This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 801 is here!Duzhang is here!

Chapter 801 is back!are back!

The early experience of the single lane is more important than the economy. After the death of Sett TP, he is doomed to be unable to fight against the crocodile in the early stage.

Lin Cheng went back to replenish the equipment to save the TP return line, and began to firmly control the line.

Dudu didn't dare to be exchanged by the crocodile, so he could only let Lin Cheng push the line first.

Regardless of level and equipment, because the crocodile still has TP, frequent blood changes are not good for Seti.

If the crocodile is disabled, it will be a big deal to go home and come out. No matter how much blood is lost, Seti dare not stand in line, which means losing a lot of experience.

Don't look at Sett's passive recovery ability is not weak, the difference in TP between the two top laners in the game is completely two concepts.

In the environment of the game, once the top laner's blood volume cannot be kept healthy, one must consider when the opponent's middle field will come to catch him.

KT Ueno is still a crocodile + leopard girl with a strong ability to cooperate, and Jess in the middle lane is also continuing to push Victor's line, Dudu must not dare to play online.

In this way, Lin Cheng continued to press the pawn line in front of the opponent's tower without any pressure from the top push line.

And even if the opponent was under the tower, Lin Cheng put a lot of pressure on him.

With such a large wave of soldiers, Seti must hand in skills if he wants to make up under the tower, but despite this, under the threat of the red angry crocodile, Dudu still missed most of the wave of soldiers, and he was also consumed a lot of blood.

Lin Cheng played very aggressively. After seeing the opponent hand in the E skill, he once stood under the tower W to exchange blood and then use the E skill to pull away.

Of course, Lin Cheng dared to be so inappropriate because the upper half had a good view.

Little Peanut, who won the first blood, went home and repaired a real eye, and ran to insert it into the grass opposite the red BUFF. This eye position was difficult for the opponent to guess in the early stage.

And Chovy also helped to set the vision under the river, and Lin Cheng himself set the vision on the opponent's triangle grass.

These three eye positions basically completely lock the route of Olaf GANK on the road, as long as the opponent appears in the upper half and goes to Lin Cheng, there is a high probability that he can know in advance.

There is only one route from the line on the opposite side, but it is difficult for Olaf, who has not flashed, to cooperate with Seti to catch the crocodile.

Arthur, a jungler who returned from studying in Australia, was obviously a bit of an idiot. He felt that he couldn't catch any results when he came on the road, so he just stopped coming. Diuseti resisted the pressure by himself.

As a result, Lin Cheng overwhelmed Seti by 5 dollars in just 26 minutes.

Short hands beat short hands, this kind of pressure is very exaggerated.

And because of being pushed down the tower continuously, Seti, who was afraid of losing the line, dared not return even if Lin Cheng drained a lot of blood.

Lin Cheng saw his opponent's fear of returning to the city, so he spent blood and anger ahead of time to get stuck at the sixth-level node and rushed to the tower to forcefully kill Seti.

Originally, the crocodile's blood volume was not very healthy due to the aggressive tower change in front, but Lin Cheng caught the opportunity of the minion's arrival in detail. After the red anger W, he immediately opened the ult and connected to the red anger Q, and at the same time scraped Seti and the pawn line. The angry Q and the triumphant reply made the defense tower unable to kill the crocodile in the end.

The teammates yelled 666 frantically, and Peanut yelled out Chinese:
"Chengbao is amazing! Take off!"

Sett was 6-0 in less than 3 minutes. The key is that he lost a lot of pawns when he died. Dudu, the young top laner, was completely destroyed by Lin Cheng.

The people in the Hanwenliu commentary were madly lamenting that Lin Cheng was too cruel, and that he was too cruel to a newcomer.

"Dudu~~~ The road to top laner is not as simple as he thought, just look at Cheng on the opposite side! To become that kind of player, Dudu still has a long way to go."

They completely forgot that Lin Cheng had only debuted for a year, and he started playing in the LCK in the same year as Dudu.

