This foreign aid is ridiculously strong.

Chapter 521 It's Time To Let T1 Fans Taste Sadness

Chapter 521 It's Time To Let T1 Fans Taste Sadness
After winning the third game, Lin Cheng followed his teammates back to the waiting room.

Kang Dongxun stood at the door of the lounge and gave high-fives to the returning players one by one. The players withstood the pressure to reverse the game, and the coach seemed very excited.

From the spring split to the summer split, KT has not lost a single game for a long time. After the sudden end of the winning streak, it is impossible for Kang Dongxun to say that he is not worried at all.

The scene when he led KZ is still vivid in my memory.

In the S7 World Championship, Longzhu, the predecessor of KZ, had won consecutive victories in the group stage and made great strides. When he met Samsung in the knockout round, he thought it was his father beating his son.

S8's KZ also has the same taste. It was too fierce in the first half of the year. After encountering setbacks, various problems began to occur. The key rounds became more and more stretched, and more and more mistakes were made. Kang Dongxun led the team to drive high and low to the end. The mysterious trajectory of the explosion.

Fortunately, the players of this KT team did not fluctuate after their winning streak was terminated.

The top lane is still Carry, the middle lane is still stable, and the bottom lane is still daring to fight.

The MVP of the last two rounds was won by Lin Cheng. Under the notification of the staff, Lin Cheng ran to the stage alone for an interview.

It was still an on-site interview. Since it was still raining heavily outside, the venue looked a bit dim under the circumstances that the light was not very good.

Yoon Subin: "With KT's victory in this game, they continue to firmly defend their dominance in the LCK. Today we invite player Cheng for an interview."

Lin Cheng bowed slightly and greeted the audience.

"Wow~~~Cheng's performance on the court is still scary!"

Yin Subin smiled and clapped his hands, "From this angle, I really seem to be able to see the light behind him."

CT: "I seem to have heard this sentence somewhere, but to be honest, I also saw the light."

Hwang Dong Joon: "That's the light from behind."

CT laughed.

The scene was a bit dark due to the light, and the LCK logo behind Lin Cheng reflected the light, making Lin Cheng's back really seem to be glowing.

CT: "I played really well today! We usually don't meet this kind of player in the canyon, but I still subconsciously worry about what to do if I meet this kind of person on the opposite side."

Yoon Subin: "Yes."

Mr. Huang Dongjun poured cold water: "Don't worry! According to our rank, it is impossible to meet Cheng on the opposite side."

Yin Subin pretended to be relieved, "Fortunately, I'm just a small silver player, so I don't have to worry about meeting Cheng."

CT: "Although we won the final victory, the loss in the first game was also the first small point lost by KT since the summer split. Let me ask player Cheng first, does the loss in the first game have any impact?"

Lin Cheng raised the microphone: "Although it's a pity to lose the first game, but as I said before, I played the game with the mentality of learning and improving. The biggest reason for losing the first game was the handling of the first-level team. We'll pay more attention."

Yin Subin: "Well~~~ I don't think you can improve any more, otherwise what will other players do?"

Both commentators laughed.

Lin Cheng had a very serious expression, and was unmoved by the host's fancy compliments.

CT: "Let's talk about the second game. In this game, you broke the record for the shortest time in the LCK. At that time, T1 fan Mr. Huang Dongjun almost collapsed in the commentary."

Huang Dongjun said stiffly: "No! I'm not! Don't talk nonsense!"

"Yes yes yes! You didn't you didn't!"

CT didn't expose his partner: "Actually, in the last wave of advancement, the people in T1 were almost resurrected, but you still pushed forward very firmly. Was that the record you were aiming for at the time?"

"It's true that part of the reason is this."

Lin Cheng nodded: "T1 has left too many scars for KT fans, it's time for T1 fans to feel sad too."

Because of Lin Cheng's words, the Korean Open barrage exploded.

As the two giants in the Korean e-sports scene, fans of KT's League of Legends division have not had two good days these years.

The halo of the deadly enemy is too dazzling. Even in the year when S8 won the championship, they were ridiculed by SKT fans for relying on selling pots and tricks to get the trophy that SKT was tired of.

As a result, the backs of KT fans have never hardened, and they always bow their heads in front of T1 fans.

But just now, KT personally nailed T1 to the pillar of shame.

1533!Do you still have the face to laugh at us in the future?

"Long live Lin Chengxi!"

"This is what will end our winning streak! T1 bastards!"

"Crying! Our KT is not the Wannian background board."

"Do you know how our KT fans have come over these years? Do you know?"

"Get better! We KT are invincible!"

"T1 has Faker! We have Cheng!"

"Before 1533 is broken, KT fans will always have the capital to laugh at T1, KKKK."

Hearing Lin Cheng's words, the two hosts were amazed, and one was silent.

The silent one is of course T1 fan Mr. Huang Dongjun.

After thinking about it, he should turn off the comment function of his social account, otherwise KT fans will definitely laugh at him.

This is the fate of reading the Bible at halftime, but in the end the game was lost.

Yoon Subin: "Back to the game, Cheng's Camille was in the middle lane for the first time. Why did you make this lane change decision in the game?"

Lin Cheng: "Because our jungler and support are Nocturne and Galio, I think that Camille, who is flexible and stable, can better cooperate with his teammates in the middle, so at the beginning of the game Discussed with Li Shiheng about the decision to switch lanes."

CT was curious: "But aren't you worried about the early-game laning? Camille should still be under a lot of pressure to face Zoe in the early-game, right?"

Lin Cheng: "I'm not very worried. Even if there are some disadvantages in the lane, I can make up for it through roaming, and I don't think my Camille will be suppressed no matter what heroes I face."

Huang Dongjun: "Even if the opponent is Faker?"

Lin Cheng nodded subconsciously: "Yes! Even if it's Faker, I can still win the line."

Huya Barrage——

"As expected of Brother Chengzi, 2333."

"Fuck! Too arrogant!"

"Keza is furious! Are you so shameless?"

"If you defeat Brother Li with an insidious Qinggang shadow, you will not know the heights of the heavens and the earth."

"Brother Li is at a disadvantage. I have never encountered such an aggressive mid laner, so I accidentally said."

"Watch him build a tall building, and wait for the day when his building collapses."

"People who go up the mountain laugh at the gods who go down the mountain, and those who don't know how to respect are destined not to go far."

"I thought about Brother Cheng and said that he is not afraid of facing Faker. Is this a mockery?"

"Isn't this the truth? Brother Li couldn't beat Brother Chengzi in the lane."

(End of this chapter)

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