Chapter 520
Back in the waiting room, the KT players were unavoidably a little excited.

Kang Dongxun calmly praised a few words, and then let everyone rest and prepare for the next game.

It is Kang Dongxun's habit to leave halftime for the players to adjust as much as possible. This group of players with relatively rich experience does not need a nanny-style coach.

Lin Cheng took out his mobile phone, and there was a message from Han Shuyan on it.

I heard that a record has been set, so keep going!

Huya's broadcast screen was given to the LCK commentary.

The MVP results of the second game have been announced. Not surprisingly, Lin Cheng's Qinggang Ying was unanimously elected as the MVP.

A bust of Lin Cheng appeared on the right side of the screen. He folded his arms and leaned slightly sideways. His figure was tall and strong, and his handsome and sunny face was full of confidence.

90% participation rate, 13 kills, 0 kills and 5 assists.

If you look at it in combination with the game time, the average participation in more than one kill per minute is simply abuse data.

Yin Subin: "Sure enough! Player Cheng was elected the MVP of the second game with his amazing performance. He showed us his unparalleled game talent when he appeared in the middle lane for the first time. Even if he is not on the top lane, he is still the top professional player."

CT: "Yes! The game ideas of mid lane and top lane are different, but it is clear that Cheng has mastered the game strategy of the mid laner very well. He is not obsessed with suppressing opponents in the lane all the time, but frequently uses the early advantage to push the lane. Roaming to support teammates, it was his support that caused all lines of T1 to collapse early."

Mr. Huang Dongjun, the iron critic in the commentary, didn't say a word. The Bible he sang in the last round seemed to have made him enter the CD. He didn't take the initiative to speak except for agreeing with his partner.

"Brother Cheng is awesome! This is the world's number one mid laner with a good performance."

"False genius mid laners: Chovy, BDD, Ucal, Showmaker, real genius mid laners: Cheng!"

"This KT looks scary! LPL feels difficult this year."

"This year the S game is held in China, we must not let the LCK take away the championship."

"The only way to stop KT from winning the championship is to ban Cheng Zige."

"Is there any brother in Seoul? Please go to the offline gank before the World Championship Brother Chengzi, you are the first to win the LPL championship."

"Crowdfunding air tickets and accommodation expenses to Seoul, I'll beat Lin Cheng with a sap, and guarantee that he will miss the World Championship."

Soon, the third game began.

In this round of T1, there was no head iron, and both Daomei and Qinggangying were given to BAN, and KT got a team battle lineup.

Top laner Kenan, jungler Olaf, mid laner Clockwork, bottom laner Han Bing + Bron.

The T1 lineup is also biased towards team battles, with vampires on the top, bears on the wild, Tsar on the mid, and Luxia+Luo on the bottom.

The middle and upper C positions on both sides are very developed, and there were not too many battles on the line in the early stage.

On the contrary, Lin Cheng was caught in a wave in more than five minutes. In the middle, Li Ge Tsar took control of the line, and suddenly TP went to the road to cooperate with the bear and the vampire to attack Kenan who was pressing the line.

At this time, Lin Cheng didn't even have a big move. When he saw the Tsar drifting over and didn't zoom in, he didn't waste his flash. He was stunned and killed by the bear.

On the other side, Bono took the opportunity to take down Xiaolong, making Lin Cheng's death not in vain.

Lin Cheng's performance in the early stage of this round made the T1 fans in Wolf's live broadcast room taunted.

"God descends from the middle lane and runs away in one game after winning Faker! Can't afford it?"

"In the last game, I played so aggressively in the middle lane, and then I started to develop peacefully when I returned to the top lane?"

"Deliberately targeting Faker, it's really disgusting."

"If this Kenan hits the target, he will definitely be blown up by Faker."

Of course, Lin Cheng quickly told them to shut up.

In the canyon vanguard battle, Han Bing forced Xia's ult with an arrow first. The flash saved by Lin Cheng just now allowed him to directly enter the field with his ult and cooperate with his teammates to defeat Xia in seconds, and beat Luo and Xiong Xiong down .

