This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 67 I'm already warming up

Chapter 67 I'm already warming up

Back in the training room, Lin Cheng chose to lean against Aiming, preparing to help him translate the possible barrage.

However, Lin Cheng doesn't think that a few people will watch his live broadcast. Although Aiming is very powerful, few domestic audiences pay attention to him when he is not well-known in China and does not understand the language.

The Douyu signing team signed with the team and players at the same time before the start of the season. Since Lin Cheng only joined today, he did not sign a live broadcast agreement with Douyu, so he did not have a live broadcast task.

Lin Cheng was not in a hurry to log in to the game, and just watched Aiming log in to the live broadcast account to start the live broadcast.

From the start of the broadcast to the landing of the game, Aiming's room was clean, not only the bullet screen, but Lin Cheng even suspected that there was not even a single living person.

Aiming was obviously used to this situation, and started preparing for the game on his own, "It's okay, you can rank yourself first, and I'll call you after a barrage is over."

Just as he finished speaking, a barrage floated past.

"There is a barrage, there is a barrage, Lin Cheng, please translate it for me."

Lin Cheng leaned over and was a little embarrassed. He didn't know how to translate for Aiming.

The content of the barrage is three words: Fuck fans!
Because Aiming found an underage girlfriend before, and finally abandoned them, the woman sent a document on SNS to accuse Aiming of being ruthless, causing Aiming to be scolded miserably online.

Lin Cheng didn't want to comment on the life style of his teammates, nor was he interested in learning more about it. After thinking about it, he said politely: "Well, the barrage is saying hello to you, and I praised you for playing well in the game yesterday."

Aiming was amused, "You teach me how to say 'thank you' in Chinese? I want to interact with the audience."

Lin Cheng: "..."

Before Lin Cheng could figure out how to explain it, the number of barrages suddenly increased by a few.

"Fuck! Lin Cheng, is this Lin Cheng who only joined KT today?"

"Alive! Screenshot!"

"I have to say, this guy looks really handsome."

"Who is this? You all know each other?"

"Hello, Brother Orange! Speak Chinese and listen."

Because Lin Cheng just watched the bullet screen and got close to the camera, he showed his face in the live broadcast room, and was immediately discovered by the few diving parties in the live broadcast room.

As for the fact that KT has Chinese foreign aid, there is a lot of uproar in the domestic League of Legends circle today. Many people know that there is such a thing.

Not to mention Lin Cheng's strength, the sensation caused is indeed not small.

Lin Cheng was a little stunned. He didn't know how lively the matter of his joining KT was in China, so he waved to the camera, "Hello everyone, I'm Lin Cheng."

Lin Cheng had never done live broadcasts or had any experience in interacting with audiences. After saying hello, he watched Aiming start preparing for the ranking.

As for the name Chengzi, Lin Cheng also knew it in the Qijiang live broadcast room, and he didn't know how it came from, so he could only accept it with reluctance.

Soon, the live broadcast room began to flood into a large number of viewers who heard the news, and the barrage began to become denser, but they were all words that were not nutritious in Lin Cheng's opinion.

"Brother Chengzi, I'm your fan. I used to watch you and Qijiang in double row."

"Be sure to play well in the LCK and show off the prestige of our country, just today."

"Fast forward to the news agency war, China is beating South Korea's Lee, Oye."

Aiming looked curious: "What's going on? It's the first time there are so many living people in my live broadcast room."

Lin Cheng explained the reason, and Aiming was also happy. He didn't know in advance that Lin Cheng could be a mascot to help attract popularity.

Kuro, who was broadcasting live on the other side, also responded that someone asked Lin Cheng about the situation in the live broadcast room. Although he could not understand a few barrages, he could understand Lin Cheng's ID.

At this time, suddenly a user whose ID is the number one fan of Brother Orange flashed a super rocket to Aiming's live broadcast room, and the animation on the screen was a bit dazzling.

Because of this gift broadcast, the popularity of the live broadcast room has skyrocketed again.

Brother Orange's number one fan: Brother Orange, I'm your fan! ! !
Obviously, this is a new number just created.

Lin Cheng was stunned, completely unexpected that he already had fans without even playing.

What he didn't know was that he had accumulated some popularity for himself when he was in the double row with the factory manager, and the conscientious little anchor of Huya also contributed.

However, everyone spends money on gifts, so Lin Cheng can't stand beside him in a daze, "Well~~~ I thank the boss for the gifts on behalf of Aiming, but you don't need to give gifts anymore, save the time to buy gifts for your girlfriends."

Aiming was a little happy, not knowing that Lin Cheng was calling on the audience to consume rationally, "Is this someone brushing a gift? How much is a gift with such a cool animation effect? ​​Remember to say thank you for me."

Lin Cheng: "It seems to be 2000 famous coins, about 33 won. I don't know how the contract between you and Douyu is divided. You can calculate it yourself."

"33? I have never received such a large reward on Afreeca's live broadcast."

Aiming got excited and folded his hands and thanked the camera, "Thank you, thank you for the reward, I will definitely work hard."

Brother Orange's number one fan: When will Brother Orange appear in the game?Are you starting in the T1 game the day after tomorrow?
Lin Cheng said boldly: "I'm already preparing to warm up."

Of course, preparation is preparation, and it is up to the coach to decide whether to play or not.

Brother Chengzi's number one fan: I will watch the live broadcast, Brother Chengzi, come on!
At this time, Aiming's game started, and Lin Cheng watched it for a while before returning to his position to prepare for the ranking.

Qijiang, who has transformed into a coach, is also online, and Lin Cheng briefly chatted with him.

Mr. Ming Kai was still very surprised at Lin Cheng's sudden career choice in KT, but after Lin Cheng explained the reason, he felt it was very reasonable.

But Qijiang did not forget to joke: "Lin Cheng, you only have a one-year contract and you can play well in KT. Our EDG recruited a very strong rookie in the winter draft camp this year. Even if you want to come next year, I am not sure. Look up to you."

Lin Cheng said bluntly: "I am very confident in my strength, but not very confident in EDG's strength. You all have to start preparing to find someone after the game this year."

Ming Kai: "..."

Little brat, you will die if you say a word of blessing?

At this time, Aiming shouted from the side: "Lin Cheng! Hurry up, someone gave me a gift again! Hurry up and thank the boss for me."

Lin Cheng leaned over to take a look, and there was really a viewer who stayed behind and sent a rocket while watching Aiming's live broadcast.

And Aiming just used the two-piece Aphelios to get five kills. Obviously, this wonderful performance moved the local tyrants hidden in the crowd.

Lin Cheng couldn't help but curled his lips. Aphelios, a new batch of heroes, was too perverted. The power of a two-piece teamfight was so terrifying.

Fist's claim to play games with feet is not groundless.

In just over a month, from Seth to Aphelios, the strength of the two new heroes is obviously a bit too high.

Aiming: "You help me express my gratitude to the audience who gave the gift."

Lin Cheng nodded and said in Chinese to the live broadcast camera: "Jin Sheng said, in order to express my gratitude for my translation work, don't brush your gifts today, and come to my live broadcast room when I start the live broadcast later. Enough."

Aiming really thought that Lin Cheng was helping him thank the boss, and smiled happily: "Lin Cheng, I'll treat you to supper later."

(End of this chapter)

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