This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 802 Xiaoxiao is a Hanwha, but she actually has two crouching dragon and phoenix chicks, Dudu

Chapter 802 A Little Hanwha Actually Has Dudu and Mogan at the Same Time

Relying on excellent laning ability and compact decision-making of switching lanes and pulling towers, KT led the team economy of 14 in [-] minutes.

Lin Cheng's matchup lead alone was nearly [-].

In the mid-term, the opponent quickly saw the power of the prehistoric giant crocodile.

Han Hua wanted to take advantage of the opportunity of Jess to return to the city to RUSH Xiaolong. Lin Cheng didn't wait for his teammates to enter the arena alone and ride the faces of five people.

Kasha's ult combined with Lin Cheng's flash to kill Victor first, but Mr. Dai's flying position was too aggressive and he died on the spot.

Then Lin Cheng started playing four.

Sett and the Japanese girl had enough control, and let the female gun barrage sweep at the crocodile.

But it didn't work.

The opposite side can't beat the crocodile crushed by equipment.

Lin Cheng took a bath in the bullet screen of the female gun and Victor's big move before he died, but he was only beaten to death.

Finally, all members of Hanwhaji lowered the blood volume of the crocodile, and the crocodile instantly gained another tube of blood with a red anger Q and bloodthirsty battle axe.

The opponent was desperate. After being double-killed by the crocodile, the rest of KT came to easily clean up the battlefield.

Han Hua's situation was completely broken. At this time, Lin Cheng didn't even need to think about turning around. As long as he rushed in, no one could stand him.

Although teammates were caught twice in the middle of this round due to being out of touch, KT finally did not suffer from a serious illness and firmly grasped the situation to win the game.

At the end of the 24-minute game, Dudu, who was facing Lin Cheng, only had a pair of iron boots and a bloodthirsty battle ax, which can be said to be very miserable.

Lin Cheng and Chovy were good at slashing in the lane, and Peanut was able to swipe. In this round, KT's upper, middle, and field combined to slash the opponent for 250 knives.

Korean Stream commentary booth.

Due to the obvious deviation of the comments in the first game, Kuro was criticized by Hanwha fans and T1 fans, but Kuro was already very restrained in the second game.

But seeing KT win the game, he still couldn't hold back the joy written all over his face.

"No pressure! Pure strength crushing, this is the performance that KT should play."

"When I saw Lin Cheng breaking a tower and starting to change lanes, I knew I was in our rhythm. This is the game style KT is most familiar with."

"When Lin Cheng was thirsty for blood, Seti on the other side didn't even have iron boots, so I knew it was safe."

Gorilla began to tease, "I don't know if the KT players are watching the live broadcast of the commentary in the lounge? Why did Kuro adjust his tactics immediately after Kuro said in the last game?"

Kuro laughed, "That's right! It's easy to win if you keep playing in the top lane, and you will never lose money investing in Lin Cheng. No matter what hero he gets, he can carry the game."

After a pause, he couldn't help adding: "Except for Yasuo."

Li Zhenxian was curious, "Although the legend of Cheng's Yasuo has been circulating in the market, after all, he has never used Yasuo before except for the All-Stars. Did you use Yasuo in the training match before? How did it work?"

"The's pretty good, but I suggest he don't use it for competitions."

For a while, there was laughter in the commentary.

The third game started soon, probably because Dudu was beaten too badly by Lin Cheng in the first two games, and the Hanwha coaching staff replaced Morgan in the third game.

Seeing that Lin Cheng's crocodile was as fierce as a god of war in the first game, Han Hua's coaching staff had an idea.

Our family also has a unique crocodile brother!

Therefore, Han Hua snatched the crocodile for Morgan after the blue team joined BAN Daomei, Qinggangying and Jess.

Kuro laughed out loud in the comment section on the spot, "This version of the crocodile is very fierce, but not everyone is Cheng! Why do you dare to play the crocodile first on the first floor of the blue square? There are many counters for Lin Cheng to beat the crocodile."

