This foreign aid is ridiculously strong.

Chapter 546 Mom, come and see God!

Chapter 546 Mom, hurry up and see God! (3000 characters ask for a monthly ticket)

Lin Chengyue completed a solo kill in two levels, and his teammates expressed shock.

Bono: "What? What's the situation above? Lin Cheng, can you kill me?"

Kuro: "What is the other side doing? Two levels ahead and rushing to the tower?"

Tusin: "Is this God's punishment? God's BUFF?"

Lin Cheng was very proud: "Basic operation! Everyone said that my Riven is God."

I don't know if Lin Cheng's Riwen is God's teammate, but Niu Bao is really numb now.

Faced with the surprise of his teammates, Nuguri had nothing to say in the team voice except to express his apology.

Nakano just helped him twice, but in the end he was single-killed with a big advantage in the backhand. If he met a serious teammate in RANK, he would probably start to ask questions.

His spirit was frustrated, and Nuguri finally played steadily.

After the resurrection, Qinggangying played like a stone man, trying not to give the opponent Xiu the opportunity to exchange blood.

If my teammates don't come, I will focus on development!
When the card on the opposite side reached six, Lin Cheng also consciously restrained his aggressive nature, and had no intention of going up to operate it at all.

The two sides had been in a bloody fight for the first few minutes of the top order, and the sudden rise of Buddhism made the audience feel a little uncomfortable.

After returning home in the first wave, Tusin ran up and swayed for a while, helping Lin Cheng make a vision before going back to the bottom lane to press the tower with the policewoman.

During this period of time, the entire KT team focused on covering the female policemen's tower pushing rhythm in the lower half. What Lin Cheng had to do was not to give the opponent a chance.

Although Kuro has no TP, Zoe in the middle lane has the power to move first. After pushing the line first, Kuro deliberately moves to the lower half.

It is almost impossible for Xu Xiu's card to use his ult to catch the bottom lane when being pushed, at most, the back player will find a chance to top the lane.

Due to the advantage of the bottom lane, Bono easily controlled the first dragon.

After the Showmaker's card was pushed to the line, he really wanted to go up to find a wave of opportunities, but Lin Cheng, who got the information, resolutely retreated to the tower early and did not give the opponent a chance.

As long as the Leopard Girl's figure is not found around, Riven is safe to eat the line under the tower.

Riven's ability to counterattack under the tower is very strong, and it is impossible for Qinggang Ying and the card to get to the tower with the equipment that has not yet formed.

Xu Xiu's card has been unable to find a chance to release the first big move, but it is precisely because the card's big move has been pinched in his hands that Lin Cheng's Riven is also forced to become extremely stable.

At 8 minutes and 40 seconds, Canyon's Leopard Girl finally couldn't bear to activate Pioneer.

KT's field of vision found the opponent's movement, and the red team had no intention of coming to compete for the vanguard. Bono leaned directly to cover the duo to press the tower.

The purpose of taking vanguard is to push down the tower. The female policeman's bot lane has already suppressed most of the HP of the opponent's down tower.

DWG's duo is very disciplined. The teammates in the first half are taking the vanguard, and EZ and Karma shrink directly to the autistic grass.

The female policeman clicked the tower frantically, and when the opponent took the vanguard, KT also successfully pulled out the first blood tower in 9 minutes.

The opponent didn't give a chance to go down, and Lin Cheng didn't lose the chain. When the vanguard roared, Riven retreated to the self-closing grass and returned. She would rather give up the few soldiers left in front of the tower than give the opponent a chance.

Riven was very obsessed with CD reduction. In terms of equipment, Lin Cheng first released the Burning Gem and the Warhammer. This wave of return gold coins bought two small pieces of the small mallet.

Just when Riven ran back to the line with her legs, Kuro, who returned to the middle from the wild area, suffered a heavy blow.

With no vision of the upper half, Kuro walked up the line from the grass in the river.

The cards next to him were pressing the line. Seeing Zoe's arrogant backhand, a yellow card was thrown.

The leopard girl suddenly emerged from the grass on the upper river, and stabbed at it from afar.

Seeing that the situation was not right, Lin Cheng directly TP'd the mid laner to save Zoe.

However, Lin Cheng's TP didn't have the effect of dissuading him from quitting. The card's big move gave the vision, and found that there were no KT players around, Leopard girl rushed forward and beat Zoe instantly.

Although there is an igniting fragment on his body to speed up, Zoe was passively taken away by a card before entering the tower.

However, Zoe's dying flying star combined with the ignition also knocked out half of the card's health.

The card that killed the man was in bad condition and chose to fly away with a big move, and Leopard turned around and ran down the grassy river.

Riven TP landed on a Q to make a displacement, and chased after it.

At this time, the blue duo had just appeared below, and Qinggang Ying also appeared above, even if the cards didn't fly away, Lin Cheng felt that he could kill them all.

"Li Shiheng, watch me avenge you!"

Put down the control guard on the grass in the river, and found that the leopard girl just turned into a leopard and drilled towards the entrance of the blue square wild area.

Entering the grass, Riven's second stage of Q Dance of Broken Wings moves.

After taking a step and getting stuck at the corner of the river wall, Lin Cheng raised his hand with a three-stage Q.

Riven's three-stage Q has a mechanism to pass through the wall obliquely at the corner of the wall. As long as the system determines that it can be stuck through the wall, then Riven's three-stage Q will become farther.

Just in time, Riven turned over and crossed the corner of the wall, knocking the leopard girl below into the air.

W suppressed the soul and roared to control the leopard girl, and Riven went up with a knife.

At this time, the card master who flew away with his big move appeared from under F6 and began to draw cards.

