This foreign aid is ridiculously strong.

Chapter 545 Level 2 solo kill, outrageous!

Chapter 545 Two levels of solo kills, outrageous!
It really hurts to die twice in a row in 1 minutes. When Riven ran to the line again, she was already two levels behind Qinggangying.

Lin Cheng planned to give it a try first.

Fortunately, Bono returned to the upper half to clear the jungle, so he didn't worry about being taken care of by the opponent again.

But at this time, Niu Bao, who held a clear advantage, became fierce.

The pawn line was stuck a little in front of the red square tower, and when Lin Cheng went up to replenish the cannon troop, Qing Gangying directly opened Q to increase the attack distance and kicked up, and the adaptive shield was triggered.

Lin Cheng didn't care about him, and immediately retreated after completing a Q of Broken Wings, not giving the opponent a chance to kick up with a second Q.

But Niu Bao's characteristics are very similar to Lin Cheng's, that is, he has the advantage and wants to shit on the other side's neck.

Originally, the position of the cannon cart that Lin Cheng replaced was against the corner of the river wall above, but Qing Gangying kicked it up immediately.

This kind of close-range Qinggang Shadow sticking to the wall in seconds is something that most people can't react to. It is a very practical skill for Qinggang Shadow players to fight against Jian Ji and Riven.

But unless Lin Cheng was killed, his reaction when he was concentrating could really make his opponent despair.

Just before Qinggangying's second stage E kicked at close range, Lin Cheng just pressed the E skill to move forward bravely.

Riven suddenly sprinted sideways at an angle where the green steel shadow was flying, avoiding the opponent's flying kick at the extreme position.

You must know that Riven's position is a little outside the defense tower, and now Qinggang Ying E Kong rushed straight into the red defense tower.

The defense tower was activated, and Nuguri hurriedly operated Qinggang Ying to run out.

Lin Cheng's Riwen turned back and pressed forward, and at the same time he slashed with a knife, and at the same time made a second Q-broken wing dance.

Just when the shield on Qinggangying disappeared, the defense tower fell down.

Niu Bao didn't dare to fight back, and drove the second-stage Q to speed up his escape.

Fortunately, the distance to the defense tower was not far away, and Qing Gangying was close to the edge of the defense tower's hatred in two steps, and Riven swung her sword again to attack forward.

The rune energy erupted, and W's soul-repressing roar stunned Qinggang Shadow in place.

The second attack of the defense tower began to condense.

Lin Cheng quickly clicked on the floor to cancel the W's stiffness, and the Conqueror immediately followed up with a three-stage Q.

Riven raised her sword and slammed it heavily to the ground.

Qing Gang Ying, who had just taken a step, was sent flying again.

The attack of the defense tower fell, and the third light bullet was ready to condense.

Niu Bao, even the mouse will be rotten.

Fortunately, before the third light bullet spewed out, Qinggang Ying just hit the ground and pulled away the hatred of the defensive tower in one step.

But Lin Cheng didn't give up, and the third-level Riwen directly chased out with a lot of soldiers.

After hitting the tower twice and taking Riven's set of damage, Qing Gangying's HP is only about a quarter of it now.

The opportunity for third-level Riwen to solo kill fifth-level Qinggangying is right in front of him, and Lin Cheng has to consider whether this is his only chance this season.

Niu Bao played an indestructible backhand, and then pulled around the pawns, wanting to take advantage of the lead by two levels, and there are pawns to rely on to find a chance to fight back.

But after only pulling a few times, after being stabbed twice by Riven, Qing Gangying's blood volume, which was not much at first, dropped quite obviously.

Riven, who discovered that the conqueror was still very powerful, Niu Bao, who recognized the situation and gave up illusions, hurried back.

The main reason is that Lin Cheng's HP advantage is too great. Just now, Qing Gangying dared not fight back under the tower. Riven, who was almost full of blood, chased after him. With the bonus of the conqueror, the attack is actually higher than that of the fifth-level Qinggang Ying Not a lot.