Not only did Lin Cheng play well in the top lane, Chovy also completely suppressed Dove in the middle lane, allowing Peanut to walk sideways in the wild.

It was because Olaf was under too much pressure in the wild that he didn't have the energy to manage Lin Cheng at all. Only relying on the strong Olaf of the comet female gun in the bottom lane could the two jungles not be under pressure.

Sett was killed again, and Lin Cheng slowly cleared a wave of troops under the opponent's tower before returning to the city.

Little Peanut's real eyes on the opposite side of the red BUFF found Olaf. Lin Cheng canceled the reading and went back to the city, ran to the grass on the side road, put an ornament eye, and then returned to the city.

This ward position is actually very particular. The pawn line under the red square tower will form a push back. When Lin Cheng comes over later, if he chooses to control the line opposite Olaf, there is a high probability that he will help back squat or push the line, so this ward position will definitely be discovered in advance. Olaf's location.

Lin Cheng finished up the equipment and saved TP and ran back to the line again, just outside his own tower, stuck the line of soldiers that Seti wanted to send forward.

Sure enough, Sett called Olaf to help push the line, and Lin Cheng started to shake people as soon as Olaf was touched by the bushes on the side road.

The opponent felt that the crocodile didn't have a big move and dared not stand up to the push of the two, but the Leopard girl who was Little Peanut was fighting toad. Now the red Fang Ueno was forced to fight 2V2 before sending the pawn line into the tower.

Kill the helper first, and the crocodile W cooperates with Leopard Girl to easily kill Olaf in seconds.

The remaining crippled Seti was just a toy, and Lin Cheng's crocodile won the double kill.

At this time, Chovy seized the opportunity in the middle to complete a solo kill on Victor.

KT just played a huge economic lead in the laning phase.

Although Hanwha in the bottom lane has a slight advantage due to its strong combination, the match-up lead in the top half is too exaggerated.

The data in the early 9 minutes is like this.

Lin Cheng made up $92, while Dudu on the other side only had $31.

Chovy made up 94 knives in the middle, and Victor 78 knives.

The jungler Peanut spent 72 knives, while Olaf only had 56 knives.

The last knife alone is enough for KT to form a clear lead in the early stage, and the gap between Tapi and the head is even more exaggerated.

Chinese barrage.

"It's outrageous! Sixty knives in 9 minutes? Dudu find a class."

"Although Lin Cheng is very strong, how can he be suppressed so much with short hands?"

"No! Brother Chengzi didn't pay him TP, how did he get so many knives? He didn't eat many wild monsters either."

"Is this the oppressive force in the world?"

"Teacher Sun is ecstatic, this is the top order of don't eat."

"I have to say that KT's upper-mid make-up is really as stable as a dead dog."

The hole in Han Hua's road was too big, and Lin Cheng managed to demolish the First Blood Tower by himself without the help of Pioneer.

Then Lin Cheng subconsciously commanded his teammates according to his previous habits.

"Wang Hao is about to release the vanguard in the middle. I leaned over, and Xiang Hao also leaned in. Mr. Dai, you stay on your own and don't send it away. When their duo leaves, you immediately push the line out."

Thus, the scene most familiar to KT fans this year appeared.

Lin Cheng unplugged the upper tower to change the line, cooperated with his teammates to release the vanguard in the middle, and easily unplugged the first tower in the middle.

Seeing that the opposite bottom lane did not return to defense at the first time, KT's people directly led the vanguard to force the second tower, and rescued Mr. Dai who was under the tower with the gesture of encircling Wei and saving Zhao.

When the opponent's duo came to help defend, all four of KT's front players turned down, and at the same time, Mr. Dai quickly pushed the line.

KT's people are stuck in the route of the wild area, and it is difficult for the opponent to defend the next tower.

In this way, KT pulled out all the opponent's outer towers at 14 minutes.

Countless KT fans were excited.

This suffocating rhythm is the way KT is most familiar with the game.

came back!are back!

(End of this chapter)

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