Chapter 66 Club Atmosphere
Lin Cheng returned to the training room after the phone call. Kang Dongxun took his assistant and left, leaving the team members to familiarize themselves with the communication.

Although the life coach has already introduced the general situation, Kuro Li Shiheng still told Lin Cheng about the team's usual training situation.

Like most companies in Korea, KT arranges scrims and qualifying every Monday to Friday, and if there are no games on weekends, the players have free time.

Of course, since many professional players are game nerds, some are also playing RANK on weekends.

In the usual training, except for the pre-announced training game, the rank time of the players is not very fixed. Basically, they start their own ranking after getting up and nothing. At present, all KT players are ranked at night until very late, and the next day at noon just got up.

In fact, most professional players have this kind of day and night reversal routine, but there are exceptions.

There are a few players in LCK who have already married, including my brother-in-law Mystic, who returned to Korea this year. He has a very healthy schedule. He goes to work at the club every morning, and goes home to accompany his wife and children after work in the evening.

"Playing games for more than ten hours a day, will you feel sick?"

Lin Cheng has never tried to play games for more than ten hours a day. He used to play games out of interest. When he really became a professional, Lin Cheng didn't know whether his love would fade away.

Li Shiheng explained: "I said that, in fact, the training time is far less than that, and the coach is not that kind of devil coach, and it is not that strict."

Aiming Jin Shengdi interjected: "Actually, the coach is fine, and he didn't put any pressure on us, but the recent record is really bad, and the pressure on the fans is a bit high."

Lin Cheng chuckled: "It's alright, isn't it me? The day I play will be the start of our KT winning streak."

Lin Cheng didn't think he was bragging. He watched KT's game before.

Kuro was a bit of a mess, but he didn't play badly.

The jungler Bono is quite satisfactory, and it is not bad to be able to avoid the loss of the jungle area when the top lane is often disadvantaged. Moreover, the style of another KT jungler, Malrang, is very distinctive. It is an aggressive jungler that is very rare in LCK, although sometimes Looks like a great delivery.

The bottom lane actually plays very well, and even after the s8's legal core version, Aiming has grown into one of the best AD in the LCK.

As for Tusin, although there are many famous scenes such as the traveling frog and the New Year's Tau, he is still a very good support in normal times.

Is it normal to make up for the shortcomings of the road by yourself, is it normal to take off?

Hearing Lin Cheng's words, SoHwan sighed faintly: "I'm still the team's starter, why do you say I'm like a cancer in the team."

Ray refused to accept: "Just the sample you played, if it weren't for me, you would have lost your starting game."

Ray's self-defeating reply made everyone laugh.

Lin Cheng originally thought that at least in the matchup, his relationship with SoHwan would not necessarily be very harmonious, but SoHwan said that he would beat Lin Cheng in the next training match, but his attitude towards Lin Cheng was still kind.

In fact, the reason is very simple, not much different from Ray's mentality.

SoHwan is already 25 years old, and he has already begun to consider the issue of retirement and military service. In addition, he only has a one-year contract with KT, and the pressure of being a substitute to get wages is not so great.

Because KT is at the bottom, recently, many KT fans have caught the top order and sprayed, and KT's two top orders have not landed well.

It took half an hour for everyone to talk and laugh. At nearly six o'clock in the afternoon, Lin Cheng followed his teammates to the restaurant on the first floor for dinner.

The restaurant is not too big. After all, this new base only has KT League of Legends staff members. Except for the players and staff, the players of the youth training team do not live here.

In front of the restaurant is a large kitchen, and there is a small open kitchen where the outside of the kitchen is connected to the restaurant. An aunt is busy, and there are already several prepared dishes neatly arranged on the marble table.

The team members consciously picked up the plate next to them, and when they saw what they liked, they put it on their plate.

Aiming next to him saw Lin Cheng tangled, and pointed to the plate in a low voice: "I'll tell you, this and this are Auntie's specialty, don't eat the smallest amount on the plate over there, I guess you eat it. I'm not used to it, it's said to be a dish from my aunt's hometown, and the taste is a bit rushed."

I don't think Auntie's ears are sharp, "What are you saying, kid? That's because you can't eat it. Do you ask Gao Dongbin to come back and see if he eats it?"

Gao Dongbin is the old captain Score, who has played in KT for seven years, and announced his retirement last year.

Aiming is serious, "I'm praising Auntie, you cook deliciously. Our KT cooking auntie is worth more than many players."

"Alas! Your kid can still talk."

Auntie burst out laughing. Seeing Lin Cheng's eyes, she couldn't help but ask, "Yo! Are there new players today?"

Lin Cheng chuckled: "Hello Auntie, my name is Lin Cheng, I'm Chinese, don't hide it if you know how to cook Chinese food."

The aunt waved the spoon enthusiastically and pointed to a plate of ruddy meat dishes, "Ouch! I don't know Chinese food, but you can try this sweet and sour pork, it should suit your taste."

Koreans don't like too greasy Chinese dishes, but strangely they like Sichuan cuisine. This sweet and sour pork is said to come from Sichuan cuisine.

As an authentic Sichuanese, Lin Cheng has eaten sweet and sour pork several times, but he can't tell which Sichuan cuisine it was born from, but it really suits his taste.

Under the warm recommendation of his aunt, Lin Cheng took some sweet and sour pork and spicy fried pork, and then picked up some side dishes and egg rolls as dinner.

Everyone sat together eating and chatting, and Lin Chengyi found out that the food made by the aunt in the cafeteria tasted really good.

Especially the egg roll, Lin Cheng knew that Xiao Tong would definitely like this flavor as soon as he entered.

Aiming suddenly said: "By the way, there is a live broadcast tonight. You can help me translate the barrage by the way. I can't understand a few barrages every time it starts."

"Translation?" Lin Cheng was taken aback.

"Our team signed a contract with Douyu, a Chinese live broadcast platform. The key is that there is no translation. Every time we broadcast live, we hardly speak, and no one can understand it anyway."

Aiming complained, "I broadcast live on Afreeca last year. After all, the audience is all Korean. If you give a gift, you can say thank you. Don't say thank you now, you can't even receive a gift."

Lin Cheng: "..."

Thank you is secondary, gifts are the root cause.

Lin Cheng probably also understands that even the players of T1 don't all have translators when they broadcast live. This year, KT signed a group of unknown players, and few people watched the broadcast. Douyu didn't arrange translators. normal.

Although Kuro and Ray can speak a few simple Chinese, it is still too difficult for them to watch the bullet screen.

Lin Cheng agreed smoothly, "Okay, then I'll translate it for you. Anyway, I guess you don't have a few barrages."

(End of this chapter)

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