6 wall in advance.

The moment Qinggangying kicked Zoe unconscious, Nightmare, who had been prepared for a long time, directly handed over the wall E skill to Zoe, and made a general attack.

Lin Cheng's Qinggang Shadow had already learned the Q skill when it landed, and AQ dealt damage.

Li Ge Zuoyi was knocked out half of blood in the blink of an eye.

Zoe got up and immediately took two steps, hurried down, crossed the wall, and appeared in the river.

Without further ado, Lin Cheng followed and dodged, kicking a strong attack, and Zoe's blood volume dropped to less than one-third.

Not in a hurry to hand over the second Q, Lin Cheng took a step down.

Because Zoe didn't have the W skill yet, there was no acceleration effect after the flash, but was slowed down by Nightmare's red buff.

And because Zoe didn't dodge against the river wall, Bono was very vigilant and went directly to the river wall after the opponent dodged. In fact, this didn't make Zoe distance himself.

In this way, Zoe did not break the chain of Nightmare when the Nightmare fear took effect.

The fear effect was triggered, and Lin Cheng's Qinggangying basic attack immediately activated the second-stage Q, and the precise etiquette crippled Zoe's blood.

Zoe, who was out of fear, quickly turned around and wanted to run back. The Q skill that Bono had just handed over from the jungler was ready. Nightmare threw a Q from a long distance from behind, and Qinggang Ying kicked down to complete the kill.

"First Blood!"

Remember: "Wow! This wave of KT's Ueno...wrong! It's because the Nakano cooperated too tacitly! Bono leaned out first, and Zoe's Moteng flashed on Zoe's face in Qinggang Shadow E. Brother Li This wave is really impossible to control, he didn't expect Nightmare to hit F6 just across the wall."

957: "Brother Chengzi is so decisive in seizing the opportunity! He has no skills at the first level. When Qinggangying E was in the air, the defense tower just killed the minion to upgrade him. This wave can't be killed with a little hesitation."

Remember: "Indeed! I have to say that Brother Cheng's ability to seize opportunities is really terrifying. Everyone plays like this when the middle laner pushes the line at the second level to ward the eye. It doesn't look like it's dangerous at all."

"Damn it! Zoe, who is full of blood and flashes, can die now?"

"Brother Li provoked you! Weeping."

"A bloody case caused by one eye, how many times has Guapi died this season because of his vision?"

"Brother Cheng's operation of upgrading the first stage E and then shooting the second stage E is really cool."

"Faker: I have never seen this kind of green steel shadow in the middle lane."

"Attack! Genius middle laner Lin Xiaocheng, the prelude to the slaughter of gods!"

"Eight Ga! 神の栄光が消えていく"

After Lin Cheng took the first blood, the director gave the hero's debut information.

The last appearance of the mid laner Qinggangying was 396 days ago, when Showmaker defeated Lava's Yasuo with Qinggangying.

It was only at this time that the board was put on the board, and it seemed that the director was not sure whether to compare it with the mid laner Qinggang Ying.

After all, Lin Cheng is a real top laner.

After Zoe was killed and revived, she immediately chose TP to go online.

Because only two melee minions entered the tower in a large wave of soldiers from the red side just now, it happened that the third wave of minions from the blue side came over and just stuck the line of soldiers outside the blue side's defense tower.

If Brother Li doesn't hand in this TP, the pawn line will be stuck here by the gun cart, and Zoe will lose a lot of minions, not to mention, if he doesn't dodge after coming over, he may be continued to gank.

Lin Cheng was very fierce. Seeing the opponent's TP light up on the long-range pawn, Qing Gangying walked over directly.

When Zoe got stuck in the position, he Q'ed the minion first. The moment Zoe landed, Qinggang Yingping A cooperated with the second-stage Q to play a passive shield and press the position at the same time.

Because Lin Cheng chose a position in advance and deliberately stood a little behind, Zoe who landed had an acceleration effect, but when she retreated, she was dealt strong attack damage by Qinggang Ying's general attack.

Zoe also stuffed the hypnotic bubble into Qing Gangying's mouth with a backhand, and pulled out the long-distance flying star.