Qinggangying retreated while reflexively launching a W-tactical sweep.

But Lin Cheng's position was stuck very well, and he didn't suffer from the slowdown of the tactics sweeping the outer edge.

The movement speed of the two sides is exactly the same, and Qing Gangying can't get rid of Riven, who is only two bodies away.

Qinggangying's Q skill is better first, and Niu Bao turns on Q precision etiquette to accelerate the retreat.

The distance between the two sides was opened a little.

He has been taking drugs, and Qinggangying's blood volume has come back a little bit, but Nuguri still doesn't dare to fight back.

Since Nuguri still wanted to pull and delayed a lot of time at the beginning, Lin Cheng Ruiwen waited for the skill CD before crossing the middle of the river.

Without hesitation, Lin Cheng shortened the distance with two Qs, leveled A and connected with three Qs, smashing Qinggang Ying into the air.

Ping A connects to W control, and Riven cuts Qinggangying down with a single knife.

The Conqueror effect has just disappeared, and Riven didn't immediately kill Qinggang Ying who had been taking drugs all the way when the first two Qs were used by Lin Cheng to hurry.

Qing Gangying woke up from a dizziness, and kicked backwards with blood remaining.

The adaptive shield was triggered, and Qinggangying's passive CD happened to turn better.

Lin Cheng immediately moved forward, and the passive cooldown of Qing Gangying was completed, which meant that the cooldown of the E skill would also be completed immediately.

Qing Gang Ying, who had used the shield, was also walking down, looking for the angle of the E skill.

At this time, it would be embarrassing if a piece of E was not hooked to the wall.

After adjusting two steps, the white lock flew out from Qing Gangying's body and hooked to the corner of the river wall below.

Suddenly, Riven leaped forward with an E skill and got stuck in front of Qinggangying.

The hook lock began to pull Qinggang Ying towards the wall.

Just as Qing Gangying started to move, Lin Cheng A, who was stuck in his position, moved towards the floor.

Riven raised her sword and slashed at Qinggang Shadow passing by her.

Just at this moment, Qinggangying's adaptive shield disappeared.

The broken sword reached his body, taking away the last trace of Qing Gangying's blood.

Qing Gangying died suddenly in the air, and only the body was forced to the wall by the hook lock.

Zeyuan: "On the road, he died twice in a row without TP. Brother Chengzi is a little bit broken. This is already level 1 and level [-]. Finally, Brother Chengzi is going to prison on the road... huh? Niu Bao E has entered the tower ! Riven wants to chase...yeah? Are you going to kill alone? This is level three Riven vs level five Qinggangying! Niu Bao! Niu Bao, what's wrong with you? Niu Bao is down!!!"

Remember: "Third-level solo killing fifth-level is too much! Brother Chengzi doesn't save any face? This will be on the highlights."

Zeyuan: "The operation is crushed! This is purely the crushing of both operation and consciousness. This wave of Niu Bao wants to break his head and never expects that E who is so close will be dodged. E enters the tower and is beaten by Riven. , and Riven's last operation of blocking E and tying A is so cool! He knows that Qinggangying's hook is locked, E goes to the limit in the air to tie A, and the moment Qinggangying's shield just disappears sharply Wen's attack takes effect."

Remember: "Wonderful! Even though he was caught twice in a row, Brother Cheng can fight back immediately, which is outrageous! There is really no way to learn this person's game style! No one can learn, this kind of extreme operation of licking blood with the tip of a knife For him, it seemed like a piece of cake.”

"Fuck! Tianxiu! Brother Chengzi!!!"

"Being caught twice in a row, level 3 Riven can solo kill level [-] Qinggang Ying, which is really outrageous."

"I can't show this game anymore. Is this still a human?"

"Niu Bao, this is too miserable! A famous scene is scheduled."

"The colonel is outrageous! I just said Brother Chengzi was going to go to jail, but Niu Bao sent him away."

(End of this chapter)

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