Chapter 60
Lin Cheng glanced at the opposite side, the door was wide open, and Zheng Shiyan could not be seen. He wondered if he was cooking in the kitchen.

"Would Eun Hee come in?"

The little girl shook her head, but she didn't turn around to go back to her home, she just stood in the aisle staring blankly at Lin Cheng.

Lin Cheng couldn't help but said, "It's very cold outside, why don't you go back first."

The little girl stubbornly shook her head and stared at the bowl in Lin Cheng's hand.

"Uncle, you eat."

Lin Cheng looked at the rice cake soup in his hand and asked uncertainly, "Enxi, are you waiting for the bowl in my hand?"


The little girl responded in a low voice. She still remembered that her mother said that she would take the bowl back when her uncle finished eating.

Seeing the little girl shrinking from the cold outside, Lin Cheng thought it was both funny and pitiful.

This silly baby.

Lin Cheng couldn't wait to take a sip of the warm rice cake soup, and quickly opened his mouth and sucked in the cold air.

Very fragrant, but a little hot.

"Wow~~~ It's delicious, this is the most delicious rice cake soup I've ever had in Korea."

Hearing Lin Cheng's words, the little girl couldn't help grinning.

The rice cake soup was so hot, and Lin Cheng knew that he couldn't solve it in two, so he just sat down at the entrance.

"Enxi, can you stand in here? It's cold outside."

Enxi blinked, tilted her head to think for two seconds, and then stepped into the door.

The little girl is like this. When it comes to adults, she always likes to think with her little head first, and then decides what to do.

However, her little head is still a little unclear when thinking about problems, and it always gives people the feeling of being foolish.

So, Lin Cheng did something he hadn't done in the past 20 years during the Spring Festival: sitting in the porch and eating rice cake soup, while a little girl stared straight at him.

Lin Cheng scooped up a white rice cake and handed it to the little girl, "Has Enxi ever eaten rice cake soup? Would you like a piece of rice cake?"

"Eun-hee waits for mom to eat together."

The little girl shook her head vigorously, but this time the answer was quick.

"Okay, uncle eat by himself."

Lin Cheng buried his head and took a big mouthful to eat. Although it was hot, Lin Cheng quickly finished the rice cake soup under the watchful eyes of the little girl.

"Give you."

The little girl took the bowl and hugged her tightly as if she was holding a baby.

"Wait a minute, Enxi waits for uncle first."

Seeing that the little girl was about to leave, Lin Cheng turned and ran into the back room, and took out a white envelope. On the envelope was the little girl's name Zheng Enxi neatly written in Chinese, as well as some simple greetings.

Influenced by Chinese culture, both Japan and South Korea have the habit of giving children lucky money, but Koreans are used to using white envelopes with their names written in Chinese.

"Hey! Eun-hee, grow up healthy and happy in the new year."

The little girl stared blankly at the envelope that Lin Cheng handed out, blinking slightly as if she didn't understand the situation.

"Hasn't Eun-hee received a red envelope before?"

Lin Cheng was a little unsure, "Your elders, um~~~ It's just that grandparents didn't give Enxi a red envelope?"

The little girl held the bowl, stared at the white envelope and whispered, "Enxi has only mother."

Lin Cheng opened his mouth, squatted down and stuffed the red envelope into the little girl's arms.

"Hey! Uncle will prepare red envelopes for Enxi in the future. Enxi will grow up happily."

The little girl didn't speak, and looked down at the red envelope in her arms, looking very interested.

"Okay, Enxi, hurry up and accompany mom."

The little girl nodded slowly, turned around with a red envelope and a small bowl in her arms, walked to the opposite door and seemed to remember something, turned to look at Lin Cheng who was still standing at the entrance, and said hesitantly:


"Happy New Year."

Lin Cheng laughed, "Happy New Year, Enxi."

Back in the room, Lin Cheng just sat down in front of the computer when the doorbell rang again.

Seeing Zheng Shiyan handing over two Korean coins worth [-] yuan, Lin Cheng was helpless, "Sister Shiyan, this is my New Year's money for Enxi, don't worry about it, okay?"

"I know, so I didn't confiscate her red envelope."

Zheng Shiyan nodded, "This is the lucky money I gave you."

Lin Cheng: "..."

The little girl looked at her from behind, and waved the envelope in Lin Cheng's hand, as if she thought that her uncle would be just as happy as she received the New Year's money.

With a helpless sigh, Lin Cheng no longer refused, and showed a big smile at the little girl.

"Enxi, look, uncle also has lucky money."

The little girl nodded vigorously, holding the red envelope in her arms and grinning naively.

At twelve o'clock in the evening, Lin Cheng called Han Shuyan, who was far away in Ulsan, on time to say New Year's greetings. By the way, Lin Cheng told an interesting story about the red envelope he had just received. Han Shuyan listened carefully, and after chatting for more than half an hour, Lin Cheng was a little reluctant to give up. Hang up.

Lin Cheng always felt very relaxed chatting with Han Shuyan, she always listened to him quietly and seriously, but Xiao Tong was different, Xiao Tong couldn't help but scolded him.

At one o'clock in the morning, which is exactly zero in China, Lin Cheng also called Xiao Tong in China.

It was very lively on Xiao Tong's side. It seemed that a large family gathered together, and after a few vague words with Lin Cheng, he hung up the phone.

On the first day of the new year, Lin Cheng had nothing to do when he was alone at home. Early in the morning, he called his parents and relatives one by one to say New Year's greetings.

Among them, his mother's phone made him a little bit big.

"Son, the New Year's money has been transferred to your bank card. Don't feel wronged outside."

"Yo! There's still New Year's money this year."

Lin Cheng expressed his happiness to the face, "You can just send it to me via WeChat."

"Wechat transfer has a limit, so I'm too lazy to do it."

"Mom, how much money did you transfer to me? I still have a lot of money in my card."

Lin Cheng felt wrong, "Don't transfer money to me every day if you have nothing to do. I can't keep up with the speed of spending money. If you go on like this, I will save enough money to buy a house after graduation."

"How about that? You've never been a frugal person since you were a child, but don't be embarrassed to speak just because you're out there alone."

Mother Lin said seriously: "My dad and I were just thinking about it. You didn't do any serious business for three years in college, and you haven't had a girlfriend for three years. Is it because we gave too little money?"

Lin Cheng: "..."

No, in your eyes, what is the university for?
Is co-authoring and falling in love the right thing to do?
Lin Cheng sighed, "This kind of thing can't be rushed. I really don't have much thrift. It's because you gave too much, so much that I can't spend the apartment for two people by myself."

"Not much, not much."

Lin's mother said with reason: "I read it online, and those college students in China are clamoring on the Internet that seven or eight thousand a month is not enough. I think that the price of goods in South Korea is so high, if you talk about a girlfriend, the cost will be even greater. Now, shouldn't I give you more living expenses?"

Lin Cheng was silent for a while.

"Mom, if you are fine, watch Weibo and Zhihu less."

(End of this chapter)

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