Lin Cheng backed away and hooked the lock before he was about to fall asleep.

Qinggang Ying's hook lock is very long, the white hook lock hits the defense tower at the limit distance, and the forced displacement pulls the sleeping Qing Gang Ying over.

Because the position of the pawn line was right in front of the tower, Qinggang Ying just shrank behind his own pawns, so that Zoe's flying star was blocked by the pawns.

Lin Cheng used the details to card TP, and Zoe was hit by Qing Gangying with a second-stage Q and strong attack damage.

Seeing that he was in good condition, Lin Cheng didn't want to go back, and Qinggang Ying, who had two bottles of corruption potion left, was wasting his opponent in the middle.

Now the return trip is bound to be pushed out by the opponent to force the TP out, he just doesn't want to hand in this TP.

Lin Cheng's positioning was too aggressive. While twisting left and right to make up for soldiers, he dodged several of Zoe's skills in a row, and even found an opportunity to use the outer edge of W to scrape the opponent.

Li Gekong has the advantage of long hands to push the line, but he has been unable to press Qinggangying back.

Cuzz's Seti used up the flash in the following wave of failed GANK, which made Lin Cheng not very worried about the opponent coming to catch him.

At five and a half minutes, when Zoe's E skill was handed over, Qing Gangying once again went up to E to deal a set of damage. Cooperating with the W tactical sweep after pulling away, Zoe was hit to about one-third of his HP.

However, Zoe's flying star combined with the blue punishment picked up also hit Qinggang Ying, who had been relying on the lane, to less than a quarter of his HP.

At this point, the corruption potions on both sides are gone.

Qing Gangying was able to consume two bottles of corruption potions and Zoe to this state, and the laning was already a great success.

Brother Li's Zoe didn't care about the remaining three soldiers after pushing the line, and retreated to the back and was ready to return.

But never expected that Lin Cheng's Qinggang Ying would dare to come out to eat the thread under such circumstances.

You must know that Zoe has already reached the sixth level in pushing the line, and Qinggang Ying is still close to the sixth level.

At this time, both sides are not in good condition, but Zoe's mana is just enough for a flying star and a big move.

With Qinggangying's blood volume, she couldn't bear a flying star.

Brother Li resolutely canceled the return trip, pulled out the flying star by relying on the grass in the upper half of the river, and pressed two steps forward, R turned back and jumped to shoot.

Zoe's flickering figure appeared by the wall, and a brilliant flying star smashed past.

This kind of sudden flying star outside the field of vision is actually very difficult to guard against, but Qing Gangying seemed to have expected it, and suddenly turned sideways.

The flying star rubbed against the shadow of the steel and fell into the air, and Zooey could only A and go back to the back with a burst of fireworks.

But at this time, Lin Cheng's Qinggang Ying suddenly ate the biscuit on his body, and his E skill hung towards the wall of the river.

Relying on the rush indication effect provided by the E skill, Lin Cheng's Qinggang Shadow Blind E entered the grass in the river, just kicking Zoe unconscious on the spot.

Lin Cheng also didn't release W in advance, and only 30 mana left on his body was just enough to release Q's precise etiquette.

Qing Gangying hit the ground and played AQ, and pressed the position forward to kill Zoe directly.

Remember: "Hey! Brother Li wanted to steal Qinggangying... But the online eye saw Zoe leaning on it, Brother Chengzi seemed to be doing it on purpose... Oh! Flying Starry Sky! Brother Li fell for it Ah! It's really been manipulated, although Qinggangying has no blue, he still has biscuits."

957: "Qinggangying knows that Zoe's position is still up and wants to operate it, but this brother Chengzi's reaction is really powerful. If he doesn't avoid the flying star, it will be another story."

"Damn it! This dude is so courageous, he dares to show off with this amount of blood."

"Brother Cheng's reaction is too outrageous, you can avoid flying stars."

"This is Brother Chengzi! I have never lost in operation and reaction."

"It's numb! Brother Li was killed alone."

"Brother Li: Please invite a talented mid laner, this one is a bit fierce, I can't beat it."

(End of this chapter)

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