The blue square TP is lit up in the grass in the back of the red BUFF below, which comes from the green steel shadow on the road.

The leopard girl stood up and swung her backhand.

Lin Cheng retreated decisively with his E skill, and returned from the grass in the river.

This has become the pursuit of DWG.

The leopard girl switches forms, one general attack slows down the upper red BUFF, and the Q skill makes a move.

The distance between the two sides was too close, Lin Cheng twisted his buttocks and did not avoid the mark.

The hunting mark was triggered, and the leopard girl pounced on her with one bite.

Fortunately, the outbreak of the cards was not high, and even giving a yellow card and throwing a Q did not make Lin Cheng to the point where he had to dodge.

Lin Cheng retreated in the direction of his own defense tower along the bushes across the river, and Canyon pursued persistently.

The leopard girl chased Riven to the corner of the wall above the grass in the lower river, swiped with an E skill, and Riven had less than a quarter of her HP left.

At this moment, Lin Cheng, whose skills had cooled down, resolutely fought back.

Riven's sudden turning back and two QA sessions continued, Leopard Girl's already dissatisfied state became ambiguous.

Just in time, Bono's bear ran wildly from the side on all fours.

Canyon's reaction was really fast. Seeing the bear, he decisively dodged Riven's three-stage Q immediately.

Lin Cheng didn't have a cerebral hemorrhage to dodge to control it, he knew that Qinggang Ying must be nearby.

Riven turned and retreated down the tower without looking back.

As a result, before Lin Cheng had time to call back, Bono made a big move to kill Leopard Girl.

Just after Gou Xiong sat on it, Qing Gang Ying kicked out beside him.

The bear was stunned, and the Qinggang shadow landed on two feet.

Leopard girl gave herself a sip, and followed the cards to output beside her.

I have to say that the bear is quite resistant to beatings. Bono was beaten by three people in the Hex ultimatum and did not rush to the street immediately.

Lin Cheng was OB beside him for a long time, and he didn't dare to show off with his blood volume.

After the end of Hex's ultimatum, a bloody bear cross appeared next to Riven.

Bono: "Run! Run!"

Qinggangying suddenly flashed a W and hit Riven and Gouxiong with the outer edge at the same time.

The bear died suddenly, and the three pressed forward to chase Riven.

Why!You die when you die, why do you run towards me?
Lin Cheng ER pulled back, and the soaring Rune Blade failed to dissuade the opponent.

Because of being decelerated by the tactical sweep, this E actually didn't get a safe enough distance.

Fortunately, there was a defense tower behind him, but the opponent didn't seem to give up.

The leopard girl rushed over.

The Q skill was already on CD, and Lin Cheng dodged the javelin with a sideways dance of broken wings.

Hurry up and turn in the second Q, Riven shrank under the tower.

Qing Gangying took the lead in resisting the tower, and the three brothers from DWG Nakano rushed in.

The cards have already begun to be cut.

Fuck!As for what?
Lin Cheng already knew the reason why his opponent was so reckless.

The first flash of the card in front killed Riven on the top lane, and this time just happened to turn the flash of the card.

Glancing at the position of the card, Lin Cheng tensed up.

Response, Brother Cheng is God! ! !

The moment Xu Xiu cut out the yellow card.

Hearing the flash sound effect, Lin Cheng flashed.

Seeing the card flashing across the Qinggang shadow of the anti-tower, he raised his hand and released the yellow card in his hand.

At the same time, Riven flashed to the side of the three of them, and Lin Cheng pressed the third Q.

The yellow card of the card has a general attack and raises his hand, and during this time, Riven has already jumped high after flashing.

Riven's third Q is similar to Sword Demon's third Q. After the first half of the animation is done, as long as Riven's sword starts to slash down, it will be in an uninterruptible state.

It is precisely because of this mechanism that some players will find that Nuo Shou E can sometimes interrupt Riven Q3, and sometimes it cannot.

The yellow card landed on Riven's head after a short flight, just as the sword in Riven's hand fell.

Lin Cheng's flashing position was too sudden, and the three of them were sent flying at the same time without any reaction.

Because the uncontrollable state of Q3 offset part of the yellow card time, and Lin Cheng's talent also brought resilience, Riven woke up first.

W roared and shot.

The three DWG who rushed to the tower fell into dizziness again.

Riven sank, and Gale Slash began to read the article.

The green sword energy streaked across.

You must know that the blood volume of Leopard Girl and the card is not high, and Gale Slash itself has beheading damage. Now Leopard Girl was directly beheaded, and the card also became residual blood.

Riven backhanded the knife, and the card was killed on the spot without even throwing out the Q.

"Double Kill!"

Lin Cheng took a step sideways, and at the same time that the blood returned triumphantly, Riwen slashed at Qinggang Ying with the giant rune sword in her hand.

Seeing that Qing Gangying would at least take damage from the defensive towers, he wanted to change his backhand.

But Lin Cheng suddenly turned around and took a step. Qinggangying couldn't kill him with two kicks when Kaixuan was recovering blood continuously.

Instead, he used his big move to increase the attack distance, and Lin Cheng pulled and cooperated with the defensive tower to get another kill.

"Triple Kill!"

Lin Cheng counter-killed the three of them, and his teammates started to riot.

Kuro in the spring does not pour cold water on it anymore.

"Lin Cheng is nice! This counterattack is so cool!"

"Awesome! My blood boils watching it."

Bono: "Oh mo oh mo! Ultra-limit anti-kill, Leopard girl died without using a single skill, I laughed so hard! He also followed in to make up damage and kill Riven."

Aiming: "Mom, come and see God!"

(End of this chapter)

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