Cuzz immediately gave up, and the bear made a big move to run away, and the vanguard was easily controlled by KT.

In the early stage, KT had a small initiative, but due to the relationship between the lineup, it is difficult for them to quickly expand the snowball if the bottom lane is not liberated.

After all, the lineup in this round is relatively speaking that T1 can accept some disadvantages in the early stage. As long as they develop smoothly to the late team battle, it will be difficult for them to lose.

Although KT also has a late-game teamfight hero like Clockwork Kenan, but T1's top laner vampire cannot be dealt with by KT's lineup.

On the contrary, Kenan is not very good against the lineup of T1. There are many ways to avoid Kenan's big move on the opposite side.

Therefore, T1 tried its best to avoid battles and develop, and wanted to delay the team battle until the later stage.

But KT's resource control is too good, the first three small dragons are firmly in their hands, and T23 is facing the pressure of Dragon Soul in just 1 minutes.

When the two sides gathered to prepare for the Dragon Soul Group, they seized the opportunity of T1's lineup being out of touch, and the clockwork ult was the first to force Xia's ult in the middle, and the four KT middle and lower wild brothers chased wildly.

Teddy was purifying the ultimate move of breaking the ice in seconds, and then dodged and pulled away and Olaf's positions, frantically moving and dodging skills.

Luo started his big move to stop everyone who was chasing by KT.

Fearing that the rest of T1 would be able to provide support, KT, who had finally seized the opportunity, naturally did not want to give up. Kuro and Bono fought together and killed Xia.

But it would be too late to retreat after killing Xia, and the rest of T1 intercepted him from the side.

KT used too many skills to kill Xia, and faced a vampire who entered the field with almost no limit, Clockwork and Karma died quickly.

After the big Olaf stuck to his face, he was evaded by the blood pool without even touching the vampire twice. Then the vampire stood up and fought back, cooperating with the bear to kill Olaf.

But this wave is not KT's defeat.

Brother Li's czar entered Jiaotong University to cooperate with the Luoliu people, and the two were directly killed by Lin Cheng with a big push stick.

Lin Cheng and Aiming fought left and right, and the vampire and bear immediately chose to deal with Kenan.

But Lin Cheng flashed back to dodge the bear's big move, and then frantically walked A to pull the output.

The vampire charged up E Blood Tides, and rushed up with the Red Rage Q that was about to be ready.

But Lin Cheng turned on the E skill to speed up his position and opened the distance. Not only did he avoid the blood tide, but he also made the vampire Red Fury Q who hadn't flashed hard unable to make a move.

Han Bing has been stealing some bears from the other side, and the vampire who found something wrong turned around to find Han Bing, but Han Bing W also easily pulled away after slowing down.

When the vampire's red anger disappeared, Kenan's Q skill from a long distance triggered a passive stun, and KT turned around and fought.

A vampire without a blood pool is just a crispy skin. Canna, who had an empty skill in her hand for a round, was embarrassed to be dragged to death by the two.

The remaining Cuzz could only be walked. The bear got on all fours and accelerated towards the ice, but was pulled wildly by Aiming after decelerating.

Kenanping A played passively, and Gou Xiong was also killed on the spot.

T1 endured for most of the game, but was finally defeated in the Dragon Soul team battle, and KT took down the Wind Dragon Soul.

Although it seems that the combat power of Wind Dragon Soul has not improved much, KT accurately grasped the time difference of the ultimate move brought by Wind Dragon and directly forced Dalong.

When the vampire's ultimate move did not work well, T1 was forced to come over to take over the dragon team battle.

After Lin Cheng's Kenan TP rounded, he drove a big round without flashing and cut into the back row of T1. The T1 formation was instantly destroyed.

Once again, KT played a group annihilation. After taking down the dragon, KT completely widened the economic gap and took advantage of the trend to easily win the game.

In the torrential rain in Seoul, KT won the fifth telecom battle of this year by letting one chase two.

(End of this chapter)

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