Chapter 515

There was a single kill in the middle, and the director gave Lin Cheng's first-person view playback.

Seeing Zoe approaching the river in a bad state, Lin Cheng pretended to be a greedy soldier and leaned over to seduce her deliberately.

He pressed his body forward first, and clicked the mouse to move sideways at the moment Zoe turned back and leaped to appear. After avoiding the flying stars in the extreme position, he threw the hook lock in the direction of the wall that Zoe's ultimate move crossed.

If Qinggangying Stage [-] E advances towards the enemy, the distance will be doubled. Although there is no vision of Zoe, the assault indicator will mark the approximate direction of the enemy after hanging on the wall.

At the moment when the arrow appeared, Lin Cheng gave a little advance, predicting that Zoe would move back after returning with the big move.

As Lin Cheng expected, Qing Gangying caught Zoe's position and killed him.

The operation is not complicated, but there are many details, and Lin Cheng has the upper hand in the psychological game.

The LCK broadcaster likes to kill people, and after giving Lin Cheng the first time, he gave Li Ge's players a camera.

There is no game screen, only to see that Brother Li is concentrating on the operation at first, and then suddenly let out an 'ah' in surprise.


He let go of the mouse with his right hand and scratched the back of his head helplessly. Li Ge obviously didn't think that the opponent would eat a biscuit and return to the blue to fight back. Then he subconsciously stretched his neck and looked across the computer screen to the other side of the competition seat.

"Brother Li has been shown off, the genius middle laner Lin Xiaocheng! Attack!"

"The perspective of the melon skin victim, 23333."

"Why did you give this picture? It's so uncomfortable to watch."

"Faker was sitting there looking at Brother Cheng, his eyes were full of his 20-year-old shadow."

"Don't brag, brother Chengzi is 21 years old."

"It suddenly occurred to me that Brother Cheng's reaction to hiding from flying stars is a bit like Iboy the year before last."

"Can the fishman also touch Brother Porcelain? One uses flash to hide, and the other uses movement to hide. It doesn't matter which one is better, right?"

You must know that Lin Cheng has never returned home after taking the first blood. This time, after killing Zoe, Qing Gangying returned home with more than 2200 gold coins.

Lin Cheng directly took out Tiamat.

For Qinggangying in the middle lane, Tiamat is the core equipment that must be released in the early stage, which can make up for Qinggangying's slow line clearing speed.

The rest of the money was exchanged for blue crystals, a small long sword, and two real eyes.

Every time Lin Cheng goes home, he is used to setting aside money to buy eyeballs. This is a habit he learned from his teammates.

The 75 yuan real eye is often the strongest item in this game.

After buying the equipment, Lin Cheng still didn't hand in the TP running line, and looked at the situation of his teammates from a different angle.

On the top lane, Kuro huddled under the tower to develop steadily, while the duo of KT on the bottom lane pressed the line in front of the opponent's tower.

"Lee Se Hyung, I'm here to help you gank! Kim Ki Bum, take a look at Xiaolong."

Lin Cheng decisively looked up at the grass in the river on the road.

I don't know Sett's position. At this time, TP's pursuit of Jess, who is pressing the top lane, is obviously much less risky than going down the tower.

When Kuro was at half health, he made a big move directly in front of the tower, and Xia Zhen avoided Jess's counter attack by switching to melee.

Feeling something was wrong, Canna turned around and ran back, but was slowed down by Kuro's backhand Q skill, and hung up Hayabusa.

Jess' pressure line is too deep, and the chance of being caught by Qinggangying to TP around the back is basically dead.

After TP landed, Qing Gangying rushed out of the river at a high speed, and in front of the opponent, hooked an E to the wall at the corner of the river.

Start the tactical sweep, and return to the second section of the E wall.

Canna flashed decisively.

But Lin Cheng's W tactic sweeping release is very thief. He kicked Jess downward in the second stage of E, but W was released facing upward.

After this flash, Jess happened to be swept by the outer edge of the tactical sweep and was slowed down.

Akali's second-stage E flew over, and launched the second-stage R very chicly in the air where Falcon Dance dashed in. While dealing damage to the kill, it also avoided Jess' Q skill that cut into a long-range form.

Lin Cheng didn't even use his ult, he stepped up and beat Jess with his second kick, and took the initiative to stop and press the position to give the head to Kuro.

Although Kuro's style of play is very mixed, there is a big difference between Akali, a hero who has a head and no head in the early stage.

Unexpectedly, the last Q of Kuro's Akali was placed crookedly.

Kuro: "Here you are! I'll give you the head, Lin Cheng, you come to C."

Lin Cheng: "..."

Reluctantly, Lin Cheng knocked off Jess' head with tears in his eyes.

957: "Qinggangying TP catches, Canna is still a little careless. At this time, his teammates are all in the lower half of the zone, and it is unreasonable for Jess to press the line like this. He still lacks some experience."

Remember: "I can only say that in this round, Brother Cheng really played well in the middle lane. He beat Faker twice with a bottle of corruption potion, and he also used TP to support his teammates. However, T1 can also take this opportunity to take down this little dragon. .”

When he found that Qinggangying TP was caught, Cuzz's Seti in the lower half ran directly to prepare to move Xiaolong.

Although the duo was pushed down the line, Zoe's resurrection in the middle lane has come back and pushed the line and leaned over. T1 in the lower half has the advantage in numbers. It stands to reason that this little dragon KT should be let go.

But KT didn't mean to release Xiaolong at all.

Everyone felt a little bit aggrieved when they lost the game due to a level split in the last round.

Who said that resources should be allocated to the bottom when things happen at the top?

Human heads, dragons, I want them all.

Lin Cheng went on the road to catch Jess to death and leaned down directly. The blue square's vision in the dragon pit immediately spotted Seti's movements.

Galio and Ashe approached from the river first, and Nightmare also threw a Q skill on the dragon pit to declare his existence.

Sett pulled the dragon up, and the Japanese girl walked down the river from the red square field area, and escorted Sett with Zoe.

The two sides confronted each other in the river channel of Xiaolongkeng.

It's a pity that Brother Li's hypnotic bubble and Japanese girl's E skill are all empty, and the group has not been opened.

Remember: "KT doesn't want to release Xiaolong, but the nightmare is not six, how can the three of KT fight against the opponent?"

957: "Waiting for Qinggangying! The female tank finger is empty. EZ can't pass T1 now and dare not forcefully hand over the skills to RUSH Xiaolong. It is still very painful for the water dragon to hit people in the early stage."

The two sides confronted each other for a while in the Xiaolongkeng. Seti was sprayed by Xiaolong very badly, and he was hit by Ashe again, and his blood consumption was less than half.

EZ rushed over and hit Galio with two Q shots across the wall in the wild area, and KT did not retreat.

Finally, the hypnotic bubble of Brother Li's big move hit Ashe, but unfortunately the subsequent flying star was blocked by Nightmare's shield.

At this time, Lin Cheng had already crossed the middle route and entered the grass in the lower river, and he didn't even look at the line of soldiers under his own tower in the middle route.

Remember: "Why is this Qinggang Shadow everywhere? Why did it come over so quickly? T1 is still too hesitant. Xiaolong is hard to get."

957: "It can't be helped, the E of Zoe and the Japanese woman are empty, and the level 5 Seti has not flashed, so it is not easy to open the front."

Remember: "Here we come! People from T1 are surrounded! Brother Chengzi is here."

(End of this chapter)

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