Sure enough, it was the old teammate who knew Lin Cheng well, and KT chose Quinn for Lin Cheng on the red side.

Then, Morgan began to be tortured by the ultimate.

Morgan itself is not very good in the lane, and when Hanwha's jungler chooses Olaf, the crocodile goes to jail directly on the top road.

Lin Cheng turned into a top laner who didn't want to eat. From the first level, he rushed the crocodile out of the experience zone. Morgan experienced the most torturous game since returning to the LCK.

Ordinary people, Quinn may not dare to overwhelm the crocodile in the early stage, and if he makes a slight mistake and is exchanged blood by the crocodile, it will be very hurt.

However, Lin Cheng's Quinn E skill didn't make a single mistake, continuously kicking to break the opponent's advance, and Morgan's crocodile could only take a good posture to be beaten.

Fortunately, the crocodile's natural stature is not bad, and Morgan was not single-killed when he was in a wretched situation.

But with long hands and short hands, the crocodile tower knife is not easy to make up. Lin Cheng still beat his opponent by nearly 5 knives in [-] minutes just like the first game.

Experience depends on the smell, make up the knife to see Ta Dad's face, Morgan has successfully survived to the sixth level.

Brother Crocodile knows that this node is an opportunity to resist. If he kills Quinn once, he can turn around.

Morgan huddled in the back and went back to the city to replenish his equipment and use his ultimate TP move. After circling the bushes and eye positions, he wanted to take a wave of Quinn who was pressing the line.

However, Lin Cheng walked A very calmly towards the river. The crocodile couldn't get close and choose to hand in the E skill, but was interrupted by Quinn's kick.

Morgan is also against the sky. At this time, because he is full of anger and doesn't want to run, he flashes a red anger W against the line of soldiers to make a shot.

Lin Cheng purifies the control in seconds, pulls A away smoothly and silkily, and keeps playing vulnerable.

When it was too late for Morgan, who felt that something was wrong, to run away, Lin Cheng completed the solo kill without even flashing.

Morgan, who endured the humiliation for a long time, sent a wave by himself. Lin Cheng began to look for opportunities to roam, from the very weird route in the jungle to the middle lane to help Chovy catch Dove to death, and then invaded the wild with Peanut.

When Lin Cheng's Siren Killer came out, the damage immediately changed qualitatively, and the crocodile's fault tolerance rate dropped all of a sudden.

Morgan was quickly single-killed twice in a row.

The scene from the previous round reappeared, Han Hua was pierced in the top lane, and then Lin Cheng radiated to the middle field who had an advantage.

KT completely tore the gap from the top half.

Lin Cheng's Quinn turned into a rhythm engine, wandering wildly and catching the audience.

But Morgan's crocodile was a little messed up. In the middle stage, Lin Cheng, who learned a game first, didn't wait for his teammates to rush in for a team fight and hit five. As a result, the crispy crocodile lay down in seconds.

After sending a wave, Morgan went to another extreme and became cowardly.

Xiaolong fought back and forth between the two sides in the team battle, but Morgan crocodile put an empty ult on the wall. After accumulating anger for a long time, all his big moves disappeared, but he dared not enter the arena. When his teammates were driven up and killed two in an instant, the crocodile turned around with anger just run.

At this point, Hanwha's fans had collapsed.

Is this the two top orders in our family?

Dudu and Morgan are outrageously compared to each other. Although they are facing the world's number one top laner, the comparison is too suffocating!

We are a little Hanwha, how can He De actually have Morgan and Dudu at the same time?

Of course, in fact, Hanwha's jungler is also outrageous, and he has been shopping.

However, Lin Cheng hit too hard, making the matchup gap in the top lane more intuitive.

If KT made some mistakes in the last round, KT made no mistakes in this round. Relying on the rhythm brought by Lin Cheng as the second jungler, they continued to snowball, and in the end it was easy for one to chase two. Successfully advanced to the semi-finals of the K Cup.

(End of this chapter)

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