This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 59 One person's New Year's Eve

Chapter 59 The New Year's Eve Alone

In the living room, the three of them sat around on the floor on the side of the lower table, and on the lower table was a plate of egg fried rice that was red to shiny.

Xiao Tong handed the spoon to Lin Cheng, "Hey! This is my sincere work specially for you, this chili is from Qingyang, it is hotter than our domestic chili, we haven't eaten it yet, you are lucky already."

Lin Cheng chuckled and slowly scooped up a large spoonful of fried rice.

"It's better not to eat it, be careful to eat your stomach." Han Shuyan was a little worried.

Xiao Tong looked at Lin Cheng provocatively, "It's okay, Sister Shuyan, you can't eat it, anyway, he has a strong taste."

Lin Cheng put the fried rice in the spoon into his mouth, chewed it slowly and swallowed it. He squinted at Xiao Tong and raised his eyebrows:

"That's it?"

Without waiting for Xiao Tong to speak, Lin Cheng sneered, "That's all? It's said that I have a strong taste, so you put so little seasoning? Who do you look down on?"

"I'm from Sichuan, do you understand that I've been eating peppercorns since I was a kid? Is your Cantonese taste so bland? It's too embarrassing to threaten to poison me? Even the premium hot pot ingredients won't kill me, that's all? "

Xiao Tong and Han Shuyan looked at each other, obviously Xiao Tong put so many seasonings in, but Lin Cheng didn't feel much?
"Is it really not salty? Isn't it spicy?"

When Xiao Tong was just cooking, she was so choked that she almost burst into tears, and she brought it out without tasting it at all. Now Lin Cheng's performance made her almost wonder if she bought fake seasonings.

Lin Cheng scooped up another large spoonful of fried rice, shook it in front of the two of them, and shoved it into his mouth.

"Wow~~~ Although it's not really delicious, it's not bad, it's worthy of praise."

After speaking, Lin Cheng deliberately patted Xiao Tong's head.

"how can that be?"

Xiao Tong stared at the fried rice on the plate and looked at it again and again. The color was obviously terrifying. Could it be that Qingyang Chili bought a fake?

Lin Cheng scooped a few more tablespoons into his mouth, chewing with ease.

"No, give me a taste."

Xiao Tong was unconvinced and snatched the spoon from Lin Cheng's hand, tentatively scooped up a small spoon of fried rice, and stared at the spoon and looked at it.

Lin Cheng squeezed his eyes at Han Shuyan, and slowly picked up the water glass next to him and put it to his mouth, looking unhurried and unhurried.

Xiao Tong stared at the fried rice for a while, then Xin Yiheng put the spoon in his mouth and chewed two bites, his face suddenly changed drastically.

This is not the same as said.


Lin Cheng was drinking water, when Xiao Tong sprayed rice on his face.

Before Xiao Tong could speak, she snatched the water cup from Lin Cheng's hand and raised her head to take a big mouthful.

"Wow~~~ So hot!!! Lin Cheng, you hurt me!"

Xiao Tong almost burst into tears when the explosive spiciness in his mouth met the warm water.

She didn't expect Lin Cheng to be so ruthless, to drink hot water without changing his face after eating such a spicy thing.

The corners of Lin Cheng's mouth twitched, but he didn't speak. He stood up and rushed to the kitchen, turning on the faucet and leaning in.

"Grumble rumble."

fuck!Just in order to deceive Xiao Tong, he almost endured the chrysanthemums.

Han Shuyan was really speechless when she looked at the two people who were leaning against the faucet. Lin Cheng did the same thing.

In order to trick Xiao Tong into taking a sip, Lin Cheng ate a half bowl of Devil's Fried Rice. What was he trying to do?

After two days of fighting with Xiao Tong like this, after saying goodbye to Xiao Tong and Han Shuyan, Lin Cheng started his e-sports career at home again.

January 1, New Year's Eve.

Lin Cheng didn't like to go out alone, and he didn't have the habit of clubbing. At this time when the family should be reunited, he huddled in the room and played games.

Today, the factory manager is not online, and it is estimated that he is going home for the Chinese New Year. Lin Cheng chose to play solo.

The alone game is loneliness, especially when you find your loneliness contrasted with the swarms of others.

Lin Cheng's AD and support are obviously double-row, while the mid lane and jungler are DWG's main players Showmaker and Canyon, and it seems that they are also connected to the microphone.

It's just a group of four teammates. After entering the game, Lin Cheng found that the five IDs on the opposite side all started from T1. Obviously, the people on the opposite side were either T1 players or T1 youth players.

Seeing them in groups, Lin Cheng only felt an inexplicable loneliness.

The fun is all yours, I have nothing.

If you don't celebrate New Year's Eve, what game do you play on New Year's Eve?

What's even more frightening is that T1's newly signed jungler Cuzz, who claims to be the God of RANK, is not called for nothing. He used an excavator to cooperate with top laner Burdol's Qing Gang Ying and killed Lin Cheng's captain three times in 5 minutes. Big head.

On the other hand, Canyon couldn't help Lin Cheng by playing a dead song, and he watched as Captain Hit the Road exploded.

However, Lin Cheng's ability to supplement growth in the top lane is still very strong. At the same time, he continued to use his big moves to support his teammates in the other half, and gradually stabilized the situation.

As soon as the situation stabilized, the young man on the opposite side began to fall ill. Qinggangying had to take advantage of the equipment from the two-piece suit to kick up to find the captain for a duel.

Lin Cheng had already buried a bucket in the grass next to him, and when he saw Qinggang Ying E coming up, he immediately buried another bucket under his feet with his backhand.

After the general attack with the fire interrogation shot, the captain took out his pistol and slammed into the barrel in the grass, and then immediately slashed at Qinggangying with his backhand.

Lin Cheng had time to shoot, and at the moment when the gunpowder keg in the grass exploded, the captain's knife just swiped out and slashed at Qing Gangying's body passively.

The second passive shot was just fired, and the gunpowder keg under Qinggangying's feet was detonated after a slight delay, and the fire knife was refreshed again when it exploded to Qinggangying.

Qing Gangying, who came close to his face, wanted to put the bucket A for the first time, but the bucket didn't reach A, but was hit by the captain with three fire knives plus damage from the gunpowder keg.

Qing Gang Ying, who was in the lead with half a piece of equipment, was instantly knocked out by a large amount of HP. Qing Gang Ying wanted to run when he saw the situation was wrong, but was slowed down by the captain's ultimate move, Lin Cheng caught up with an AQ to complete the solo kill.

Lin Cheng's single kill completely reversed the situation. When the dragon was refreshed, the five people directly forced the dragon. After killing four opponents in one wave, they won the dragon, and the rhythm took off and the game was successfully taken away. Victory.

Although he won, Lin Cheng was rather bored. He took out his phone and was about to talk to Xiao Tong when the doorbell rang.

Lin Cheng opened the door, and the little girl Enxi was holding a bowl of rice cake soup in her arms, looking up at him blankly.

"Enxi, this is what your mother asked you to give to your uncle?"

The little girl blinked her eyes, and then said dumbly, "Uncle, here it is."

Lin Cheng squatted down and took the bowl from the little girl's hand, "Thank you Enxi, Uncle Zhengchou can't eat rice cake soup this year."

Enxi twisted her body, and seemed not to know how to respond to Lin Cheng's thanks, holding her little hands and lowering her head without speaking.

 It's New Year's Eve, Brother Cheng is ready to play a career, let's go!
(End of this chapter)

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